Average Case Analysis of Algorithms on Sequences,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.
Analytic Pattern Matching: From DNA to Twitter,
(P. Jacquet and W. Szpankowski),
Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Analytic Information Theory: From Compression to Learning,
(M. Drmota and W. Szpankowski),
Cambridge University Press, 2023
(see flyer and Cambridge )
Book Chapters:
Performance evaluation of multiaccess systems with random access
and feedback, Chapter V in book
``Introduction to computer communications'', pp. 159--183, WKL,
Warsaw 1984 (in Polish).
Towards computable stability criteria for some multidimensional
stochastic processes, in Stochastic Analysis of Computer and
Communication Systems (ed. H. Takagi), pp. 131--172,
Elsevier Science Publications B. V. (North-Holland), 1990.
Average Case Analysis of Algorithms, Chapter 14 in
Handbook of Algorithms and Theory of Computation
(ed. M. Atallah), 14.1-14.38, CRC Press, Boca Raton 1998.
Analytic Approach to Pattern Matching ,
(with P. Jacquet), Chapter 7 in
Applied Combinatorics on Words,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.
(Bibliography and Index)
Refereed Journals and Selected Refereed Conferences:
Simulation and analysis of satellite packet switching computer networks
(with K. Ono and Y. Urano), Proceedings of International Conference
on Computer Communication, pp. 609--615, Tokyo, 1978.
An approximate analysis of a packet switching system with multiple
satellite channels (with K. Pawlikowski), Systems Science,
5, pp. 299--313, 1979.
An approximate analysis of the multiaccess system ALOHA with
periodic reservation, Rozprawy Electrotechniczne,
vol. XXVII, pp. 279--293, 1981 (in Polish).
Some problems in the design of electronic switching exchange (with M.
Zientalski), Telecommunication Review, 2,
pp. 48--52, 1981 (in Polish).
Performance of multiaccess systems with random access-control disciplines,
Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer Networks and
Teleprocessing Systems COMNET '81, Budapest, 1981, pp. 5.92--5.104.
Analysis and stability considerations of a concentrated ALOHA system,
Proc. of the Inter. Symposium on Computer Performance Modeling,
Measurement and Evaluation, PERFORMANCE'81, (ed. F.J. Kylstra),
pp. 33--49, Amsterdam 1981.
Packet switching in multiple radio channels:
analysis and stability considerations of a random access system,
Computer Networks, 7, pp. 17--26, 1983.
Analysis and stability considerations of a reservation system,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-23,
pp. 684--692, 1983.
Upper and lower bounds for queue lengths in buffered heterogeneous ALOHA
system, Proc. of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems
Science, pp. 267--275, Honolulu 1983.
Analysis of a reservation system with multiple broadcast channels,
Proc. of the International Computing Symposium, (ed. H.S.
Schneider), pp. 234--249, Nurnberg, 1983.
Approximate methods for analysis and design of ALOHA-type systems with
multiple satellite channels, Proc. of International Symposium,
Satellite and Computer Communications, (ed. J. Grange),
pp. 117--134, Versailles, 1983.
Performance evaluation of a reservation protocol for multiaccess system,
Proc. of Inter. Symposium PERFORMANCE'83, (eds. A.K. Agrawala and
S.K. Tripathi), pp. 377--394, University of Maryland, 1983.
A multiqueue system: bounds and approximations,
Proc. of Intern. Symposium on the Performance
of Computer Communications Systems, (eds. W. Bux and H. Rudin),
pp. 349--366, Zurich , 1984.
A queueing model with interrupted servers and its applications (with
A. Kusiuk), Proc. of Inter. Conference on Modeling Techniques
and Tools for Performance Analysis, pp. 539--553, Paris, 1984.
Some sufficient conditions for nonergodicity of Markov chains,
Journal of Applied Probability, 22, 1985 pp. 138--147.
Analysis and stability considerations of a random access system
radio channels (with A. Kusiuk), Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne,
vol. XXXI, 1985, pp. 265--285.
On an asymptotic analysis of a tree-type algorithm for broadcast
communications, Information Processing Letters, 23, 1986, pp.
Bounds for queue lengths in contention packet broadcast systems,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-34,
1986, pp. 1132--1140.
Heterogeneous local networks supporting scientific and knowledge
processing based upon a token passing ADMA system (with D. Marinescu and
V. Rego), Proc. of Computer Networking Symposium, pp. 38--45,
Washington, 1986.
Stability, bounds and approximation in asymmetric buffered ALOHA-type
system, Proc. of 25-th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pp. 1722--1727, Athens, 1986.
Solution of a linear recurrence equation arising in analysis of
some algorithms, SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods,
8, 1987, pp. 233--250.
On a recurrence equation arising in the analysis of conflict
resolution algorithms, Stochastic Models, 3, 1987, pp. 89--114.
An analysis of a contention resolution algorithm -- Another
approach, Acta Informatica, 24, 1987, pp. 173--190.
Average complexity of additive properties for multiway tries:
A unified approach, Proc. of Colloquium on Trees in
Algebra and Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 249,
pp. 13--25, 1987.
Modeling of an availability driven computer network architecture,
Proc. of ACM Symposium on the Simulation of Computer Networks,
pp. 2--10, Colorado Springs, 1987.
Availability driven multiple access network architecture (with D. Marinescu
and V. Rego), Proc. of INFO'87, pp. 588--596, Los Angeles, 1987.
How well are binary search trees balanced (with V. Rego),
25-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and
Computing, pp. 66--71, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987.
On the quality of approximation for high speed rings (with V. Rego),
Proc. An International Symposium on High Performance Computer
Systems, (ed. E. Gelenbe), pp. 179--193, Paris 1987.
Closed-network duals of multiqueues with application to
token-passing systems (with V. Rego), Computer Systems and
Engineering, 3, 1988, pp. 127--139.
On an alternative sum use useful in the analysis of some data structures
Proc. Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 318, (eds. R. Karlsson and A. Lingas),
pp. 120--128, Springer-Verlag 1988.
The evaluation of an alternative sum with applications to the
analysis of some data structures, Information Processing Letters,
28, 1988, pp. 13--19.
Some results on V-ary asymmetric tries,
Journal of Algorithms, 9, 1988, pp. 224--244.
