Voicu Popescu Associate Professor of Computer
Science 305 North University Street West Lafayette, IN 47907-2107 Office: LWSN 3179 Tel: (765) 494-6010 Fax : (765) 494-0739 |
Teaching |
Projects |
We propose an image generalization
that removes the uniform sampling rate and single viewpoint constraints of
conventional images to increase their information bandwidth. The image
generalization is implemented through camera model design, a novel computer
graphics paradigm that replaces the conventional linear rays with curved
rays, which are routed to sample a 3D dataset comprehensively, continuously,
and non-redundantly. The image generalization has benefits in a variety of
contexts, including in parallel, focus+context, and remote visualization; in
virtual, augmented, and diminished reality; and in the acceleration of
higher-order rendering effects. |
Current surgical
telementoring systems require a trainee surgeon to shift focus frequently
between the operating field and a nearby monitor that shows a video fo the
operating field annotated by a remote mentor. These focus shifts can lead to
surgical care delays and errors. We propose a novel approach to surgical
telementoring that avoids focus shifts using an augmented reality (AR)
interface that integrates the annotations directly into the trainee’s
view of the surgical field. |
Almost a century
ago, Edward Sapir noted that we “respond to gestures with an extreme
alertness” according to “an elaborate and secret code that is
written nowhere, known to none, and understood by all”. Together with
psychology researchers we work to break the code of effective instructor
gestures in education. We are developing a system of computer animation
instructor avatars to research instructor gesture effectiveness in the context
of mathematics learning. We examine both gestures that help convey the
mathematical concepts as well as gestures that might convey an appealing and
engaging instructor personality. |
Publications 2023 1. Efficient
and Robust From-Point Visibility. Voicu Popescu, Elisha Sacks, Jian Cui, and Ashok
Rohan. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics. Accepted June 2023. VIDEO1
VIDEO2 2. Towards
Immersive Visualization for Large Lectures: Opportunities, Challenges, and
Possible Solutions. Voicu Popescu, Alejandra Magana-de-Leon, and
Bedrich Benes. The 44th
Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics,
Education Track, EG2023, pp.1-8. 3. Dynamic
Redirection for VR Haptics with a Handheld Stick. Yuqi Zhou and Voicu Popescu. IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Graphics. Volume 29, Issue 5, May 2023, pp.
2753-2762. Also
presented at IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2023. VIDEO 4. AR
Interfaces for Disocclusion — A Comparative Study. Shuqi Liao,
Yuqi Zhou, and Voicu
Popescu. IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2023, pp. 530-540. VIDEO 5. Improved
Directional Guidance with Transparent AR Displays. Felix Strobel, and
Voicu Popescu. 18th
International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications,
GRAPP/VISIGRAPP 2023, pp. 27-38. Best paper award, honorable mention. VIDEO 2022 6. Complex
Virtual Environments on Thin VR Systems Through Continuous Near-Far
Partitioning. Voicu
Popescu, Seung Heon Lee, Andrew Shinyoung Choi, and Sonia Fahmy. IEEE
International Simposium on Mixed and Augmented
Reality, ISMAR 2022, pp. 1-10. VIDEO 7. Quantifiable Fine-Grain Occlusion Removal Assistance
for Efficient VR Exploration. Jian Wu, Lili Wang, Hui Zhang, and Voicu
Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 28,
Issue 9, September 2022, pp. 3154-3167. VIDEO 8. Fast Intra-Frame Video Splicing for Occlusion Removal
in Diminished Reality. Chengyuan Lin and Voicu Popescu. 2022 EuroXR International Conference on Virtual Reality and
Augmented Reality, September 2022, pp. 1-20. VIDEO 9. Tapping
with a Handheld Stick in VR: Redirection Detection Thresholds for Passive
Haptic Feedback. Yuqi
Zhou, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR
2022, pp. 1-10. VIDEO 2021 10. A
Partially-Sorted Concentric Layout for Efficient Label Localization in
Augmented Reality. Zijing Zhou, Lili Wang, and Voicu
Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics. Volume 27, Issue
11, Nov 2021, pp. 4087-4096. Also presented at IEEE International Symposium
on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2021. VIDEO 11. AlterEcho:
Loose Avatar-Streamer Coupling for Expressive VTubing. Man
To Tang, Victor Long Zhu, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE International Symposium on
Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2021, pp. 1-9. VIDEO 12. Disocclusion Headlight for Selection Assistance in VR.
