CS 542: Distributed Database Systems

Spring 2002
Tuesday, Thursday 10:30 - 11:45
Room: UNIV 003

Instructor Prof. Bharat Bhargava
Email bb@cs.purdue.edu
Office CS 150
Phone 494-6013
Office hours Tuesday :: 1:30 - 2:30

Teaching Assistant Mridul Sharma
Email msharma@cs.purdue.edu
Office Math 407
Phone 494-5007
Office hours Wednesday :: 3:00 - 4:00 and Thursday :: 1:00 - 2:00

Exam Date
Mid-term February 26th, 2002: 7 pm: CS G066
Final April 30th, 2002: 8 - 10 am: UNIV 317

Course Description: This course will deal with the fundamental issues in distributed database systems which are motivated by the computer networking and distribution of processors, and databases. The theory, design, specification, implementation, and performance of distributed database systems will be discussed. A special feature of the course will be Communications software for transaction processing. Some relationship of the course material to Mobile Computing, Multi-media, and Video conferencing, and security will be discussed.

Pre-requisites: Background in Databases, Networking and systems, CS 448

Teaching Material:

Supplemental (Courtesy - Prof. Sunil Prabhakar):

Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems, by P.A. Bernstein, V. Hadzilacos and N.
Goodman, Addison Wesley. This book is currently out of print, but has been made freely available. It can be
accessed here(in pdf). You can download the pdf reader from Adobe here.

This book is very good for understanding concurrency control and recovery in database systems.

Mailing List

To join the class mailing list, you can enter the command 'mailer add me to cs542bb' at your CS account
prompt, or you can mail Mridul Sharma (msharma@cs) requesting that you be added to the list. Once joined, you can contact the entire class by mailing cs542bb@cs. Please limit these messages to those that need an immediate response.


The class also has a newsgroup available, which can be viewed by your favorite news reader. Feel free to post to purdue.class.cs542 for your discussions, questions, or comments. The staff will check the newsgroup regularly
to respond to posts.



Projects: The programming projects can involve using a mini version of the RAID system and implementing some algorithm or communication facility for transaction processing. The TA will grade the project in consultation with the Professor.

Component Weight-age Remarks
Non Programming Assignments
5 - Once every two weeks
Programming Assignments
Project: Chosen by student
Mid Term 20% -
Final 20% -
Class Participation and/ or Presentation 5% -

Note: Cheating in exam or assignments will lead to an F grade. You should attend all classes.

Click here for Course Outline.