Project Reporting ANNUAL REPORT FOR AWARD # 9972883

Ahmed K Elmagarmid ; Purdue Research Foundation
CISE Research Infrastructure: MSI: A Research Infrastructure for Integrated Quality of Service Management in Multimedia Computing Environments

Participant Individuals:
CoPrincipal Investigator(s) : John T Korb; Arif Ghafoor; Eugene H Spafford; Kihong Park
Senior personnel(s) : Walid Aref; Sonia Fahmy; Sunil Prabhakar; David Yau
Post-doc(s) : Jianping Fan; M. Hacid; Heejo Lee
Graduate student(s) : Mustafa Hammad; Ihab Ilyas; Abdulmounaam Rezgui; Evimaria Terzi; Husni Fahmi; Wasfi Al-Khatib; Muddasar Latif; Basit Shafiq; James Joshi; Rahul Chari; Y. Xia; Jiangtao Li; Shaogang Chen; John Cruz; Huan Ren; Tsunyi Tuan
Undergraduate student(s) : Spencer Stanton
Technician, programmer(s) : Mirette Marzouk; Nicholas Hirschberg; X. Zhang
Senior personnel(s) : Shane Blair
Technician, programmer(s) : David Whittinghill
Post-doc(s) : Athena Vakali; Saewoong Bahk; Jae-Kwan Kim; Jisoo Kim
Graduate student(s) : Ronaldo Ferreira; Shan Lei; Wei Li
Senior personnel(s) : Ed Delp; Wojtek Szpankowski
Post-doc(s) : Jae-Young Kim
Graduate student(s) : Zhong Ren
Senior personnel(s) : Ann Christine Catlin
Post-doc(s) : Xing Quan Zhu

Participant Detail

View Activities Report

View Findings Report

Partner Organizations:
Cisco Systems Inc: In-kind Support; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges

Clarian Health: Collaborative Research

Indiana University Medical School: Collaborative Research

Florida A&M University: Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges
We have purchased and delivered to Florida A&M Iniversity a
videoconferencing system to help them participate in our research

Indiana Health Industry Forum: Collaborative Research

Med Institute: Collaborative Research

Methodist Hospital of Indiana Inc: Facilities; Collaborative Research

Micro Data Base Systems Inc: In-kind Support; Collaborative Research

Ohio State University: Collaborative Research

Siemens Corporate Research: Collaborative Research

Spelman College: Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges
We have purchased and delivered to Spelman College a videoconferencing
system to help them participate in our research seminars.

University of Delaware: Collaborative Research

University of Notre Dame: Collaborative Research

Internet2: Collaborative Research

Santa Fe Institute: Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges

Tuskegee University: Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges
We have purchased and delivered to Tuskegee University a
videoconferencing system to help them participate in our research

Xerox Corporation: In-kind Support

Other collaborators:

Fred Baker (Cisco)
E. Bertino (University of Milan)
Jennifer Hou (Ohio State University)
Andrea Lawrence (Spelman College)
Peiya Liu (Siemens Corporation)
Jon Reid (MDBS)	
V. Verykios (Drexel University)
Deidre Williams (Florida A&M University)
Ashfaq Khokhar (University of Delaware)
Ben Teitelbaum (Internet2)
Suzanne Dulle (Santa Fe Institute)
Hira Narang (Tuskegee University)
Paul Barford (Univ. of Wisconsin)
Azer Bestavros (Boston Univ.)
Walter Willinger (AT&T Research)

Activities and findings:

Training and Development:
The advanced multimedia course 'Multimedia Information Systems' taught by Ghafoor (co-PI) in Fall 1999 used the multimedia database servers (video data server) and exposed graduate students to state-of-the-art multimedia database and document management techniques. The exploratory advanced networking course 'Multimedia and High-Speed Networks' taught by Park (co-PI) in Spring 2000 used the evolving Purdue Infobahn QoS Testbed, and exposed graduate students to state-of-the-art network QoS techniques and implementations. An extension of this course has recently been approved by the CS faculty as a regular course (CS 637). Leveraging the QoS and traffic control work carried out in the Network Systems Lab, co-PI Kihong Park has forged a collaborative relationship with Internet2 to perform wide area network (WAN) QoS amplification experiments over Abilene/QBone, the Gbps backbone of Internet2. The Advanced Topics in Database Systems course taught by Walid Aref (member of the MSI Senior Personnel) for the Computer Science Department in Fall 1999 and Fall 2001 covers new trends in database systems, including multimedia database server design issues, advanced query processing and query optimization techniques, generalized search trees (GIST), and many other topics profoundly related to research on the multimedia database server for the MSI initiative. Graduate students and research staff presented lectures in state-of-the-art database technology, describing design, techniques, algorithms, implementation, and performance evaluation issues related to the database server, as well as demonstrations of the operational system.