Stability conditions for multidimensional queueing systems with
computer applications, Operations Research, 36, 1988, pp.
Some theorems on instability of Markov chains with applications
to multiaccess protocols (with V. Rego), Operations Research,
36, 1988, pp. 958--966.
A safe state approach to real-time system scheduling (with D. Marinescu),
Sixth IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software,
pp. 54--60, Pittsburgh 1989.
Some remarks on uniformly bounded Markov chains:
Multimodality analysis, Computers & Operations Research,
16, pp. 85--99, 1989.
Ultimate characterizations of the burst response of an interval
searching algorithm (with Ph. Jacquet), SIAM J. Computing,
18, 1989, pp. 777--791.
The presence of exponentiality in entropy maximissed M|G1|1
queues (with V. Rego), Computers & Operations Research, 16,
1989, pp. 441--449.
On the variance of the external path in a symmetric digital trie
(with P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger), Discrete Applied
Mathematics, 25, 1989, pp. 129--143, (Special issue on
``Complexity and Combinatorics''.)
On the balance property of Patricia tries:
External path length viewpoint (with P. Kirschenhofer and H.
Theoretical Computer Science, 68, 1989, pp. 1--17.
On some combinatorial optimization: Bottleneck and capacity assignment
28-th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and
Computing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, pp. 92-101, 1990.
On the analysis of the tail queue length and waiting time distributions
of a G|G|c queue (with J. Sadowsky), Proceedings of the
International Symposium PERFORMANCE'90, (ed. I. Mitrani and
P. King), Edinburgh, 1990, pp. 93-107.
Yet another application of binomial recurrence:
Order statistics (with V. Rego), Computing, 43, 1990,
pp. 401--410.
Patricia tries again revisited, Journal of the ACM, 37, pp.
691-711, 1990.
Combinatorial optimization through order statistics,
Proc. Second International Symposium on Algorithms,
Taipei, Taiwan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 557
(eds. W.L. Hsu and R.C.T. Lee), pp. 208-217, Springer-Verlag 1991.
On the height of digital trees and related problems,
6, pp. 256-277, 1991.
A characterization of digital search trees from the successful
viewpoint, Theoretical Computer Science, 85, pp. 117-134, 1991
Analysis of digital tries with Markovian dependency (with P.
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 37, pp. 1470-1475, 1991.
A note on the height of suffix trees (with L. Devroye and B. Rais),
SIAM J. Computing, 21, pp. 48-53, 1992.
Maximum size of a dynamic data structure:
Hashing with lazy deletion revisited (with D. Aldous and M. Hofri),
SIAM J. Computing, 21, pp. 713-732, 1992.
Maximum queue length and waiting time revisited: Multiserver
G|G|c queues (with Sadowsky), Probability in the
Engineering and Informational Science, 6, pp. 157-170, 1992.
Stability of token passing rings (with L. Georgiadis),
Queueing Systems (Special Issue on Polling Systems), 11, pp.
7-33, 1992.
Self-alignments in words and their applications (with A.
Journal of Algorithms, 13, pp. 446-467, 1992.
Probabilistic analysis of data structures: A reply to Professor
Anderson's letter, Letter to the Editor, (with P.Kirschnhofer and
H. Prodinger), Theoretical Computer Science, 106, 395-400, 1992.
A probabilistic analysis of a pattern matching problem
(with M. Atallah and P. Jacquet),
Random Structures & Algorithms, 4, pp. 191-213, 1993.
A limiting distribution for the depth in PATRICIA tries (with B.
Rais and P. Jacquet), SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, 6, pp.
197-213, 1993.
A generalized suffix tree and its (un)expected asymptotic
SIAM J. Computing, 22, pp. 1176-1198, 1993.
A note on binomial recurrences arising in the analysis of
Letter to the Editor, (with H. Prodinger),
Information Processing Letters, 46, pp. 309-311, 1993.
Multidimensional digital searching and some new parameters in tries
(with P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger) International Journal of
Foundation of of Computer Science, 4, pp. 69-84, 1993.
Asymptotic properties of data compression and suffix trees,
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 39, pp. 1647-1659, 1993.
Stability analysis for yet another class of multidimensional
distributed systems (with L. Georgiadis), Proc. 11th Intern. Conf.
on Analysis and Optimization Systems. Discrete Event Systems,
(Eds. G. Cohen and J.M. Quadrant), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on
Control and Information Science, vol 199,
pp. 523-530, 1994.
A functional equation often arising in the analysis of algorithms,
(with P. Jacquet), Proc. 26th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
(STOC'94), pp. 780-789, Montreal 1994.
A lossy data compression based on string matching: Preliminary
Analysis and Suboptimal algorithms (with T. Luczak),
Proc. Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Asilomar, California,
pp. 102-112, 1994.
Autocorrelation on words and its applications.
Analysis of suffix trees by string-ruler approach (with P.
J. Combinatorial Theory. Ser. A, 66, pp. 237-269, 1994.
Digital trees again revisited:
The internal path length perspective (with P. Kirschenhofer and H.
Prodinger), SIAM J. Computing, 23, pp. 598-616, 1994.
Stability conditions for some multiqueue distributed systems:
Buffered random access systems, Advances in Applied
26, pp. 498-515, 1994.
On generalized digital search trees with applications to a generalized
Lempel-Ziv algorithm (with J. Tang),
33-st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control,
and Computing, pp. 891-900, Allerton Park, 1995.
Average profile and Limiting distribution for a phrase size in the
Lempel-Ziv parsing algorithm (with G. Louchard),
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 41, pp. 478-488, 1995.
A scheduling policy with maximal stability region for ring networks
with spatial reuse (with L. Georgiadis and L. Tassiulas),
Queueing Systems, 19, pp. 131-148, 1995.
Asymptotic behavior of the Lempel-Ziv parsing scheme and digital
search trees (with P. Jacquet), Theoretical Computer Science, 144,
pp. 161--197, 1995.
Combinatorial optimization problems for which almost every
algorithm is asymptotically optimal, Optmization, 33, 359-368, 1995.
The probability of large queue lengths and waiting times in a
heterogeneous multiserver queue. Part I: Tight limits (with J. Sadowsky),
Advances in Applied Probability, 27, 532-566, 1995.
Probabilistic analysis of a string editing problem and its
variations (with G. Louchard),
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing,
4, 143-166, 1995.
