381: Course work, standards, and policies
7-8 homework sets
No late homework sets will be
accepted and homework is due before class on day due
| 25% |
Clicker participation and quizzes (in class; lowest scores will be dropped; 5% each) Quiz dates: 2/12, 4/9, tbd | 10% |
Midterm Exam Wednesday, March 11, 8:00-9:30 pm
| 30% |
Final Exam (comprehensive) Thursday, May 7, 8-10 am | 35% |
Course prerequisites
CS 182 (Foundations of Computer Science) or equivalent discrete math course
CS 251 (Data Structures and Algorithms) or equivalent programming focused data structure course
Course standards and policies
- Policies are
described at http://spaf.cerias.purdue.edu/cpolicy.html and Departmental Academic
Integrity Policy. The departmental policies will be followed unless written documentation of exceptions is provided.
- All
work graded must be done individually and must be your own effort.
You are allowed to interact with others to discuss and obtain
help with basic concepts covered in lectures or the textbook and homework specification (but not solutions or hints to solutions).
However, unless otherwise noted, work turned in needs to reflect your
own efforts and knowledge. Sharing or copying solutions is
unacceptable. You are also expected to take reasonable precautions to
prevent others from using your work.
- Penalties
- A first instance of academic dishonesty will result in a
zero for that assignment plus a letter grade deduction at the end of
the semester.
- A second instance of academic dishonesty will result in
a course grade of F.
- In accordance with the Purdue University Department of Computer
Science Academic Integrity Policy, any instance of academic dishonesty
on an exam, project, or assignment will be reported to the Dean of
Students Office.
- For
a re-grade on a homework contact the TA responsible for the question within
10 days from the date when the assignment was officially returned. No
re-grading after this period. A re-grade means that the entire assignment
undergoes a re-grade.
- All exams and quizzes are
closed book and closed notes.
Emergency PlanningIn
the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines
and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated
by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances beyond the
instructor’s control. For information on changes see this website
or the course Piazza site.