Outreach Activities:
We have engaged in several outreach activities. • Involved four Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Fisk, Florida A&M, Spelman, and Tuskegee) in our research program. We have invited them to workshops and presentations and provided videoconferencing equipment so they can attend seminars remotely. We arranged summer internships for students at Telcordia Technologies. We will continue to interact with the students and encourage them to apply to the Masters and Ph.D. programs at Purdue. . Kihong Park has interacted with members of the Santa Fe Institute in the capacity of Fellow-at-Large. Park also organized a workshop at the Santa Fe Institute (in February 2001) called 'The Internet as a Complex System', which looked at scaling, performance, and control issues related to the Next Generation Internet. It was a by-invitation only meeting, and selected contributions will be published by Oxford University Press as part of the SFI book series. . Park has given invited presentations at SFI to its Business Network members, which includes CTOs and managers from a range of institutions and organization in the US and abroad. Park has also given presentations in the Dean's Honors Seminar at Purdue University conducted by the Associate Dean, which has exposed some of the most talented undergraduate students in the School of Science to research conducted in the Network Systems Lab and the MSI project. . Park will also give a tutorial entitled 'Internet Traffic Modeling and its Implications to Network Performance and Control' at Performance 2002, in Rome, Italy, which will expose the broader networking audience, including professionals and engineers, to the latest research results in traffic and workload modeling (an important component of the MSI project) which has taken place over the past decade.