On asymptotics of certain sums arising in coding theory,
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 41, 2087-2090, 1995.
On pattern occurrences in a random text
(with I. Fudos and E. Pitoura), Information Processing
Letters, 57, 307-312, 1996.
A pattern matching approach to image compression,
(with M. Atalah and Y. Genin),
Proc. International Conference on Image Processing, Lausanne,
vol. II, 349-352, 1996.
On the distribution for the duration of a randomized leader
election algorithm (with J. Fill and H. Mahmoud),
Annals of Applied Probability, 6, 1260-1283 1996.
Analysis of a splitting process arising in probabilistic counting
and other related algorithms (with P. Kirschenhofer and H. Prodinger),
Random Structures & Algorithms, 9, 379-402, 1996.
On the average redundancy rate of the Lempel-Ziv code (with
G. Louchard), IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 2-8, 43, 1997.
Stability analysis of quota allocation access protocols in ring
networks with spatial reuse (with L. Georgiadis and L. Tassiulas),
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 43, 923-937, 1997.
A Suboptimal Lossy Data Compression Based on Approximate Pattern Matching
(with T. Luczak),
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 43, 1439--1451, 1997.
On the approximate pattern occurrence in a text (with M. Regnier)
Proc. Compression and Complexity of SEQUENCE'97 ,
IEEE Computer Society, pp. 253-264, Positano 1997.
Analysis of an asymmetric leader election algorithm (with S. Janson),
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 4, R17, 1997.
Greedy algorithm for the Shortest Common Superstring Problem that are
asymptotically optimal (with A. Frieze),
Algorithmica, 21, 21-36, 1998; (selected paper from
European Symposium on Algorithms, Barcelona, 1996).
Analytical depoissonization and its applications (with P. Jacquet),
Theoretical Computer Science, in
``Fundamental Study'', 201, No. 1-2, 1--62, 1998.
On Asymptotics of Certain Recurrences Arising in Universal
Coding , Problems of Information Transmission,
34, 2, 142-146, 1998.
On pattern frequency occurrences in a Markovian
sequence (with M. Regnier),
Algorithmica , 22, 631-649, 1998.
Philippe Flajolet's research in analysis of algorithms and
combinatorics, (with H. Prodinger)
Algorithmica, 22, 366-387, 1998.
On the collapse of q-gram filtration (with E. Sutinen),
FUN with Algorithms , 178-193, Elba 1998
Complexity of sequential pattern matching algorithms
(with M. Regnier), Proc. Randomization and Approximate Techniques
in Computer Science, RANDOM'98, LCNS No. 1518, 187-199, Barcelona 1998.
Quicksort algorithm again revisited (with C. Knessl),
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science , 3, 43-64, 1999
(also Proc. Randomization and Approximate Techniques
in Computer Science, RANDOM'98, LCNS No. 1518, 346-356, Barcelona 1998).
Average profile for the generalized digital search tree and
the generalized Lempel-Ziv algorithm, (with G. Louchard and J. Tang),
SIAM J. Computing , 28, 935-954, 1999.
Entropy Computations Via Analytic Depoissonization (with P. Jacquet)
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 45, 1072-1081, 1999.
Indexing and Mapping of Proteins Using a Modified Nonlinear Sammon's
Projection (with I. Apostol), Journal of Computational Chemistry,
20, 1049-1059, 1999.
Pattern matching image compression: Algorithmic and empirical results
(compressed by gzip) (with M. Atallah and Y. Genin),
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ,
21, 618-627, 1999.
Asymptotic Behavior of the Height in a Digital Search Tree and the
Longest Phrase of the Lempel-Ziv Scheme
(with C. Knessl),
SIAM J. Computing
30, 923-964, 2000; also
SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2000) ,
San Franscisco, pp. 187-196, January 2000.
A Note on the Asymptotic Behavior of the Height in b-Tries for b Large
(with C. Knessl),
Electronic J. of Combinatorics , 7, R39, 2000.
Heights in Generalized Tries and PATRICIA Tries (full version)
(with C. Knessl),
Punta del Este,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1776, 298-307, 2000.
On Average Redundancy Rate of the Lempel-Ziv Codes with K-Error
Protocol (with Y. Reznik),
Information Sciences. An International Journal, 135, 57-70, 2001.;
also Proc. Data Compression Conference, 373-382, Snowbird, 2000.
Summary Structures for Frequency Queries on Large Transaction Sets
(with D-Y. Yang, A Johar, A. Grama),
Proc. Data Compression Conference, 420-429, Snowbird, 2000.
Asymptotic Redundancy of Huffman (and other) Block Codes .
IEEE Trans. Information Theory , 46, 2434-2443, 2000.
Average Profile of the Lempel-Ziv Parsing Scheme for a Markovian Source
(with P. Jacquet and J. Tang),
Algorithmica, 31, 318-360, 2001.
Hidden Pattern Statistics
(with P. Flajolet, Y. Guivarc'h, and B. Vallee),
ICALP 2001, Crete, Greece, LNCS 2076, 152-165, 2001.
Is the Internet Fractal?
(with C. Adjih, L. Georgiadis and P. Jacquet),
Proc. SODA 2002, San Francisco, 338-345, 2002.
2D-Pattern Matching Image and Video Compression: Theory,
Algorithms, and Experiments
(with M. Alzina and A. Grama),
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 11, 318-331, 2002.
A Universal Predictor Based on Pattern Matching
(with P. Jacquet and I. Apostol),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory , 48, 1462-1472, 2002.
(Special issue in memory of Aaron Wyner.)
Preliminary version in Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science:
Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities , University of
Versailles-St Quentin, September 2000.
Generalized Shannon Code Minimizes the Maximal Redundancy
(with M. Drmota), Proc. LATIN'02 , Springer LNCS 2286, 306-318,
Cancun, Mexico, 2002.
Precise Average Redundancy of an Idealized Arithmetic Coding
(with M. Drmota and H-K. Hwang), Data Compression Conference,
222-231, Snowbirds, 2002.
Improved Behaviour of Tries by
the "Symmetrization" of the Source
(with Y. Reznik), Data Compression Conference,
372-381, Snowbirds, 2002.