Lili Wang, Jianjun Chen, Qixiang Ma, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Virtual Reality
and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2021, pp. 1-10. VIDEO 13. Robust 360◦ Video Streaming via Non-Linear
Sampling. Mijanur R Palash, Voicu
Popescu, Amit Sheoran and Sonia Fahmy. In IEEE International Conference on
Computer Communications, 2021, pp. 1-10. 2020 14. AR Interfaces for Mid-Air 6-DoF Alignment:
Ergonomics-Aware Design and Evaluation. Daniel
Andersen and Voicu Popescu. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and
Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2020, pp 1-12. VIDEO 15. View Splicing for Effective VR Collaboration. Lili Wang, Wentao Wu, Zijing Zhou,
Voicu Popescu. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality,
ISMAR 2020, pp 1-11. VIDEO 16. How About the Mentor? Effective Workspace Visualization
in AR Telementoring. Chengyuan Lin, Edgar Rojas-Muñoz, Maria Eugenia Cabrera,
Natalia Sanchez-Tamayo, Daniel Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Juan Antonio Barragan
Noguera, Ben Zarzaur, Pat Murphy, Kathryn Anderson, Thomas Douglas, Clare
Griffis, Juan Wachs. IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, IEEE VR
2020, pp. 212-220. VIDEO 17. Feature Guided Path Redirection for VR Navigation. Antong Cao,
Lili Wang, Yi Liu, Voicu Popescu. 2020 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User
Interfaces, IEEE VR 2020, pp. 137-145. 18. A Randomized Controlled Crossover Study in
Cricothyroidotomies: Evaluating an Augmented Reality Platform for Austere
Surgical Telementoring. Rojas-Muñoz E, Lin C,
Sanchez-Tamayo N, Cabrera ME, Andersen D, Popescu V, JA Barragan, Zarzaur B,
Murphy P, Anderson K, Douglas T, Griffis C, McKee J, Kirkpatrick A, Wachs J.
Nature Digital Medicine, 2020, pp. 1-9. 19. A System for Telementoring with Augmented Reality
(STAR): A head-mounted display to improve surgical coaching and confidence in
remote areas. Edgar Rojas-Muñoz, Maria Eugenia
Cabrera, Chengyuan Lin, Daniel Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Kathryn Anderson, Ben
Zarzaur, Brian Mullis, Juan P. Wachs. Surgery, Volume 167, Issue 4, April
2020, pp. 724-731. 20. Telementoring in Leg Fasciotomies via Mixed-Reality:
Clinical Evaluation of the STAR Platform. Edgar Rojas-Muñoz, Maria
Eugenia Cabrera, Chengyuan Lin, Natalia Sánchez-Tamayo, Dan Andersen,
Voicu Popescu, Kathryn Anderson, Ben Zarzaur, Brian Mullis, Juan P. Wachs.
Military Medicine, 185, S1:513, 2020, pp. 513-520. 21. Automatic Deictic
Gestures for Animated Pedagogical Agents. Kartheek Kappagantula, Nicoletta Adamo.