Journal Publications:
J. Cruz and K. Park, "Towards performance-driven system support for distributed computing in clustered environments", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 59, (1999), p. 132. Published
K. Park, M. Sitharam, and S. Chen, "Quality of service provision in noncooperative networks with diverse user requirements", Decision Support Systems, Special Issue on Information and Computation Economies, vol. 28, (2000), p. 101. Published
T. Tuan and K. Park, "Multiple time scale congestion control for self-similar network traffic", Performance Evaluation, vol. 36, (1999), p. 359. Published
F. Kokkoras, H. Jiang, I. Vlahavas, A. K. Elmagarmid, E. N. Houstis, and W. Aref, "Smart Video Text: An Intelligent Video Database System", Journal of ACM Multimedia Systems, vol. , (), p. . Accepted
S. Dagtas, W. Al-Khatib, R. L. Kashyap, and A. Ghafoor, "Motion Modeling and Indexing of Video Data", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. , (2000), p. 1. Published
W. Aref, I. Kamel, and S. Ghandeharizadeh, "Disk Scheduling in Video Editing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. , (2000), p. . Accepted
Jianping Fan, Walid G. Aref, and A. Rezgui, "Adaptive Motion-Compensated Video Coding Scheme Towards Content-Based Bit Rate Allocation", Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. , (2000), p. x. Accepted
David K. Y. Yau and Xiangjing Chen, "Resource Management on Software-Programmable Router Operating Systems", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 19, (2001), p. x. Published
David K. Y. Yau, "Performance Evaluation of CPU Isolation Mechanisms in a Multimedia OS Kernel", Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking, vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
David K. Y. Yau and Bharat Bhargava, "Heterogeneous CPU Services using Differentiated Admission Control", Kluwer Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal, vol. , (), p. . Submitted
Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Raj Jain, Sonia Fahmy, Rohit Goyal, and Bobby Vandalore, "The ERICA Switch Algorithm for ABR Traffic Management in ATM Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 8, (2000), p. 87. Published
Bobby Vandalore, Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, and Mukul Goyal, "General Weighted Fairness and its Support in Explicit Rate Switch Algorithms", Computer Communications Journal, vol. 23, (2000), p. 149. Published
Bobby Vandalore, Wu-chi Feng, Raj Jain, and Sonia Fahmy, "A Survey of Application Layer Techniques for Adaptive Streaming of Multimedia", Journal of Real Time Imaging, vol. 7, (2001), p. 221. Published
M. Frantzen, F. Kerschbaum, E. Schultz, and S. Fahmy, "A Framework for Understanding Vulnerabilities in Firewalls Using a Dataflow Model of Firewall Internals", Journal of Computers and Security, vol. 20, (2001), p. 263. Published
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, and Bobby Vandalore, "Fair Flow Control for ATM-ABR Multipoint Connections", Journal of Computer Communications, vol. 25, (2002), p. 741. Published
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal and Bobby Vandalore, "On Determining the Fair Bandwidth Share for ABR Connections in ATM Networks", Journal of High Speed Networks, vol. , (2002), p. . Accepted
J. Joshi, A. Ghafoor, W.G. Aref, E. H. Spafford, "Digital Government Security Infrastructure Design Challenges", IEEE Computer, vol. 34, (2001), p. 66. Published
J. Joshi, W. G. Aref, A. Ghafoor and E. H. Spafford, "Security models for web-based applications", Communications of the ACM, vol. 44, (2001), p. 38. Published
J. Joshi, A. Ghafoor, "A Petri-Net Based Multilevel Security Specification Mechanism for Multimedia Documents in a Multidomain Environment", The Second Annual Systems Security Engineering Conference, vol. , (2001), p. x. Published
J. Joshi, A. Ghafoor, "A Petri-Net Based Multilevel Security Specification Model for Multimedia Documents", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, vol. , (2000), p. x. Published
Z. Ali, A. Ghafoor and C.S.G. Lee, "Media Synchronization in Multimedia Web Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Framework", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 18, (2000), p. 168. Published
Z. Ali and A. Ghafoor, "Synchronized Delivery of Multimedia Information over ATM Networks", Communications of the ACM, vol. 43, (2000), p. 239. Published
H. Fahmi, M. Latif, A. Ghafoor, P. Liu, and L. Hsu, "Performance Evaluation of an Interactive Web-Based Multimedia Document", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2000), vol. , (2000), p. x. Published
H. Fahmi, W. G. Aref, M. Latif, B. Shafiq, A. Ghafoor, "Distributed Framework for Real-Time Multimedia Object Communication", Journal of Computer System Science and Engineering, vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
J. Joshi, Z. K. Li, H. Fahmi, B. Shafiq, and A. Ghafoor, "A Model for Secure Multimedia Document Database Systems", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. , (), p. . Submitted
K. Park and T. Tuan, "Performance evaluation of multiple time scale TCP under self-similar traffic conditions.", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. SPecial Issue on Modeling and Communication Networks, vol. 10, (2000), p. 1. Published
K. Park and W. Wang, "QoS-sensitive transport of real-time MPEG video using adaptive redundancy control.", Computer Communications,Special Issue on QoS-Sensitive Distributed Networks Systems and Applications, vol. 24, (2001), p. 78. Published
Elisa Bertino, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid and Mohand-Saïd Hacid, "Quality of Service in Multimedia Digital Libraries", SIGMOD Record, vol. 30, (2001), p. . Accepted
Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Farouk Toumani and Ahmed K. Elmagarmid., "Constraint-Based Approach to Semistructured Data.", Fundamenta Informaticae Journal, vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
Jianping Fan, David K.Y.Yau,Walid G.Aref and A.Rezgui, "Adaptive Motion-compensated Video Coding Scheme Towards Content-based Bit-rate Allocation", IS&T/SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 9, (2000), p. x. Published