Optimal Versus Randomized Search of Fixed Length Binary Words
(with H. Prodinger),
2002 International Symposium on Information Theory , Lausanne 2002.
On the Analysis of Variable-to-Variable Length Codes
(with S. Savari),
2002 International Symposium on Information Theory , Lausanne 2002.
Semi-Discrete Matrix Transform (SDD) for Image and Video Compression,
(with S. Zyto and A. Grama), in Process Coordination and Ubiquitous
Computing, (Eds. D. Marinescu and C. Lee) 249-259, Kluwer, 2002.
Analysis of Algorithms (AofA): Part I: 1993 - 1998 (``Dagstuhl Period''),
Bulletin of the
European Association of Theoretical Computer Science, 77, 43-62, June 2002.
A Combinatorial Problem Arising in Information Theory:
Precise Minimax Redundancy for Markov Sources
(with P. Jacquet),
also in Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees,
Combinatorics and Probabilities, 311-328, Birkhauser, 2002.
Optimal Versus Randomized Search of Fixed Length Binary Words
(with H. Prodinger), IEEE Trans. Information Theory , 48, 2614-2621,
Limit Laws for Heights in Generalized Tries and PATRICIA Tries
(with C. Knessl), J. Algorithms, 44, 63-97, 2002.
Analytic Variations on Redundancy Rates of Renewal Processes
(with P. Flajolet),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory , 48, 2911 -2921, 2002.
The Height of a Binary Search Tree: The Limiting Distribution Perspective
(with C. Knessl),
Theoretical Computer Science , 289, 649-703, 2002.
Joint Source-Channel LZ'77 Coding (with S. Lonardi),
Data Compression Conference , 273-282, Snowbird, 2003.
Asymptotic Average Redundancy of Adaptive Block Codes (with Y. Reznik)
2003 International Symposium on Information Theory, p.79,
Yokohama, 2003.
Analysis of Algorithms (AofA):
Part II: 1998 -- 2000 (``Princeton--Barcelona--Gdansk'')
(with M. Drmota),
Bulletin of the
European Association of Theoretical Computer Science, 80, 61-76, June 2003.
An Optimal DNA Segmentation Based on the MDL Principle
(with W-H. Ren and L. Szpankowski),
Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications,
1, 3-17, 2005;
also IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference, 541-546,
Stanford, 2003.
Algorithms for Bounded-Error Correlation of High Dimensional Data
in Microarray Experiments (with M. Koyuturk, and A. Grama),
IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference, 575-580,
Stanford, 2003.
How Predictable Are Biological Sequences?
(with I. Apostol and P. Jacquet),
2003 European Conference on Computational Biology, 531-532, Paris, 2003.
Reliable Detection of Episodes in Event Sequences
(with R. Gwadera and M. Atallah),
Knowledge and Information Systems,
7, 415 - 437, 2005; also in
Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 67-74,
Florida, 2003.
Analysis of a Randomized Selection Algorithm Motivated by the LZ'77 Scheme
(with M. Ward)
Proc. of the First Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and
Combinatorics (ANALCO04) , 153-160, New Orleans, 2004.
On the Entropy of a Hidden Markov Process
(with P. Jacquet and G. Seroussi),
Data Compression Conference , 362-371, Snowbird, 2004.
Problems on Sequences: Information Theory and Computer Science Interface
(with J. Kieffer and E-H. Yang), IEEE Trans. Information Theory ,
50, 1385-1392, 2004;
Markov Types and Minimax Redundancy for Markov Sources
(with P. Jacquet), IEEE Trans. Information Theory , 50, 1393-1402,
Compact Suffix Trees Resemble PATRICIA Tries: Limiting Distribution of Depth
(with P. Jacquet and B. McVey),
Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, 3, 139-148, 2004.
On the Number of Full Levels in Tries (with C. Knessl),
Random Structures & Algorithms, 25, 247-276, 2004.
Precise Minimax Redundancy and Regret (with M. Drmota ),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory , 50, 2686-2707, 2004.
An Efficient Algorithm for Detecting Frequent Subgraphs in
Biological Networks,
(with M. Koyuturk, and A. Grama),
Bioinformatics, Suppl. 1:
Proc. 12th Intl. Conf. Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB'04)
, 200-207, 2004.
Finding biclusters in gene expression data by random projections
(with S. Lonardi and Q. Yang), Theoretical Computer Science,
368, 217-230, 2006; also
Proc. Combinatorial Pattern Matching,
Istanbul, LNCS 3109, 102-116, 2004.
On Average Sequence Complexity
(with S. Janson and S. Lonardi),
Theoretical Computer Science, 326, 213--227, 2004; also
Proc. Combinatorial Pattern Matching,
Istanbul, LNCS 3109, 74-88, 2004.
Variations on Khodak's Variable-to-Variable Codes
(with M. Drmota),
42-nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control, and Computing, Urbana, 2004;
also 2004 International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 91,
Chicago, 2004.
Error Resilient LZ'77 Scheme and Its Analysis ,
(with S. Lonardi and M. Ward),
2004 International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 56,
Chicago, 2004.
Biclustering Gene-Feature Matrices for Statistically Significant
Dense Patterns (with M. Koyuturk, and A. Grama),
IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference, 480-483,
Stanford, 2004.
Detection of Significant Sets of Episodes in Event Sequences
(with R. Gwadera and M. Atallah)
Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 3-10,
Brighton, UK, 2004.
Exploring the Characetristics of Sequences Elements in proximal Promotoers of
Human Genes
(with M. Bina, P. Wyss, W. Ren, E. Thomas, R. Randhawa, S. Reddy,
P. John, E. Pares-Matos, A. Stein, H. Xu, and S. Lazarus),
Genomics, 84, 929-940, 2004.
Probabilistic Behavior of Asymmetric LC-Tries
(with L. Devroye), Random Structures & Algorithms, 2004.
Towards a Complete Characterization of Tries
(with G. Park),
SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2005) , 33-42,
Vancouver, 2005.
Enumeration of Binary Trees, Lempel-Ziv'78 Parsings, and Universal Types,
(with C. Knessl),
Proc. of the Second Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and
Combinatorics (ANALCO04) , 222-229, Vancouver, 2005.
Markov Modles for identification of Significant Episodes
(with R. Gwadera and M. Atallah), 2005 SIAM Conference on Data Mining,
(SDM-05), 404-414, Newport Beach, California, April 2005.
