label .label1 -text "This is a text label"
pack .label1
label .label2 -text "More text" -relief sunken
pack .label2
label .label3 -text "Coloured text" -background red -foreground blue
pack .label3
set text "Hello there"
label .label4 -text $text
pack .label4
#This example shows different forms for the label widget
label .lab1 -text "This is text"
label .lab2 -text "This is coloured text" -foreground red
-background blue
label .lab3 -text "Sunken text" -relief sunken
label .lab4 -text "Grooved text" -relief groove
label .lab5 -text "Flat text" -relief flat
label .lab6 -text "Ridged text" -relief ridge
label .lab7 -text "Raised text" -relief raised
label .lab8 -text "Times font"
-font *-times-medium-r-normal--*-100-*
pack .lab1 .lab2 .lab3 .lab4 .lab5 .lab6 .lab7 .lab8
-padx 2m -pady 1m -fill x
message .msg -text "When the lights turn
green you may proceed with caution - when the
lights are red you must stop - when
the lights turn to red you should stop, unless
it is dangerous to do so, and would endanger
following traffic - when the lights are amber, you
should prepare to stop, and when the
red and amber lights are on, you may prepare to
move off."
pack .msg
entry .entrybox1 -textvariable variable
pack .entrybox1
entry .entrybox2 -relief ridge -textvariable variable
pack .entrybox2
puts $variable
#Set up a listbox to show rainbow colours
listbox .listbox1
pack .listbox1
#The following is an example of a widget specific command -this is
#the insert operation for listboxes, which inserts a list of
#items starting at line 0
.listbox1 insert 0 red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
text .text1 -width 45 -height 5 -relief sunken
pack .text1
#The following is another example of a widget specific command -
#this is the insert operation for text widgets, which
#inserts a list of characters starting at line 1, character 0.
.text1 insert 1.0 " Twas brillig and the slithy toves
did gyre and gimble in the wabe
All mimsy were the borogoves
and the mome raths outgrabe"
#Make a scale, oriented vertically, going down from 50 to 0.
#Tick marks are places alongside the scale every 10 units.
scale .scale1 -width 10 -orient vertical -length 280
-from 50 -to 0 -command "set var1"
-tickinterval 10 -relief raised
label .lab1 -width 10 -textvariable var1 -relief sunken
pack .scale1 .lab1 -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x
#Now set the value of scale to 25 using a widget command
.scale1 set 25
button .b -text "Press Me" -command exit
pack .b
.b configure -background Red
frame .frame1 -width 100 -height 100
bind .frame1 {puts "frame1: Button 1 pressed"}
bind .frame1 {puts "frame1: Button 2 pressed"}
bind .frame1 {puts "frame1: Button 3 pressed"}
bind .frame1 {puts "frame1: Button 1 released"}
bind .frame1
{puts "frame1: Double click Button 1"}
bind .frame1 {puts "frame1: pointer at %x,%y"}
pack .frame1
#Set up a listbox to show rainbow colours
#and demonstrate selection
listbox .listbox2 -exportselection 1
pack .listbox2
#The following is an example of a widget specific command -this is
#the insert operation for listboxes, which inserts a list of
#items starting at line 0
.listbox2 insert 0 red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
#There are no pre-declared bindings for the listbox
#Now bind a button release event on button 1 to the widget
#This will NOT interfere with the selection process!
bind .listbox2 {showindices}
#Now define procedure to show selected indices
proc showindices {} {
puts [.listbox2 curselection]
button .button1 -text "Button1" -command "cmd1"
button .button2 -text "Button2" -command "cmd2"
button .button3 -text "Button3" -command "cmd3"
pack .button1 .button2 .button3
button .button1 -text "Button1" -command "cmd1"
button .button2 -text "Button2" -command "cmd2"
button .button3 -text "Button3" -command "cmd3"
pack .button1 .button2 .button3 -side left
label .lab1 -text "This is label 1"
label .lab2 -text "This is label 2"
label .lab3 -text "This is label 3"
pack .lab1 .lab2 .lab3
for {set i 1} {$i<=3} {incr i 1} {
label .lab$i -text "This is label $i"
pack .lab$i
for {set i 1} {$i <=31} {incr i 1} {
button .button$i -width 20 -text "$i" -command "daydetails $i"
pack .button$i
proc makecalendar {daysinmonth} {
for {set i 1} {$i <= $daysinmonth} {incr i 1} {
button .button$i -width 16 -text "$i" -command "daydetails $i"
pack .button$i
makecalendar 31
#Define 2 frames - 1 to contain the columns, and 1 to contain the
#Save and Quit button.
