Testing , Monitoring, and Controlling  CORBA-based Applications
Sudipto Ghosh
Priya Govindarajan
Aditya P. Mathur
Baskar Sridharan
Software Engineering Research Center
Purdue University
@ Tivoli, Rome
Thursday July 15, 1999

Structure of a CORBA Application

Needs of a tester
Test Adequacy:
Goodness of system test.
Parts of the system that need additional testing.

Needs of a tester
System behavior:
Visualization of  system state transition in the presence of a given input sequence.
Visualization of system state transition in the presence of injected faults.

Needs of a tester
System performance:
Measurement of instantaneous and average load distribution (Hardware and Software).
Measurement of instantaneous and average response time.

Needs of a tester
System control:
Temporary or permanent shut down of selected services.
Injection of an arbitrary stream of requests directed at selected servers.

How TDS meets a tester’s needs?
Test adequacy:
By measuring interface-based coverage:
Method coverage
Exception coverage
iMutation Coverage

Monitoring: Sample Questions
State related:
What is the current state of component C?
Performance related:
What is the average round-trip time of a message sent to component C ?
Access related:
Did client C’ access component C during the past 24 hours ?

Control: Sample Commands
Component related:
Deny a set of services to some or all clients of component C  upon the occurrence of event E
start component C
replicate component C
send message m to component C

Proposed Test Adequacy Criteria

Proposed  iMutant Operators

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"How do the proposed test..."
How do the proposed test adequacy criteria compare with the traditional criteria?

"How do the two criteria..."
How do the two criteria compare?

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Monitoring: Strategy

Control: Strategy

S : an arbitrary state. S could be:
Component C processing request R
Component C is inactive
Component C is active

E : an arbitrary event. E could be:
Component C assumes state S
E after time T (T: local time)
E during interval [T1, T2]
E1 or E2
E1, E2 (sequence)

How TDS meets a tester’s needs?
System test:
By allowing the tester to combine features for  (V2.0)
test adequacy measurement
system performance measurement
system behavior monitoring
system control

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To Monitor and Control object B1.
B1 implements interface Bank
Construct event  E: “Arrival of request createAccount()  to object B1”
Monitor E
Specify control operation:  “Ignore all incoming requests on object B1”

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TDS 1.1 demonstrated in May 99.
Experiments with a system from Tivoli begun in May 99.
Implementation of the Monitoring and Control component begun in June 99.
Implementation of the Architecture-Extraction component begins in August 99..

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