Jianping Fan, Mohand S. Hacid and Ahmed K. Elmagarmid., "Content-based video classification toward hierarchical representation, indexing and accessing.", Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
A. Vakali, E. Terzi, and A. Elmagarmid,, "Representation and Storage Modeling in Multimedia Systems", ', Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Special Issue on Distributed Multimedia Systems with Applications, vol. 2, (2001), p. . Accepted
A. Vakali and E. Terzi, "Video Data Storage Policies : An Access Frequency Based Approach", Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
Jianping Fan, Walid G.Aref, Mohand S.Hacid and Ahmed K.Elmagarmid, "An improved isotropic color edge detection algorithm", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. , (2001), p. 1419. Published
A. Vakali and E. Terzi, "A Java-based model for I/O scheduling in Tertiary Storage Subsystems", International Journal of Computers and Applications, ACTA Press, vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
Rohit Goyal, Raj Jain, Sonia Fahmy, Bobby Vandalore, Mukul Goyal, Sastri Kota, Norm Butts, Kul Bhasin, and Thomas VonDeak, "Buffer Management and Rate Guarantees for TCP/IP over Satellite-ATM Networks", International Journal of Satellite Communications, vol. 19, (2001), p. 111. Published
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Rohit Goyal, and Bobby Vandalore, "Design and simulation of ATM-ABR end system congestion control", Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation, vol. , (2002), p. . Accepted
J. Fan, D. K. Y. Yau, A. K. Elmagarmid, W. G. Aref, "Automatic Image Segmentation by Integrating Color Edge Detection and Seeded Region Growing", IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, vol. 10, (2001), p. 1454. Published
J. Fan, W. G. Aref, A. K. Elmagarmid, M. S. Hacid, M. S. Marzouk, X. Zhu, "Multiview: Multi-level Video Content Representation and Retrieval", Journal of Electrical Imaging, vol. 10, (2001), p. 895. Published
W. Aref, I. Kamel, and S. Ghandeharizadeh, "Disk Scheduling in video editing systems", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 13, (2001), p. 933. Published
J. Fan, M. S. Hacid, A. K. Elmagarmid, "Model-based Video Classification for Hierarchical Video Access ", Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 17, (2002), p. 89. Published
J. Fan and A. K. Elmagarmid, "An Automatic Algorithm for Semantic Object Generation and Temporal Tracking", Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 17, (2002), p. . Accepted
J. Fan and A. K. Elmagarmid, "Semi-automatic algorithm for video object extraction and temporal tracking", Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 17, (2002), p. . Accepted
J. Fan, X. Zhu, M. S. Hacid, A. K. Elmagarmid, "Cluster-based indexing of video database: towards more efficient retrieval and browsing", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 11, (2002), p. . Accepted
J. Fan, X. Zhu, A. K. Elmagamid, and W. G. Aref, "MultiView: Hierarchical video classification and access system", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 4, (2002), p. 895. Published
W. Aref, M. Elfeky, and A. K. Elmagarmid, "Incremental, online and merge mining of partial periodic patterns in time-series databases", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. , (2002), p. . Accepted
X. Zhu, A. K. Elmagarmid, and A. C. Catlin, "InsightVideo: Toward hierarchical content organization for efficient browsing, summarization and retrieval", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. , (2002), p. . Submitted
E. N. Houstis, S. Fleeter, J. R. Rice, and C. Zhou, "GasTurbnLab: A problem solving environment for gas turbine engine simulation", Journal of Comp. Engr. Sci., vol. , (2001), p. . Accepted
E. Deelman, A. Dube, A. Hoisie, E. Houstis, Y. Luo, R. L. Oliver, D. Sundaram-Stukal, H. Wasserman, V. S. Adve, R. Bagrodia, J. C. Browne, O. Lubeck, J. R. Rice, P. J. Teller, and M. K. Vernon, "POEMS: End-to-end performance design of large parallel adaptive computational systems", IEEE Trans. Soft. Engr., vol. 26, (2000), p. 1027. Published
N. Bassiliades, I. Vlahavas, and A. K. Elmagarmid, and E. N. Houstis, "InterBaseKB: Integrating a Knowledge Base System with a Multidatabase System for Data Warehousing", IEEE Trans. Of Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. , (2002), p. . Accepted
E. N. Houstis, A. C. Catlin, P. Tsompanopoulou, D. Gottfried, G. Balakrishnan, K. Su, and J. R. Rice, "GasTurbnLab: A Multidisciplinary Problem Solving Environment for Gas Turbine Engine Design on a Network of Non-Homogeneous", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. , (2002), p. . Accepted
E. N. Houstis, A. Catlin, N. Ramakrishnan, N. Dhanjani, V. Verykios, and J. R. Rice, "MyPythia: A recommendation portal for scientific software and services", Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Scientific Portals, vol. , (2002), p. . Accepted
A. Habib, M. Hefeeda, and B. Bhargava, "Detecting Service Violations and DoS Attacks", IEEE Network, vol. , (2002), p. . Submitted
A. Habib, S. Fahmy, S. Avasarala, V. Prabhakar, and B. Bhargava, "On Detecting Service Violations and Bandwidth Theft in QoS Network Domains", Computer Communications, vol. , (2002), p. . Submitted
B. Bhargava, "A Study of Communication Delays for Web Transactions", Cluster Computing Journal, vol. 4, (2001), p. 319. Published
B. Bhargava and M. Annamalai, "A Communication Framework for Digital Libraries", Journal of Multimedia Systems and Applications, vol. 10, (2000), p. 205. Published
H. Fahmi, M. Latif, S. Sedigh-Ali, A. Ghafoor, P. Liu, and L.H. Hsu, "Proxy Servers for Scalable Interactive Video Support", IEEE Computer, vol. 34, (2001), p. 54. Published
Sunil Prabhakar, Y. Xia, D. Kalashnikov, W. Aref, and S. E. Hambrusch, "Query Indexing and Velocity Constrained Indexing: Scalable Techniques for Continuous Queries on Moving Objects", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Special Issue on DBMS and Mobile Computing, vol. , (2002), p. . Accepted