frame .fr1
frame .fr2
#Define two frames for the columns
frame .fr1.c1
frame .fr1.c2
#define labels
label .fr1.c1.lab1 -text "Surname"
label .fr1.c1.lab2 -text "First Names"
label .fr1.c1.lab3 -text "Address"
label .fr1.c1.lab4 -text "Telephone Number"
label .fr1.c1.lab5 -text "Sex"
label .fr1.c1.lab6 -text "Age"
#Now define the other widgets for the data
entry .fr1.c2.surname1 -width 30 -relief sunken -textvariable surname
entry .fr1.c2.firstname1 -width 30 -relief sunken
-textvariable firstnames
entry .fr1.c2.address1 -width 30 -relief sunken
-textvariable address
entry .fr1.c2.telephone -width 20 -relief sunken -textvariable telno
entry .fr1.c2.age1 -width 20 -relief sunken -textvariable age
entry .fr1.c2.sex1 -width 20 -relief sunken -textvariable sex
#We shall defer consideration of the use of radio buttons for
#the next section, so we will simply allocate an entry widget for
#Sex for the moment.
#Now define the buttons for saving and quitting
button .fr2.button1 -text "Save" -command {savecommand}
button .fr2.button2 -text "Quit" -command {exit}
#Note: the command for save could be done by system
#dependent commands, or by TCL commands.
#For portability it is best to package them into a TCL procedure
#Now pack all the widgets together - first within each frame
#Column 1 widgets
pack .fr1.c1.lab1 .fr1.c1.lab2 .fr1.c1.lab3 .fr1.c1.lab4
.fr1.c1.lab5 .fr1.c1.lab6 -pady 1m
#Column 2 widgets
pack .fr1.c2.surname1 .fr1.c2.firstname1 .fr1.c2.address1
.fr1.c2.telephone .fr1.c2.sex1 .fr1.c2.age1
-padx 3m -pady 1m -fill x
#Now pack frames side by side
pack .fr1.c1 .fr1.c2 -side left
#now develop the procedure for saving the data file
proc savecommand {} {
#external variables have to be declared as "global"
global surname firstnames address telno sex age
set file [open /tmp/outfile w]
puts $file $surname
puts $file $firstnames
puts $file $address
puts $file $telno
puts $file $sex
puts $file $age
close $file
#Note: In Unix this could have been written as
# proc savecommand {} {
# global surname firstnames address telno sex age
# exec echo $surname > /tmp/outfile
# exec echo $firstnames >> /tmp/outfile
# exec echo $address >> /tmp/outfile
# exec echo $telno >> /tmp/outfile
# exec echo $sex >> /tmp/outfile
# exec echo $age >> /tmp/outfile
# }
# And finally pack the Save and Quit buttons at the bottom
pack .fr2.button1 .fr2.button2 -padx 2m -pady 1m -fill x
pack .fr1
pack .fr2 -padx 2m -pady 1m -fill x
radiobutton .male -width 10 -text "Male" -variable sex -value "Male"
radiobutton .female -width 10 -text "Female" -variable sex -value "Female"
#set gender "Female" - initialisation - if needed
checkbutton .sex1 -width 15 -textvariable "gender" -variable sex
-onvalue Male -offvalue Female
-command {set gender $sex}
button .clear -text Clear -command {ClearData}
proc ClearData {} {
set firstname1 ""
set surname1 ""
set address1 ""
set telephone ""
set age1 ""
set sex Male
#or female if you prefer!
button .load -text Load -command {LoadData}
proc LoadData {} {
set infile [open inputfile r]
gets $infile $firstname1
gets $infile $surname1
gets $infile $address1
gets $infile $telephone
gets $infile $age1
gets $infile $sex
.listbox1 yview 3
.listbox1 yview 10
.listbox1 yview 20
.listbox1 yview 1
.listbox1 yview end
#Set up a listbox to show European cities
listbox .listbox2
#The following is an example of a widget specific command -this is
#the insert operation for listboxes, which inserts a list of
#items starting at line 0
.listbox2 insert 0 Aberdeen Alicante Athens Basel Berne
Bilbao Cannes Edinburgh Glasgow Geneva
Lisbon London Madrid
Munich Paris Rome
Rouen Venice Zurich
#The only way this can be scrolled at present is by
#using Button 2 to grab the text. Now we'll try to attach
#some buttons to control it.
#Set up a new frame with two buttons
frame .fr -relief raised
button .fr.button1 -text "UP" -command {.listbox2 yview 1}
button .fr.button2 -text "DOWN" -command {.listbox2 yview 10}
#The buttons are associated with listbox commands to move the
#data which is in view.
#Now pack everything together
pack .listbox2 .fr -side left -padx 1m -fill x
pack .fr.button1 .fr.button2 -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x -fill y
#First make a menu button
menubutton .menu1 -text "Unix commands" -menu .menu1.m
-underline 0
#Now make the menu, and add the lines one at a time
menu .menu1.m
.menu1.m add command -label "List Files" -command {ls}
.menu1.m add command -label "Get date" -command {date}
.menu1.m add command -label "Start calendar" -command {xcalendar}
pack .menu1