Meng-Lin Wu, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies,
Volume 13, Issue 1, January-March 2020, pp. 1-13. 2019 22. AR HMD Guidance for Controlled Hand-Held 3D Acquisition. Daniel Andersen, Peter Villano, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics. Volume 25, Issue 11, 2019, pp. 3073-3082. Also presented at 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2019. VIDEO 23. VR Exploration Assistance through Automatic Occlusion Removal. Lili Wang, Jian Wu, Xuefeng Yang, Voicu Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 25, Issue 5, May 2019, pp. 2083 – 2092. Also presented at IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, IEEE VR 2019. VIDEO 24. Fast Ray-Scene Intersection for Interactive Rendering with Thousands of Dynamic Lights. Lili Wang, Chunlei Meng, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 25, Issue 6, June 2019, pp. 2242 – 2254. Also presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2019. VIDEO 25. RGBD Temporal Resampling for Real-Time Occlusion Removal. Meng-Lin Wu, and Voicu Popescu. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: 21-23 May 2019. pp. 1-9. VIDEO 26. Occlusion Management in VR: A Comparative Study. Lili Wang, Han Zhao, Zesheng Wang, Jian Wu, Bingqiang Li, Zhiming He, Voicu Popescu. IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, IEEE VR 2019, pp. 708-716. VIDEO 27. Sub-pixel accurate scene reconstruction from high resolution corneal reflections. Chengyuan Lin, and Voicu Popescu. 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. VISAPP 2019. pp. 1-11. VIDEO 2018 28. Surgical
Telementoring without Encumbrance: A Comparative Study of See-through
Augmented Reality based Approaches. Edgar Rojas-Munoz, Maria Eugenia
Cabrera, Daniel Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Sherry Marley, Brian Mullis, Ben
Zarzaur, Juan Wachs. Accepted for
publication in Annals of Surgery. March 2018. 29. Efficient
VR and AR Navigation through Multiperspective Occlusion Management. Meng-Lin
Wu, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics. Vol.
24, Issue 12, 2018, pp. 3069-3080. Also
presented at IEEE VR 2018. VIDEO 30. Intermediate
Shadow Maps for Interactive Many-Lights Rendering. Lili Wang, Wenhao
Zhang, Nian Li, Boning Zhang, and Voicu Popescu. The Visual Computer. October 2018. Volume 34. Issue 10. pp.
1415-1426. VIDEO 31. Anchored
Multiperspective Visualization for Efficient VR Navigation. Meng-Lin Wu and Voicu Popescu. 15th Annual EuroVR Conference. October
2018. pp. 1-20. VIDEO 32. HMD-Guided
Image-Based Modeling and Rendering of Indoor Scenes. Daniel Andersen and Voicu Popescu. 15th Annual EuroVR Conference. October
2018. pp 1-20. VIDEO 33. A
First-Person Mentee Second-Person Mentor AR Interface for Surgical
Telementoring. Chengyuan
Lin, Daniel Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Edgar Rojas-Munoz, Maria Eugenia
Cabrera, Brian Mullis, Ben Zarzaur, Kathryn Anderson, Sherri Marley, and Juan
Wachs. IEEE and ACM International Symposium
on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2018). Poster presentation. October
2018. pp. 1-6. VIDEO 34. Effective
Free Field of View Scene Exploration in VR and AR. Lili Wang, Antong Cao,
Zhichao Li, Xuefeng Yang, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE and ACM International
Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2018). Poster presentation.
October 2018. pp. 1-6. 35. Augmented
Visual Instruction for Surgical Practice and Training. Andersen D, Lin C, Popescu V, Rojas
Muñoz E, Cabrera ME, Mullis B, Zarzaur B, Marley S, Wachs J. IEEE
Virtual Reality Virtual and Augmented Reality for Good Workshop, March 2018. 2017 36. Hand Gesture and Mathematics
Learning: Lessons from an Avatar. Susan Wagner Cook, Howard S. Friedman,
Katherine A. Duggan, Jian Cui, and Voicu Popescu. Cognitive Science, Volume
41, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 518-535. 37. MotionReader: Acceleration Visual Cues for Alleviating
Passenger E-Reader Motion Sickness. Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications,
AutomotiveUI 2017. 38. An
Animation Stimuli System for Research on Instructor Gestures in Education.