Book(s) of other one-time publications(s):
P. Liu and A. Ghafoor, "Multimedia Document Systems: A Perspective" , bibl. Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1999). Book Published
of Collection: P. Liu and A. Ghafoor, ""
S. Chen, "Stratified Best-effort QoS Provisioning in Noncooperative Networks" , bibl. Purdue University, (2000). Thesis Published
S. Chen and K. Park, "An architecture for noncooperative QoS provision in many-switch systems" , bibl. IEEE, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "INFOCOM '99"
K. Park, "Future directions and open problems in performance evaluation and control of self-similar network traffic" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience, (2000). Book Chapter Published
of Collection: , "Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation"
K. Park and W. Wang, "QoS-sensitive transport of real-time MPEG video using adaptive forward error correction" , bibl. IEEE, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Multimedia Systems '99"
K. Park and W. Willinger, "Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience, (2000). Book Published
of Collection: K. Park and W. Willinger, ""
K. Park and W. Willinger, "Self-similar network traffic: An overview" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience,, (2000). Book Chapter Published
of Collection: Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation, ""
H. Ren and K. Park, "Toward a theory of differentiated services." , bibl. IEEE/IFIP, (2000). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "International Workshop on Quality of Service"
H. Ren and K. Park, "Efficient shaping of user-specified QoS using aggregate-flow control" , bibl. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (2000). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services"
T. Tuan and K. Park, "Multiple time scale redundancy control for QoS-sensitive transport of real-time traffic" , bibl. IEEE, (2000). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "INFOCOM '00"
T. Tuan and K. Park, "Congestion Control for self-similar network traffic" , bibl. Wiley-Interscience, (2000). Book Chapter Published
of Collection: , "Self-Similar Network Traffic and Performance Evaluation"
Husni Fahmi, Walid G. Aref, Muddasar Latif, and Arif Ghafoor, "Distributed Framework for Real-Time Multimedia Object Communication" , bibl. IEEE, (2000). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Third International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing"
Jianping Fan, Walid G. Aref, and A. Rezgui, "Automatic Object-Oriented Segmentation and Conceptual Modeling Algorithm towards Content-Based Representation" , bibl. 2000, (2000). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "International Conference on Visual Communication and Image Processing"
Elisa Bertino, Mostafa Hammad, Walid G. Aref, and Ahmed Elmagarmid, "Access Control in Video Database Systems" , bibl. 2000, (2000). Proceedings Submitted
W. Aref and I. Ilyas, "The SP-Tree: A generalized space-partitioning Indexing structure" , bibl. Unknown, (2000). Proceedings Submitted
W. Aref and William J. McIver, "Indexing Techniques for Video Database Systems" , bibl. Unknown, (2000). Survey Article Submitted
S. Dagtas and A. Ghafoor, "Indexing and Retrieval of Video Based Spatial Relation Sequences" , bibl. ACM, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Multimedia '99"
W. Al-Khatib and A. Ghafoor, "An Approach for Video Data Modeling and Query Processing" , bibl. ACM, (1999). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Multimedia '99"
W. Al-Khatib, "Modeling and Querying in Video Databases" , bibl. Doctoral Thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (2001). Thesis Published
K. Park and W. Willinger, "The Internet as a Large-Scale Complex Systems." , bibl. To be published by Oxford Press, 2001., (). Book Accepted
of Collection: K. Park and W. Willinger, "The Internet as a Large-Scale Complex Systems."
K. Park and H. Lee, "On the effectiveness of probabilistic packet marking for IP traceback under denial of service attack." , bibl. Submitted, (2001). Conference Publication To appear in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '01, 2001.
H. Ren and K. Park, "Optimal aggregate-flow scheduling." , bibl. 2001, (2001). Conference Publication Accepted
of Collection: , "Proc. SPIE International Conference on Scalability and Traffic Control in IP Networks SPIE International Conference on Scalability and Traffic Control in IP Networks"
H. Ren and K. Park, "Efficient shaping of user-specified QoS using aggregate-flow control." , bibl. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 259-271, 2000., (2000). Workshop Paper Published
of Collection: , "Proc. International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services"
H. Ren and K. Park., "Toward a theory of differentiated services." , bibl. pp. 211-220, (2000). Workshop Paper Published
of Collection: , "Proc. IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service,"
J. Cruz and K. Park, "Towards communication-sensitive load balancing." , bibl. 2001, (2001). Conference Paper Accepted
of Collection: , "Proc. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems"
A. Vakali and C. Stupa, "A QoS based Disk Subsystem" , bibl. 2001, (2001). Conference Paper Accepted
of Collection: , "Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA-2001)"
Elisa Bertino, Moustafa A. Hammad, Walid G. Aref and Ahmed K. Elmagarmid., "Access Control Model for Video Database Systems." , bibl. 2000, (2000). Conference Paper Published
of Collection: , "Proceeding of CIKM, Ninth international conference on information and knowledge management"
Mohand-Saïd Hacid, Abdelmounaam Rezgui, and Jianping Fan., "Geometric Shape Representation for Image Retrieval" , bibl. pages: 156-165., (2000). Workshop Paper Published
of Collection: , "Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems (MIS'2000)"
Jianping Fan, Walid G. Aref and A. Rezgui, "Automatic Object-Oriented Segmentation and Conceptual Modeling Algorithm Towards Content-Based Representation" , bibl. 2000, (2000). Conference Paper Published
of Collection: , "International Conference on Visual Communication and Image Processing"
Jianping Fan,Mohand S.Hacid ,X.Zhang and Ahmed K.Elmagarmid, "Adaptive Motion-compensated Semantic video object extraction towards content-based indexing." , bibl. pp.430-435, Nov.19-23, (2000). Conference Paper Published
of Collection: , "International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Application"
Jianping Fan,Mohand S. Hacid, David K.Y.Yau and Ahmed K.Elmagarmid, "Model-based semantic object extraction for content-based video representation and indexing" , bibl. 2001, (2001). Conference Paper Published
of Collection: , "Proc. SPIE: Storage and Retrieval for MediaDatabases"
Jianping Fan and Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, "A semi-automatic semantic algorithm for video object extraction and temporal tracking" , bibl. 2001, (2001). Conference Paper Published
of Collection: , "Signal Processing: Image Communication"
Mohand-Said Hacid, Evimaria Terzi and Athena Vakali, "Querying XML with Constraints" , bibl. 2001, (2001). Conference Paper Accepted
of Collection: , "Special Session on XML Data Management and Applications, Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Internet Computing"
A.Vakali and E. Terzi, "A Two-Level Representation Model for Effective Video Data Storage" , bibl. 2001, (2001). Workshop paper Published
of Collection: , "MIS'2000, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems"
Elisa Bertino, Tiziana Catarci, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid and Mohand-Saïd Hacid., "A Database Approach to QoS Management in Video Databases" , bibl. Submitted, (). Conference Paper Submitted
Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Jianping Fan, Mohand-Saïd Hacid and Farouk Toumani, "Discovering Structural Associations in Video Databases" , bibl. Submitted, (). Conference Paper Submitted
Ahmed K. Elmagarmid and Mohand-Saïd Hacid, "A Constraint Systems for Ontologies" , bibl. Submitted, (). Conference Paper Submitted
Elisa Bertino, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid and Mohand-Saïd Hacid, "Ordering and Path Constraints over Semistrucrured Data" , bibl. Submitted, (). Conference Paper Submitted
Edoardo Ardizzone, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Jianping Fan and Mohand-Saïd Hacid., "Semantic Modeling for Video Browsing Systems" , bibl. Submitted, (). Book Submitted
Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Mohand-Saïd Hacid and Evimaria Terzi, "A Framework for Approximate Query Answers in XML" , bibl. Submitted, (). Conference Paper Submitted
R. Chari, and S. Prabhakar., "Prefix Caching and Replication: Techniques for Large Scale Multimedia Document Storage" , bibl. Submitted, (). Conference paper Submitted
