Antony Hosking received the Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Adelaide, Australia, in May 1985, and the Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, in April 1987. He continued his graduate studies at the University of Massachusetts, receiving the Ph.D. in Computer Science in February 1995.
In January 1995 Dr. Hosking was appointed to the faculty of Purdue University, where he now holds the rank of Associate Professor in Computer Science. His work is in the area of programming language design and implementation, with specific interests in database and persistent programming languages, object-oriented database systems, dynamic memory management, compiler optimizations, and architectural support for programming languages and applications.
Dr. Hosking is a Senior Member of the ACM and Member of the IEEE. Dr. Hosking regularly serves on program and steering committees of major conferences focusing on aspects of programming language design and implementation. Dr. Hosking is a Member-at-Large on the ACM SIGPLAN Executive Committee.
Dr. Hosking received the Teaching for Tomorrow Award in 1998 as one of eight junior faculty at Purdue showing outstanding promise in teaching. In 2003 Dr. Hosking was elected one of the Top 10 Teachers in the College of Science by a poll of undergraduate students in the college.