Jian Cui, Voicu Popescu, Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Susan Cook, Katherine
Duggan, and Howard Friedman. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Volume
37, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 72-83. VIDEO 39. An
Augmented Reality Based Approach for Surgical Telementoring in Austere
Environments. Daniel
Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Maria Eugenia Cabrera, Aditya Shanghavi, Brian
Mullis, Sherri Marley, Gerardo Gomez, Juan P. Wachs. Military Medicine, March
2017, Vol. 182, No. S1, pp. 310-315. 40. Non-Redundant
Rendering for Efficient Multi-View Scene Discretization. Naiwen Xie,
Voicu Popescu, and Lili Wang. The Visual Computer. Volume 33, Issue 12, 2017,
pp. 1555-1569. VIDEO 2016 41. Multiperspective
Focus+Context Visualization. Meng-Lin Wu
and Voicu Popescu. IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 22, Issue 5, May
2016, pp.1555-1567. VIDEO 42. Medical
Telementoring Using an Augmented Reality Transparent Display. Daniel
Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Maria Eugenia Cabrera, Aditya Shanghavi, Gerardo
Gomez, Sherri Marley, Brian Mullis, Juan P. Wachs. Surgery, Volume 159, June
2016, Issue 6, pp. 1646-1653. 43. Virtual
Annotations of the Surgical Field through an Augmented Reality Transparent
Display. Daniel Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Maria Eugenia Cabrera,
Aditya Shanghavi, Gerardo Gomez, Sherri Marley, Brian Mullis, Juan Wachs. The
Visual Computer, Volume 32, Number 11, 2016, pp. 1481-1498. 44. A
Hand-Held, Self-Contained Simulated Transparent Display.
Daniel Andersen, Voicu
Popescu, Chengyuan Lin, Maria Eugenia Cabrera, Aditya Shanghavi, Juan P.
Wachs. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality. Poster
presentation. September 2016. VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 45. 4D-rasterization
for Fast Soft Shadow Rendering. Lili Wang, Qi Zhao, Chunlei Meng, Voicu
Popescu. The Eurographics
Symposium on Rendering, 2016, pp. 13-21. VIDEO 46. Avoiding
Focus Shifts in Surgical Telementoring Using an Augmented Reality Transparent
Display. Daniel
Andersen, Voicu Popescu, Maria Eugenia Cabrera, Aditya Shanghavi, Gerardo
Gomez, Sherri Marley, Brian Mullis, Juan Wachs. In Proceedings of Medicine
Meets Virtual Reality 22. Published in Studies in Health Technology and
Informatics, Volume 220, 2016, pp. 9-14. 2015 and
older 47. Animated
Depth Images for Interactive Remote Visualization of Time-Varying Datasets.
Jian Cui, Zhiqiang Ma, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
Volume 20, Issue 11, November 2014, pp. 1474-1489. 48. GEARS:
A General and Efficient Algorithm for Rendering Shadows. Lili Wang,
Shiheng Zhou, Wei ke, and Voicu Popescu.
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 33, Issue 6, September 2014, pp. 264-275.
Also presented at Eurographics Symposium
on Rendering 2015. VIDEO 49. Scripted
Animation towards Scalable Content Creation for eLearning—a Quality
Analysis. Nicoletta
Adamo-Villani, Jian Cui, and Voicu Popescu. In Proceedings of eLeot 2014, the
1st International Conference on e-Learning e-Education and Online Training.
September 18-20, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2014, 9 pages. VIDEO_scripted VIDEO_manual 50. Animation
Killed the Video Star.
Voicu Popescu, Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Meng-Lin Wu, Suren D. Rajasekaran,
Martha W. Alibali, Mitchell Nathan, and Susan Wagner-Cook. Gesture-based Interaction
Design: Communication and Cognition. ACM CHI 2014 workshop, April 2014. 51. A
Flexible Pinhole Camera Model for Coherent Non-Uniform Sampling. Voicu
Popescu, Bedrich Benes, Paul Rosen, Jian Cui, and Lili Wang. IEEE Computer Graphics and
Applications, Volume 34, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 30-41. VIDEO 52. Second-Order
Feed-Forward Rendering for Specular and Glossy Reflections. Lili
Wang, Naiwen Xie, Wei Ke, and Voicu Popescu. IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 20, Issue 9, 2014, pp. 1316-1329. VIDEO 53. Just-in-Time Texture Synthesis. Lili
Wang, Yulong Shi, Yi Chen, and Voicu Popescu. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume
32, Issue 1, February 2013, pp. 126-138. Also
presented at Pacific Graphics 2014. 54. A
non-expert user interface for posing signing avatars: design and initial
evaluation. Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Voicu Popescu, Jason Lestina.
Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, May 2013,
8(3):238-48. 55. Simplification
of Node Position Data for Interactive Visualization of Dynamic Datasets. Paul
Rosen, Voicu Popescu. IEEE
Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18, no. 9, 2012,
pp. 1537-1548. Also presented at IEEE
Visualization 2012. VIDEO 56. A
Novel User Interface for Posing Signing Avatars. Adamo-Villani and Voicu Popescu. In
proceedings of CSUN 2012 - The 27th Annual International Technology &
Persons with Disabilities Conference, February-March 2012, San Diego, CA . 57. Non-Pinhole
Approximations for Interactive Rendering. Paul Rosen, Voicu Popescu,
Kyle Hayward, and Chris Wyman. IEEE
Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 31, Issue 6, November-December
2011, pp. 68-83. VIDEO 58. An
Evaluation of 3-D Scene Exploration Using a Multiperspective Image Framework.
Paul Rosen and Voicu Popescu. The Visual Computer Volume 27, Numbers 6-8,
pp. 623-632. Also presented at Computer
Graphics International 2011. VIDEO 59. Experiences in
Disseminating Educational Visualizations. Nathan Andrysco, Paul Rosen, Voicu
Popescu, and B. Bedrich. Proceedings of International Symposium on Visual
Computing, ISVC 2011. 60. A
Curved Ray Camera for Handling Occlusions through Continuous Multiperspective
Visualization. Jian Cui, Paul Rosen, Voicu Popescu, and Christoph
Hoffmann. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16,
no. 6, November/December 2010, pp. 1235-1242. Also presented at IEEE Visualization 2010. VIDEO 61. The
General Pinhole Camera. Voicu Popescu, Paul Rosen, Laura Arns, Chris
Wyman, Xavier Tricoche, Tion Thomas, Christoph Hoffmann. IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 16, no. 5, September/October 2010,
pp. 777-790. VIDEO1
VIDEO3 62. The
Graph Camera. Voicu Popescu, Paul Rosen, and Nicoletta Adamo-Villani.
ACM Transactions on Computer Graphics, article number 158, 2009. Also presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2009. VIDEO 63. Compact
Real-Time Modeling of Seated Humans by Video Sprite Sequence Quantization.
Chun Jia and Voicu Popescu. The Visual Computer, Volume 25, Numbers 5-7,
April 2009. Also presented at Computer
Graphics International 2009. 64. A
High-Quality High-Fidelity Visualization of the September 11 Attack on the
World Trade Center. Paul Rosen, Voicu Popescu, Christoph Hoffmann,
and Ayhan Irfanoglu. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, Vol. 14, Issue 4, August 2008. VIDEO 65. 1001
Acquisition Viewpoints—Efficient and Versatile View-Dependent Modeling
of Real-World Scenes. Mihai Mudure and Voicu Popescu. The Visual
Computer, Volume 24, Numbers 7-9, July 2008. Also presented at Computer Graphics International 2008. VIDEO 66. Interactive
Photorealistic Inside-Looking-Out Automated 3-D Modeling. Voicu Popescu and Mihai Mudure. In
Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education
Conference (I/ITSEC), 2008. 67. General-Purpose
Visualization of Large-Scale Finite Element Analysis Simulations. Voicu Popescu and Christoph Hoffmann. In
Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education
Conference (I/ITSEC), 2008. 68. The
Epipolar Occlusion Camera. Paul Rosen and Voicu Popescu. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on
Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2008. VIDEO 69. Virtual
Classroom Extension for Distance Education. Radu Dondera, Chun Jia,
Voicu Popescu, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Melissa Dark, Cynthia York. IEEE
Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 28, Issue 1, January-February
2008. VIDEO 70. CAD
Visualization by Outsourcing. Voicu Popescu and Christoph Hoffmann.
Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, vol. 4, nos 1-4, 2007. 71. Occlusion-Resistant
Camera Design for Acquiring Active Environments. Daniel Aliaga, Yi
Xu, and Voicu Popescu, vol. 277, no. 5, September-October 2007. 72. The
Soft Shadow Occlusion Camera. Qi Mo, Voicu Popescu, and Chris Wyman. In Proceedings of Pacific
Graphics 2007. VIDEOS_ZIP 73. Evaluating
interactivity and presence in an online distance learning system. Melissa Dark, Cynthia York, Voicu
Popescu, Cristina Nita-Rotaru. In ASEE/IEEE Proceedings of Frontiers in
Education, Milwaukee, WI, 2007. 74. A
Hybrid Forward-Backward Method for Rendering Reflections. Chunhui Mei, Voicu Popescu, and Elisha
Sacks. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics,
Theory, and Applications, March 2007. 75. A
Multi-Expertise Application-Driven Class. Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Melissa Dark, and
Voicu Popescu. In Proceedings of Technical Symposium on Computer Science
Education, SIGCSE 2007. 76. Perception
of Surfaces from Line Drawings. Christoph Hoffmann, Zygmunt Pizlo,
Voicu Popescu, and Steve Price. Elsevier Journal Displays, Volume 28, Issue
1, February 2007. 77. Reflected-Scene Impostors for Realistic Reflections
at Interactive Rates. Voicu Popescu, Chunhui Mei, Jordan Dauble, and Elisha Sacks.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 25., issue 3, 2006. Also presented at Eurographics 2006. VIDEO 78. An
Efficient Error-Bounded General Camera Model. Voicu Popescu, Jordan Dauble, Chunhui
Mei, and Elisha Sacks. In Proceedings of Third International Symposium on 3D
Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, 2006. VIDEO 79. The
Depth Discontinuity Occlusion Camera. Voicu Popescu and Dan Aliaga. Proc. of ACM Symposium on Interactive
3D Graphics and Games, 2006. VIDEO 80. Lag
Camera: A Moving Multi-Camera Array for Scene Acquisition. Yi Xu, Daniel Aliaga, and Voicu Popescu.
JVRB-Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 3(10), 2006. 81. Image
Warping for Compressing and Spatially Organizing a Dense Collection of Images. Aliaga, D. G., Rosen, P., Popescu, V.,
and Carlbom, I. Signal Processing: Image
Communication, 21(9), 755-769, 2006. 82. Efficient Large-Scale Acquisition of Building
Gleb Bahmutov, Voicu Popescu, and Mihai Mudure. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.
25., issue 3, 2006. Also presented at
Eurographics 2006. VIDEO 83. Three-Dimensional Display Rendering Acceleration
Using Occlusion Camera Reference Images. Voicu Popescu, Paul Rosen, and Daniel
Aliaga. IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, 2006. 84. Forward Rasterization. Voicu Popescu and Paul Rosen. ACM Transactions
on Computer Graphics, 25(2), April 2006. 85. The ModelCamera. Voicu Popescu, Gleb Bahmutov, Elisha
Sacks, and Mihai Mudure. Elsevier Journal of Graphical Models, Volume
68, Issues 5-6, September-November 2006, pp 385-401. 86. Sample-Based
Cameras for Feed Forward Reflection Rendering. Voicu Popescu, Elisha Sacks, and Chunhui
Mei. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Nov-Dec,
2006, pp 1590-1600. 87. Study of the Perception of 3D Spatial
Relations for a Volumetric Display. Christoph Hoffmann, Zygmunt
Pizlo, Voicu Popescu, and Paul Rosen. SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging,
Vol. 15, No. 3, July-September 2006, pp 033002-1-033002-8. 88. The
Occlusion Camera.