R. Sion, A. Elmagarmid, S. Prabhakar, and A. Rezgui, "A Database-Centric Approach to Enabling End-to-End QoS for Multimedia Repositories" , bibl. Submitted, (). Workshop Paper Submitted
Sonia Fahmy, Raj Jain, Bobby Vandalore, and Rohit Goyal, "A Framework for Virtual Channel onto Virtual Path Multiplexing in ATM-ABR" , bibl. volume 3, pp. 1724-1730, (2000). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM"
Ahsan Habib, Sonia Fahmy, and Bharat Bhargava, "Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Traffic Conditioner for Differentiated Services Networks" , bibl. pp. 90-95, (2001). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN"
Chin-ying Wang and Sonia Fahmy, "Dynamics of the pgmcc multicast congestion control protocol" , bibl. Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC), (2002). Proceedings Accepted
Minseok Kwon and Sonia Fahmy, "A comparison of load-based and queue-based active queue management algorithms" , bibl. Proceedings of SPIE ITCom, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
Minseok Kwon and Sonia Fahmy, "Topology-Aware Overlay Networks for Group Communication" , bibl. Proceedings of ACM NOSSDAV, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
Minseok Kwon and Sonia Fahmy, "TCP Increase/Decrease Behavior for Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)" , bibl. Proceedings of IEEE ICC Symposium on High-Speed Networks, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
Ahsan Habib, Bharat Bhargava, and Sonia Fahmy, "A Round Trip Time and Timeout Aware Traffic Conditioner for Differentiated Services Networks" , bibl. Proceedings of IEEE ICC Symposium on Communications QoS and Reliability, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
Sonia Fahmy, "Network traffic management" , bibl. John Wiley & Sons, (2002). Book chapter Accepted
of Collection: , "Encyclopedia of Telecommunications"
Sonia Fahmy, "New TCP Standards and Flavors; and The ns Network Simulator" , bibl. Prentice Hall, (2002). Book chapter Accepted
of Collection: , "High Performance TCP/IP Networking"
X. Q. Zhu, J. P. Fan, A. K. Elmagarmid, W. A. Aref, "Hierarchical video summarization for medical data" , bibl. Proceeding of SPIE Storage and retrieval for media database, volume 4676, pp. 395-406, (2002). Proceedings Published
X. Q. Zhu, J. P. Fan, A. K. Elmagarmid, "Towards facial feature locating and verification for omni-face detection in video/images" , bibl. 9th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (2002). Proceedings Accepted
W. Aref, A. C. Catlin, A. K. Elmagarmid, J. Fan, J. Guo, M. Hammad, I. F. Ilyas, M. S. Marzouk, S. Prabhakar, A. Rezgui, E. Terzi, Y. Tu, A. Vakali, X. Q. Zhu, "A distributed database server for continuous media" , bibl. ICDS'02 Proceedings of the 18th Internationl Conference on Data Engineering, pp 490-491, (2002). Proceedings Published
I. F. Ilyas, W. Aref, and A. K. Elmagarmid, "Joining ranked inputs in practice" , bibl. Hong Kong, China, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "28th VLDB Conference"
M. Hammad, W. Aref, and A. K Elmagarmid, "Joining multiple data streams with window constraints" , bibl. CSD TR #02-010, Computer Science Department, Purdue University, (2002). Technical Report Submitted
E. N. Houstis, G. Balakrishnan, A. Catlin, N. Dhanjani, S. Lalis, M. Stamatogiannakis, J. R. Rice, and C. Houstis, "Network-based Scientific Computing: The Architecture of Scientific Software" , bibl. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, pp. 3-28, (2001). Book chapter Published
of Collection: Ronald F. Boisvert and Ping Tak Peter Tang, ""
Ronald F. Boisvert and Elias Houstis, "Computational Science, Mathematics and Software" , bibl. Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, ISBN 1-55753-250-8, (2002). Book Published
E. Houstis and J.R. Rice, "On the Future of Problem Solving Environments" , bibl. Purdue University Press, (2002). Book chapter Published
of Collection: R. F. Boisvert and E. N. Houstis, "Computational Science, Mathematics and Software"
E. N. Houstis, A. Catlin, N. Dhanjani, and J. R. Rice, "WebPDELab: A network based problem solving environment for partial differential equations" , bibl. to appear, (2002). Book chapter Published
of Collection: Fox and Dongarra, "Problem Solving Environments"
Y. Lu and B. Bhargava, "Achieving Flexibility and Scalability: A New Architecture for Wireless Network" , bibl. Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Internet Computing (IC'2001), (2001). Proceedings Published
Y. Lu, B. Bhargava, and M. Hefeeda, "An Architecture for Wireless Networking" , bibl. IEEE Workshop on Reliable and Secure Application in Mobile Environment, (2001). Proceedings Published
A. Habib and B. Bhargava, "Unresponsive Flow Detection and Control using the Differentiated Services Framework" , bibl. Proc of 13th IASTED PDCS, (2001). Proceedings Published
D. Xu, M. Hefeeda, S. Hambrusch, and B. Bhargava, "On Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming" , bibl. ICDS, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
Kihong Park, Heejo Lee, "On the effectiveness of route-based packet filtering for distributed DoS attack prevention in power-law internets. I" , bibl. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, (2001). Proceedings Published
Kihong Park, Heejo Lee, "On the effectiveness of probabilistic packet marking for IP traceback under denial of service attack." , bibl. In Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, (2001). Proceedings Published
Kihong Park, Tsunyi Tuan, "Multiple time scale TCP: harnessing proactivity in self-similar burstiness" , bibl. In Proc. ITC-17, (2001). Proceedings Published
Husni Fahmi, "Multimedia Document Scheduling using Proxies in a Distributed Environment" , bibl. PhD Thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (2002). Thesis Published
J. B. D. Joshi, K. Li, H. Fahmi, B. Shafiq, and A. Ghafoor, "A Model for Secure Multimedia Document Database System in a Distributed Environment" , bibl. Volume 4, Number 2, (2002). Special Issue Accepted
of Collection: , "IEEE Transactions on Multimedia on Multimedia Databases"
W. G. Aref and I. F. Ilyas, "An Extensible Index for Spatial Databases" , bibl. Virginia, (2001). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "The 13th International Conference on Statistical and Scientific Databases"
W. G. Aref and I. F. Ilyas, "A Framework for Supporting the Class of Space Partitioning Trees" , bibl. CSD-TR #01-002, Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, (2001). Technical Report Published
W. G. Aref, K. El-Bassyouni, I. Kamel, and M. F. Mokbel, "Scalable QoS-Aware Disk Scheduling" , bibl. Alberta, Canada, (2002). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS)"
W. G. Aref, A. Catlin, A. Elmagarmid, J. Fan, M. Hammad, I. Ilyas, M. Marzouk, and X. Zhu, "Search and Discovery in Digital Video Libraries" , bibl. CSD TR #02-005, Computer Sciences Department, Purdue University, (2002). Technical Report Published
M. Hammad, W. Aref, A. Catlin, M. Elfeky, and A. Elmagarmid, "A Stream Database Server for Sensor Applications" , bibl. CSD TR #02-009, Computer Sciences Department, Purdue University, (2002). Technical Report Published
X. Zhu, J. Fan, W. Aref, and A. Elmagarmid, "ClassMiner: Mining Medical Video Content Structure and Events Toward Efficient Access and Scalable Skimming" , bibl. Madison, WI, (2002). Proceedings Published
of Collection: , "SIGMOD Workship on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery"
M. Hammad, W. Aref, and A. Elmagarmid, "Search-based Buffer Management Policies for Streaming in Continuous Media Servers" , bibl. Lausanne, Switzerland, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition"
K. Frikken, M. J. Atallah, and Sunil Prabhakar, "Optimal Parallel I/O for Range Queries through Replication" , bibl. DEXA, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications"
D. V. Kalashnikov, Sunil Prabhakar, W. G. Aref, and S. E. Hambrusch, "Efficient Evaluation of Continuous Range Queries on Moving Objects" , bibl. DEXA, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications"
W. G. Aref, A. K. Elmagarmid, J. Fan, J. Guo, M. Hammad, I. Ilyas, M. Marzouk, S. Prabhakar, A. Rezgui, A. Teoh, E. Terzi, Y. Tu, A. Vakali, and X. Zhu, "A Distributed Database Server for Continuous Media" , bibl. ICDE, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "18th International Conference on Data Engineering"
Jiangtao Li and Sunil Prabhakar, "Data Placement for Tertiary Storage" , bibl. MSS, (2002). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "10th NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies/19th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems"
S. E. Hambrusch, C.-M. Liu, W. Aref, Sunil Prabhakar, "Query Processing in Broadcasted Spatial Index Trees" , bibl. SSTD, (2001). Proceedings Accepted
of Collection: , "7th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases"