Pairwise Local Alignment of Protein Interaction Networks Guided by Model
(with M. Koyuturk, and A. Grama), RECOMB'05, Cambridge, MA, 2005.
Analysis of Biclusters with Applications to gene Expression Data
(with G. Park) 2005 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms,
267-274, Barcelona, 2005.
Analysis of the Multiplicity Matching Parameter in Suffix Trees
(with M. Ward), 2005 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms,
307-322, Barcelona, 2005.
Enumeration of Binary Trees and Universal Types
(with C. Knessl),
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
7, 313-400, 2005.
Hidden Word Statistics
(with P. Flajolet and B. Vallee) Journal of the ACM, 53, 1-37, 2006.
Pairwise Local Alignment of Protein Interaction Networks Guided by Model
(with M. Koyuturk,Y. Kim, U. Topkara, S. Subramaniam, A. Grama).
J. Computational Biology, 13, 182-199, 2006.
Multicast Tree Structure and the Power Law
(with C. Adjih, L. Georgiadis and P. Jacquet),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory , 52, 1508- 1521, 2006.
Partial Fillup and Search Time in LC Tries
(with S. Janson), ACM Trans. on Algorithms, 3, 44:1-44:14, 2007;
also in Proc. of the Third Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and
Combinatorics (ANALCO06) , Miami, 2006.
On the Joint Path Lengths Distribution in Random Binary Trees
(with C. Knessl),
Studies in Applied Mathematics , 117, 109-147, 2006;
also in Proc. of the Third Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and
Combinatorics (ANALCO06) , Miami, 2006.
Assessing of Coonectivity and Conservation in Protein Interaction Networks
(with M. Koyuturk, and A. Grama),
J. Computational Biology, 14, 747-764, 2007.
RECOMB 2006, LNBI 3909, 45-59, 2006.
Error-Resilient LZW Data Compression
(with Y. Wu and S. Lonardi),
Data Compression Conference, 193-202, Snowbird, 2006.
On (d,k) Sequences Not Containing a Given Word
(with P. Jacquet),
2006 International Symposium on Information Theory , Seattle, 2006.
Precise Asymptotic Analysis of the Tunstall Code
(with M. Drmota, Y. Reznik, and S. Savari)
2006 International Symposium on Information Theory , Seattle, 2006.
Detecting conserved interaction patterns in biological networks
(with M. Koyuturk, Y. Kim, S. Subramaniam, and A. Grama)
J. Computational Biology, 13, 1299-1322, 2006.
Multiple Choice Tries and Distributed Hash Tables
(with L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, G. Park)
SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2007) , 891-899,
New Orleans, 2007.
Error Resilient LZ'77 Data Compression: Algorithms, Analysis, and
Experiments (with S. Lonardi and M. Ward)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 53, 1799-1813, 2007.
Randomized Leader Election
(with M. Ramanathan, R. Ferreira, S. Jagannathan, and A. Grama)
Distributed Computing, 19, 403-418, 2007.
Noisy Constrained Capacity
(with P. Jacquet and G. Seroussi),
2007 International Symposium on Information Theory , 986-990,
Nice, 2007.
Pattern Matching in Constrained Sequences
(with Y-W. Choi)
2007 International Symposium on Information Theory ,
2606-2610, Nice, 2007.
Identifying Statistical Dependence in Genomic
Sequences via Mutual Information Estimates,
(with H. Aktulga, I. Kontoyiannis, L. Lyznik, L. Szpankowski, A. Grama),
EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology,
Article ID 14741, 11 pages, 2007;
also 2007 International Symposium on Information Theory ,
2676-2680, Nice, 2007.
Functional Annotation of Regulatory Pathways
(with J. Pandey, M. Koyuturk, S. Subramaniam, and A. Grama),
ISMB/ECCB, 2007, Vienna; also
Bioinformatics, 23 (13), 377-386, 2007.
On the Ehrenfeucht-Mycielski Balance Conjecture
(with J. Kieffer),
2007 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms, Juan-les-Pins, France,
Proc. DMTCS, 19-28, 2007.
On the Exit Time of a Random Walk with Positive Drift
(with M. Drmota),
2007 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms, Juan-les-Pins, France,
Proc. DMTCS, 289-300, 2007.
What is Information?
(with J. Konorski),
Zeszyty Politechniki Gdanskiej,5, 171-177, 2007;
also Festschrift in Honor of Jorma Rissanen, 154-172, 2008.
Annotating Pathways in Interaction Networks
(with J. Pandey, M. Koyuturk, and A. Grama),
Pac Symp Biocomput. 153-65, 2008.
Waiting Time Distribution for Pattern Occcurrences in a Constrained Sequence
(with V. Stefanov), Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
, 9, 305-320, 2007.
On the Entropy of a Hidden Markov Process
(with P. Jacquet and G. Seroussi),
Theoretical Computer Science, 395, 203-219, 2008.
A Universal Caching Algorithm Based on Pattern Matching
(with G. Panduranggan),
Algorithmica , 57, 62-73, 2010; also
2005 International Symposium on Information Theory,
1151-1155, Adelaide, 2005.
Large Deviations for Contrained Pattern Matching,
(with Y-W. Choi)
2008 International Symposium on Information Theory , 2141-2145,
Toronto, 2008.
On Some Non-Linear Recurrences That Arise in Computer Science,
(with C. Knessl)
172-181, Proc. Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics,
May 19-21, New Jersey, 2008.
A One-to-One Code and Its Anti-redundancy,
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 54, 4762-4766, 2008.
On the Construction of (Explicit) Khodak's Code and Its Analysis
(with Y. Bugeaud and M. Drmota)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 54, 5073-5086, 2008.
Profile of Tries
(with G. Park, H-K. Hwang and P. Nicodeme),
SIAM J. Computing, 38, 1821-1880, 2009; also
Proc. LATIN 2008, LNCS 4957, 1-11, 2008.
Facets of Information in Communications
Proc. 5-th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium , 5-14, Berlin, 2008.
Average Redundancy for Known Sources:
Ubiquitous Trees in Source Coding
Proc. Fifth Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science
Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities , 19-58,
September 22-26, Blaubeuren, 2008,
Discovering sequences with potential regulatory characteristics
(with M. Bina et al.), Genomics, 93, 314-322, 2009.