Chunhui Mei, Voicu Popescu, and Elisha Sacks. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.
24, issue 3, 2005. Also presented at
Eurographics 2005. VIDEO 89. Fidelity
in Visualizing Large-Scale Simulations. Voicu Popescu and Christoph Hoffmann. Journal of Computer Aided Design,
Elsevier, 37 (2005), pp 99-107. 90. Depth
Enhanced Panoramas.
Gleb Bahmutov, Voicu Popescu, Mihai Mudure, and Elisha Sacks. In Proc. of
Video Vision and Graphics (VVG) 2005. 91. Interactive
Modeling from Dense Color and Sparse Depth. Voicu Popescu, Elisha Sacks, and Gleb
Bahmutov. Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission
(3DPVT) 2004. 92. Perception
of 3D spatial relations in 3D images. Paul Rosen, Christoph Hoffmann, Voicu Popescu, Zygmunt Pizlo.
IS&T/SPIE 16th International Symposium Electronic Imaging: Science and
Technology 2004. 93. Interactive
Point-Based Modeling from Dense Color and Sparse Depth. Voicu Popescu, Elisha Sacks, and Gleb Bahmutov.
In Proc. of International Symposium on Point-Based Graphics (PBG) 2004. 94. Challenges
and Advances in Interactive 3D Modeling. Voicu Popescu, Elisha Sacks, and Aliasgar Ganiji. IS&T/SPIE 16th
International Symposium Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology 2004. 95. The
Pentagon on September 11th. Christoph Hoffmann, Voicu Popescu, Sami Kilic and Mete Sozen. IEEE
Computing in Science and Engineering, January/February 2004, pp 52-60. 96. Producing
High-Quality Visualizations of Large-Scale Simulations. Voicu Popescu et al. In Proc. of IEEE
Vis 2003. 97. The
ModelCamera: A Hand-Held Device for Interactive
Modeling. Voicu Popescu,
Elisha Sacks, and Gleb Bahmutov. In Proc. of International Conference on 3D
Imaging and Modeling (3DIM) 2003. 98. The
Vacuum Buffer. Voicu
Popescu, Anselmo Lastra. Proceedings of 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D
Graphics, Chapel Hill, 2001. 99. Capturing,
Processing and Rendering Real-World Scenes. L. Nyland, A. Lastra, D. McAllister, V.
Popescu, C. McCue. Proc. of Videometrics and Optical Methods for 3D Shape
Measurement, Electronic Imaging 2001, Photonics West, San Jose, 2001. 100.
parallelism for Image-Based Rendering. Voicu Popescu, Anselmo Lastra, John Eyles. Proc. of the 3 rd
Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Vis. (Girona, Spain), pp.
93-101, Sept. 28-29, 2000. 101.
The WarpEngine: An Architecture for the Post-Polygonal Age. V. Popescu, J. Eyles, A. Lastra, J.
Steinhurst, N. England, and L. Nyland. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000 pages
433-442, July 23-29, 2000. 102.
exploration of acquired 3D data. L. Nyland, D. McAllister, V. Popescu, C. McCue, and A. Lastra.
Proceedings of the SPIE Applied Image and Pattern Recognition Conference,
October 13-15, 1999. 103.
Impact of Dense Range Data on Computer Graphics. L. Nyland, D. McAllister, V. Popescu, C. McCue,
A. Lastra et al. Proceedings
of Multi-View Modeling and Analysis Workshop, June 23-26, 1999. 104.
Rendering of Real-World Environments. D. McAllister, L. Nyland, V. Popescu, A. Lastra, C. McCue.
Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, June 21-23, 1999. 105.
Warping for Architectural Walkthroughs using Layered Depth Images. V. Popescu, A. Lastra, D. Aliaga, M.
Oliveira. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '98, pages 211 - 215,
Oct18-23, 1998. 106.
for Accelerating Architectural Walkthroughs. Matthew Rafferty, Daniel Aliaga, Voicu
Popescu, Anselmo Lastra. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov-Dec
1998 Issue, pages 38-45, 1998. |