Other Specific Products:

Data or databases
EduMed database application, a medical education database, was created
with the Indiana University School of Medicine to serve their regional
Schools of Basic Medical Education.
Intellectual Property is currently being established for the
application as it is to be distributed to all 9 of Indiana
Universities Schools of Basic Medical Education.  Once Intellectual
Property is established the software will be distributed to the other
partners.  Subsequent distribution options will be explored and the
application is further developed.

Internet Dissemination:

The MSI site connects all the researchers and associated organizations
working on this project.  Additional URLs, linked from the MSI web
page above, include...

Indiana Telemedicine Incubator
Indiana Center for Database Systems
Distributed Multimedia Systems Lab
Network Systems Lab
Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and
Security (CERIAS)


Contributions within Discipline:

 The RTDMDS architecture for the MSI framework is based on some of the
most advanced techniques and models developed for multimedia document
management and content-based retrieval of multimedia information.  In
particular, several novel techniques have been proposed by the PIs for
the QoP-based specification of complex multimedia objects, video data
modeling for efficient searching and querying of multimedia data and
access control mechanisms for multimedia database systems.  These
techniques have the potential of significantly advancing Web-based
multimedia information technology.  In addition, the new techniques
for multimedia storage management and access control will allow the
development of high performance, secure Web-based multimedia servers.

The network QoS architecture contains the some of the most advanced
theory developed for differentiated services, with the potential to
impact the design and implementation of the Next Generation Internet.
The Q-Bahn QoS testbed, an integrated wired/wireless private testbed
comprised of an IP-over-SONET QoS backbone and a WLAN (IEEE 802.11b)
based wireless mobile access network, is a one-of-a-kind
state-of-the-art research testbed.  Its unique features include the
Cisco 7206 VXR routers that run a custom IOS (Cisco's router operating
system), called purdue-ios, which implements the QoS switching
algorithms developed at the Network Systems Lab.

The network security architecture, in addition to its support of
standard end-to-end security services, incorporates a new distributed
denial of service (DDoS) attack protection component, called
route-based distributed packet filtering (DPF), which was advanced in
the Network Systems Lab to affect scalable protection against DDoS
attacks.  It is one of the very few measurement-based (using NLANR AS
topology measurements) benchmarked DDoS protection mechanisms in
existence, with incremental deployability as one of its key features.

Contributions to Other Disciplines:
 Several science and engineering disciplines can benefit from our
research related to the MSI framework.  In particular, the results and
the products from the RTDMDS architecture can be directly extended to
the GIS-based applications for the civil engineering discipline, to
electronic publication and management of manuals and documents in
industrial and mechanical engineering, and to telemedicine and digital
library related science and engineering disciplines.

The optimal aggregate-flow switching theory in the networking area
significantly advances the state-of-the-art in scheduling (electrical
engineering, operations research, industrial engineering, applied
mathematics), and the network QoS game theory advances the
state-of-the-art in noncooperative game theory (economics, management
science, applied mathematics).