Multiple Choice Tries
(with L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, G. Park),
Random Structures & Algorithms, 34, 337-367, 2009.
(Un)Expected Behavior of Digital Search Tree Profile
(with M. Drmota), Proc. SODA'09}, 130-138, New York, 2009.
On the Average Profile of Symmetric Digital Search Trees
(with C. Knessl)
Analytic Combinatorics, 4, article # 6, 2009.
Compression of Graphical Structures
(with Y. Choi),
2009 International Symposium on Information Theory , 364-368, Seoul, 2009.
Structural Complexity of Random Binary Trees
(with J. Kieffer and E-H. Yang),
2009 International Symposium on Information Theory, 635-639, Seoul, 2009.
Minimum Expected Length of Lossless Compression of Memoryless Sources
(with S. Verdu)
2009 International Symposium on Information Theory , Seoul, 369-373, 2009.
Deinterleaving Markov Processes via Penalized ML
(with G. Seroussi and M. Weinberger)
2009 International Symposium on Information Theory , Seoul, 1739-1743, 2009.
Tunstall Code, Khodak Variations, and Random Walks
(with M. Drmota and Y. Reznik)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 56, 2928 - 2937, 2010.
Minimax redundancy for Large Alphabets
(with M. Weinberger),
2010 International Symposium on Information Theory ,
1488-1492, Austin, 2010.
Counting Markov Types
(with C. Knessl and P. Jacquet)
Proc. 21 International Conference on Analysis of Algorithms, 389-402,
Vienna, 2010.
Noisy Constrained Capacity for BSC Channels
(with P. Jacquet),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 56, 5412- 5423, 2010.
A Discrete Divide and Conquer Recurrence,
(with M. Drmota),
Proc. SODA 2011, San Fransciso, 2011.
Constrained Pattern Matching ,
(with Y. Choi),
ACM Trans. Algorithms, 7, 2, 25:1-25:19, 2011.
Minimum Expected Length of Lossless Compression of Memoryless Sources
(with S. Verdu),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 57, 4017 - 4025, 2011.
The Expected Profile of Digital Search Trees
(with M. Drmota),
J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A, 118, 1939-1965, 2011.
Analysis of a Block Arithmetic Coding:
Discrete Divide and Conquer Recurrences
(with M. Drmota),
ISIT 2011, 1424-1428,
St. Petersburg, 2011.
Deinterleaving Markov Processes:
the Finite-Memory Switch Case
(with G. Seroussi and M. Weinberger),
ISIT 2011, 223-227,
St. Petersburg, 2011.
Compression of Graphical Structures:
Fundamental Limits, Algorithms, and Experiments
(with Y. Choi)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 58, 620-638, 2012.
On a Recurrence Arising in Graph Compression,
(with Y. Choi and C. Knessl),
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics , 19, 3, 2012; also
23rd International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms, AofA'12, Montreal, 2012.
Joint String Complexity for Markov Sources,
(with P. Jacquet)
23rd International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms, AofA'12, Montreal, 2012.
Minimax Pointwise Redundancy for Memoryless Models over Large Alphabets
(with M. Weinberger)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 58, 4094-4104, 2012.
Counting Markov Types, Balanced Matrices, and Eulerian Graphs,
(with P. Jacquet and C. Knessl),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 58, 4261-4272, 2012.
Algorithms, Combinatorics, Information, and Beyond,
IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, 62, 5-20, 2012.
Mutual Information for a Deletion Channel,
(with M. Drmota and K. Viswanathan).
ISIT 2012, MIT, 2012.
Uncertainty estimates of purity measurements based on current information:
toward a "live validation" of purity methods,
(with Izydor Apostol1, Grace Jiang1, Gang Huang1, Jette Wypych1, Xin Zhang1,
Jessica Gastwirt1, Ken Chen4, Szilan Fodor1, Suminda Hapuarachchi1, Dave
Meriage, Frank Ye, Drew Kelner, Leszek Poppe),
Pharmaceutical Research, 29, 3404-3419, 2012.
Deinterleaving Finite Memory Processes via Penalized Maximum Likelihood,
(with G. Seroussi and M. Weinberger),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 58, 7094 - 7109, 2012.
Towards More Realistic Probabilistic Models for
Data Structures: The External Path Length in Tries
under the Markov Model,
(with Kevin Leckey and Ralph Neininger)
SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2013) , 877-886,
New Orleans, 2013.
A Discrete Divide and Conquer Recurrence,
(with M. Drmota),
Journal of the ACM , 60, 3, 16:1-16:49, 2013.
Average Redundancy of the Shannon Code for Markov Sources,
(with N. Merhav),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 59, 7186-7193, 2013;.
also ISIT 2013, 1919-1923, Istanbul, 2013.
Classification of Markov Sources Through Joint String Complexity:
Theory and Experiments,
(with P. Jacquet and D. Milioris),
ISIT 2013, 2289-2293, Istanbul, 2013.
Capacity of a Structural
Binary Symmetric Channel,
(with Lan V. Truong),
ISIT 2013, 2478-2482, Istanbul, 2013.
A Note on a Problem Posed by D. E. Knuth on a Satisfiability Recurrence,
(with P. Jacquet and C. Knessl),
Combinatorics, Computing, and Probability, 23, 839-841, 2014.
Expected External Profile of PATRICIA Tries,
(with A. Magner and C. Knessl),
ANALCO, Porland, 2014.
On Symmetry of Uniform and Preferential Attachment Graphs,
(with A. Magner, S. Janson, G. Kollias),
Electronic J. Combinatorics, 3, P3.32, 2014; also
Proceeding of DMTCS , AofA, 283-294, Paris 2014.
Markov Field Types and Tilings,
(with Y. Baryshnikov and J. Duda).
ISIT, Honolulu, 2014.
Data Dependent Weak Universal Redundancy,
(with N. Santhanam, V. Anantharam, Al. Kavcic).
ISIT, Honolulu, 2014.
Free Energy Rates for a Class of Very Noisy
Optimization Problems
(with A. Gronskiy and J. Buhmann)
Proceeding of DMTCS , AofA, 67-78, Paris 2014.
On the Limiting Distribution of Lempel Ziv'78 Redundancy for
Memoryless Sources,
(with P. Jacquet)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 60, 6917-6930, 2014.