The new Q-Bahn testbed is expected to overcome the 'QoS barrier' of
the Internet, where few (if any) existing technologies can be expected
to be realized on the Internet in the forseeable future.  By taking an
intra-domain, incremental approach, the technologies captured by the
Q-Bahn testbed can be easily exported to large enterprise and
institutional networks where effective QoS support is in significant

The DDoS protection architecture based on route-based DPF encompasses
several state-of-the-art aspects of scientific research, including
fault-tolerance, complexity, and power-law graph connectivity.  The
route-based DPF results showing effective proactive and reactive DDoS
protection is the only known research work, which shows that power-law
topology in the Internet autonomous system connectivity context has
profound impact on network performance.  Collaborative efforts with
mathematicians and physicists who have begun studying power-law graphs
from other perspectives are being explored as part of this effort.  

As an example, Park (co-PI) has given an invited presentation at IPAM
(NSF supported center at UCLA) on this very topic to an
interdisciplinary audience.  Park has also given invited presentations
at the Santa Fe Institute on the game theoretic aspects of the QoS
part of the project, including a presentation entitled 'The Internet
as a Complex System' to SFI' Business Network members who are
comprised of CTOs and managers of major US and international
institutions.  Park also organized (with W. Willinger) a joint SFI/NSF
workshop entitled 'The Internet as a Large-Scale Complex System' at
SFI, March, 2001, which explored the multifaceted nature of the
Internet and networked systems, which the MSI project, in a more
narrow focus on integrating content/content management (i.e., DB),
QoS, and security, is targeted at.  We believe this to be just a
beginning, albeit an important first step.

Advances in multimedia database technology and high performance
networking applied to searchable digital libraries for medical video
has the potential to transform (1) basic and continuing medical
education, (2) remote diagnostic medicine, and (3) clinical trials
management.  These three areas of telemedicine have been selected as
trial environments for the application of research in multimedia
databases through the MSI initiative.  Successful demonstrations of
multimedia database technology applied to medical education video
databases have been presented in late 2001 and early 2002.

Contributions to Education and Human Resources:
 Both our graduate students (Ph.D. and Master's) and undergraduate
students get exposed to cutting edge material, encompassing both
theory and implementation, related to the design and development of
advanced multimedia database systems, broadband multimedia networking
technologies, and information security. 

In the area of databases, the students learn the state-of-the-art
techniques for storing, accessing, and delivering multimedia documents
in a distributed environment.  This effort is further facilitated by
the Indiana Center for Database Systems under the leadership of Ahmed
Elmagarmid (PI).

In the networking area, the leading edge research conducted under the
umbrella of the Network Systems Lab, Director Park (co-PI), allows
students to understand and experiment with the novel techniques needed
for the design and development of the Next Generation Internet and its
QoS provisioning architecture.  As all components are realized in
prototype systems benchmarked over the Q-Bahn testbed, we provide a
truly unique and at-the-forefront environment for research and

In the security arena, CERIAS, under the leadership of Gene Spafford
(co-PI), a well-known center at Purdue University devoted to promoting
research and education in information security, has been providing
much needed research support and educational opportunities in the this
area.  One of the features of CERIAS is its interdisciplinary nature,
wherein the concerns of areas outside the scope of science and
engineering relevant to information security are incorporated.

Contributions to Resources for Science and Technology:
 Collaborative efforts, in particular, with industrial organizations
foster technology transfer as well as collaborative research at the
national and international scale.  As a part of this project, we have
been extremely successful in establishing collaboration with several
leading organizations, including Cisco, Sprint, Siemens, and many
Indiana-based telemedicine and database companies.  We also have close
interaction with several academic organizations as listed at the
beginning of the report.

Our research and development efforts in multimedia database technology
have produced some of the most advanced techniques and models
currently available in streaming video database management. This R&D
initiative is now the central focus for collaborations with (1) a
database company to video-enhance commercial database software and (2)
the Indiana University School of Medical to deliver video query and
retrieval for medical videos directly into medical school classrooms.

Specifically, Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. (MDBS), a company that
markets the TITANIUM database engine, has used MSI-generated
technology to integrate video operations into their flagship database
product.  This has led to further market opportunities for MDBS in the
area of video-enhanced database applications.  In partnership with the
Indiana University School of Medicine, the MSI database technology
group is developing a searchable digital medical video library. This
library will be accompanied by a database query interface ('a medical
education learning environment') that provides online content-based
access, query, browse, retrieval, and streaming presentation of
indexed medical videos.  This MSI-generated technology will deliver
real-time online search, discovery, and presentation capabilities for
video data directly into medical classrooms.

Contributions Beyond Science and Engineering:
 The success of the Next Generation Internet is one of the most
pressing and important problems facing technological advancement of
society today.  The knowledge and experience gained from the network
QoS project can have a significant impact on the development of the
core international infrastructure critical to all other electronic
infrastructures.  The integration of secure multimedia document
capabilities with this network infrastructure will have significant
economic and social impact--and will help protect the environment by
reducing our dependence on distribution media for videos, software,
and data.  At an even broader level, our focused efforts on achieving
an integrated environment encompassing databases, networking, and
security may provide the foundations and insights into affecting a
truly interdisciplinary approach to studying the Internet and its
multifaceted features, which is expected to influence all aspects of
societal functions.

Special Requirements for Annual Project Report:

Unobligated funds: less than 20 percent of current funds
Categories for which nothing is reported:
Special Reporting Requirements
Animal, Human Subjects, Biohazards