On the Origin of Protein Superfamilies and Superfolds,
(with A. Magner and D. Kihara),
Scientific Reports, 5: 8166, 2015.
Asymmetric Renyi Problem and PATRICIA Tries
(with A. Magner and M. Drmota)
27th International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms, AofA'16, Krakow, 2016.
Average Size of a Suffix Tree for markov Sources
(with P. Jacquet).
27th International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms, AofA'16, Krakow, 2016.
Markov Field Types and Tilings
(with Y. Baryshnikov and J. Duda)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 62, 4361-4375, 2016.
A Study of the Boltzmann Sequence-Structure Channel
(with A. Magner and D. Kihara),
Proc. of the IEEE , 105, 2, 286-305, 2017; also
ISIT, Barcelona, 2016.
On Symmetries of Non-Plane Trees in a Non-Uniform Model,
(with J. Cichon, A. Magner and K. Turowski),
ANALCO, Barcelona, 2017.
Phase Transitions in Parameter Rich Optimization Problems,
(with J. Buhmann, J. Dumazerti, A. Gronskiy),
ANALCO, Barcelona, 2017.
Fundamental Bounds for Sequence Reconstruction from
Nanopore Sequencers
(with A. Magner, J. Duda and A. Grama)
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological,
and Multi-Scale Communications, 2, 92-106, 2017.
Entropy of Some General Plane Trees
(with Z. Golebiewski and A. Magner),
ISIT 2017, Aachen, Germany, 2017.
Recovery of Vertex Orderings in Dynamic Graphs
(with A. Magner, A. Grama, and J. Sreedharan)
ISIT 2017, Aachen, Germany, 2017.
Redundancy of Lossless Data Compression for Known Sources by Analytic Methods,
Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory,
(with M. Drmota)
13, 4, 277-417, 2017.
Profile of PATRICIA Tries
(with A. Magner),
Algorithmica, 80, 331-397, 2018.
Frontiers of Science of Information: Shannon Meets Turing
(with A. Grama), IEEE Computer, 51(1), 32-42, 2018.
TIMES: Temporal Information Maximally Extracted from Structures
(with A. Magner, A. Grama, and J. Sreedharan)
WWW 2018, 389-398, Lyon, Apr 23-27, 2018
Asymmetric Renyi Problem
(with M. Drmota and A. Magner),
Combinatorics, Probability, Computing ,
28, 4, 542-573, 2019
(see, Published online: 27 June 2018)
Randomized Linear Algebra Approaches to Estimate the Von Neumann
Entropy of Density Matrices
(with Eugenia-Maria Kontopoulou, Ananth Grama, and Petros Drineas),
ISIT 2018, 2486-2490, Veil, Colorado.
Preserving Privacy and Fidelity via Ehrhart Theory
(with A.Padakandla and P.R. Kumar),
ISIT 2018, 696-700, Veil, Colorado.
Free Energy Asymptotics for Problems With Weak Solution Dependencies
(with J. Buhmann and A. Gronskiy),
ISIT 2018, 2132-2136, Veil, Colorado.
Posterior Agreement for large Parameter-Rich Optimization Problems
(with J. Buhmann, J. Dumazert, A. Gronskiy),
Theoretical Computer Science, 745, 1-22, 2018.
Lossless Compression of Binary Trees with~Correlated Vertex Names
(with A. Magner and K. Turowski),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 64, 6070-6080, 2018 (also
ISIT, Barcelona, 2016).
Entropy and Optimal Compression of Some General Plane Trees
(with Z. Golebiewski and A. Magner)
ACM Transactions on Algorithms , vol. 15, issue 1, article 3,2018.
Asymmetry and Structural Informtion in Preferential Attachment Graphs
(with T. Luczak and A. Magner), Random Structures and Algorithms ,
vol. 55, 3, 696-718, 2019.
Inferring Temporal Information from a Snapshot of a Dynamic Network
(with J. Sreedharan, A. Magner and A. Grama), Nature Scientific Reports ,
9: 3057, 2019 (see also
article )
Compression of Preferential Attachment Graphs
(with T. Luczak and A. Magner), ISIT'19, Paris, 2019.
Asymptotics of Entropy of the Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
(with K. Turowski and P. Jacquet), ISIT'19, Paris, 2019.
Revisiting Parameter Estimation in Biological Networks: Influence of Symmetries
(with K. Turowski and J. Sreedharan),
18th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics, Anchorage, 2019.
(see BIOKDD'19)
The Trade-off between Privacy and Fidelity via Ehrhart Theory
(with A. Padakandla and P. R. Kumar)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 66, 2549-2569, 2020.
(see also arXiv )
Toward Universal Testing of Dynamic Models
(with A. Magner)
31st International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory,
ALT'20, San Diego, February 2020;
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, PMLR 117:615-633, 2020.
Prediction of precision for purity methods
(with I. Apostol, R. Wu, M. Ko1, , JL Song, L. Li, G. Schlobohm1)
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 109, 4, 1467-1472 2020.
Randomized Linear Algebra Approaches to Estimate the Von Neumann
Entropy of Density Matrices
(with Eugenia-Maria Kontopoulou, Ananth Grama, and Petros Drineas),
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 66, 5003-5021, 2020.
Hidden Words Statistics for Large Patterns
(with S. Janson)
31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA2020), June 2020.
LIPIcs, 159, 17:1 - 17:15, 2020;
see also
Power-Law Degree Distribution in the Connected Component of a Duplication Graph
(with P. Jacquet and K. Turowski)
31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA2020), June 2020:
LIPIcs, 159, 16:1 - 16:14, 2020;
see also
Analysis of Lempel-Ziv'78 for Markov Sources
(with P. Jacquet)
31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA2020), June 2020:
LIPIcs, 59, 15:1 - 15:19, 2020;
see also
Compression of Dynamic Graphs Generated by a Duplication Model
(with K. Turowski and A. Magner),
Algorithmica , 82(9), 2687-2707, 2020.
also Allerton Conference , Urbana, 2018.
Temporal Ordered Clustering in Dynamic Networks
(with J. Sreedharan and K. Turowski)
ISIT, 2020.
Degree Distribution for Duplication-Divergence
Graphs: Large Deviations
(with A. Frieze and K. Turowski)
46th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
(WG2020), University of Leeds, UK 2020; also
Adler I., Muller H. (eds) Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science. WG 2020.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12301, 226-237, 2020.
Joint String Complexity for Markov Sources: Small Data Matters
(with P. Jacquet and D. Milioris)
Theoretical Computer Science,
844, 6, 46-80, 2020.
[see also].
Precise Minimax Regret for Logistic Regression with Categorical Feature Values
(with P. Jacquet and G. Shamir)
32st International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory,
ALT'21, Paris, 2021;
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research: PMLR 132, 755-771, 2021.
Towards Degree Distribution of Duplication Graph Models
(with K. Turowski)
Electronic J. Combinatorics , 28, 1, \#P1.18, 2021.
Temporal Ordered Clustering in Dynamic Networks: Unsupervised and
Semi-supervised Learning Algorithms
(with K. Turowski and J. Sreedharan)
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 8(2), 1426-1442, 2021.
Sequential Universal Compression for Non-Binary Sequences
with Constrained Distributions
(with M. Drmota and G. Shamir)
Communications in Information and Systems, 22(1), 1-38, 2022.
[see ArXiv]
Hidden Words Statistics for Large Patterns
(with S. Janson)
E. Journal of Combinatorics, 28(2), #P2.36, 2021.
Revisiting Parameter Estimation in Biological Networks: Influence of Symmetries
(with K. Turowski and J. Sreedharan),
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
18(3), 836-849, 2021.
Information Sufficiency via Fourier Expansion
(with M. Heidari, J. Sreedharan, and G. Shamir)
ISIT'2021 , Melbourne, Australia.
On maximum-likelihood estimation in the
all-or-nothing regime
(with J. Buhmann, L. Corinzia, and P. Penna)
ISIT'2021 , Melbourne, Australia.
A Theoretical Framework for Learning from Quantum Data
(with M. Heidari and A. Padakandla)
ISIT'2021 , Melbourne, Australia.
A Lower Bound for Regret in Logistic Regression
(with G. Shamir)
ISIT'2021 , Melbourne, Australia.
Finding Relevant Information via Discrete Fourier Expansion
(with M. Heidari, J. Sreedharan, and G. Shamir)
Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'21),
PMLR 139:4181-4191, 2021.
The concentration of the maximum degree in the
duplication-divergence models
(with A. Frieze and K. Turowski)
LNCS 13025, COCOON, 2021.
Compression and Symmetry
of Small-World Graphs and Structures
(with I. Kontoyiannis, Y-H. Lim, K. Papakonstantinopoulou)
Communications in Information and Systems, 2, 275-302, 2022;
also ISIT'2021 , Melbourne, Australia.
Toward Physically Realizable Quantum Neural Networks
(with M. Heidari, A. Grama)
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36(6), 6902-6909,
Vancouver, 2022
Data-derived weak universal consistency
(with N. Santhanam and V. Anantharam)
JMLR, (27):1-55, 2022.
Statistical and computational thresholds for the planted k-densest
sub-hypergraph problem
(with J. Buhmann, L. Corinzia, and P. Penna)
PMLR 151:11615-11640; AISTAT, 2022;
[see ArXiv/]
Sufficiently Informative and Relevant Features: An
Information-theoretic and Fourier-based Characterization
(with M. Heidari, J. Sreedharan and G. Shamir)
IEEE Trans. Information Theory,
68, 6063-6077, 2022,
Sequential vs Fixed Design Regrets in Online Learning
(with C. Wu, M. Heidari, and A. Grama)
ISIT 2022.
Precise Minimax Regret for Logistic Regression
(with P. Jacquet and G. Shamir)
ISIT, 2022.
Precise Regret Bounds for Log-loss via a Truncated Bayesian Algorithm
(with Changlong Wu, Mohsen Heidari, and Ananth Grama)
NeurIPS , New Orleans, 2022 (selected for oral presentation)
[see ArXiv/]
Agnostic PAC Learning of k-Juntas Using L2-Polynomial Regression
(with M. Heidari)
AISTAT, PMLR 206:2922-2938, 2023.
{see presentation]
Learning k-qubit Quantum Operators via Pauli Decomposition
(with M. Heidari)
AISTAT, PMLR 206:490-504, 2023.
[see ArXiv/ and
Learning Functional Distributions with private Labels
(with Changlong Wu, Yifan Wang, and Ananth Grama)
ICML , Honolulu, 2023.
Online Learning in Dynamically Changing Environments
(with Changlong Wu, and Ananth Grama)
COLT'23, PMLR, 195, 1-34, Bangalore, 2023.
Regret Bounds for Log-loss via Bayesian Algorithms
(with Changlong Wu, Mohsen Heidari, and Ananth Grama)
Trans. Information Theory,69, 9, 5971-5989, 2023.
Expected Worst Case Regret via Stochastic Sequential Covering
(with Changlong Wu, Mohsen Heidari, and Ananth Grama)
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023.
On the concentration of the maximum degree in the duplication-divergence models
(with Alan Frieze and K. Turowski)
SIAM Discrete Mathematics ,
38(1), 988-1006, 2024, (url:
Online Distribution Learning with Local Privacy Constraints
(with Jin Sima, Changlong Wu and O. Milenkovic )
AISTAT, PMLR 238:460-468, 2024.
Low Complexity Approximate Bayesian Logistic Regression for Sparse
Online Learning
(with G. Shamir)
ISIT 2024, Athens.
[see ArXiv/]
New Bounds on Quantum Sample Complexity of
Measurement Classes
(with Mohsen Heidari)
ISIT 2024, Athens.
Minimax Regret with Unbounded Weights
(with M. Drmota, P. Jacquet and Changlong Wu)
ISIT 2024, Athens.
Oracle-Efficient Hybrid Online Learning with Unknown Distribution
(with Changlong Wu and Jin Sima)
COLT' 2024:
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research vol 247:1-27, 2024.
[see also ArXiv/]
Information-theoretic Limits of Online Classification with Noisy Labels
(with Changlong Wu and A. Grama)
NeurIPS , 2024 [see also ArXiv/]
No Free Lunch: Fundamental Limits of Learning Non-Hallucinating Generative Models
(with Changlong Wu and A. Grama),
ICLR , 2025
[see also ArXiv/]