CS525: Academic Dishonesty Policy.
The following constitutes the policy governing academic dishonesty. Any
infractions of this code will be dealt with STRICTLY in accordance with
the established rules of Purdue University.
ALL work in this class is individual, unless prior permission has been
explicitly granted by the instructor. Any evidence of copying or cooperation
will be considered academic dishonesty.
It is the students' responsibility to adequately protect their work
on the computer. If you need assistance protecting your work, please
contact your TA or instructor. It is a good idea to read-protect all your
work and not share your password with anyone.
In cases of academic dishonesty, all parties will be considered equally
responsible, even if one admits to copying from the other.
Please realize that in case you copy a homework, the penalty must be
more than a zero grade for that particular homework. (If this were not the
case, one would have nothing to lose by simply copying a homework that
he/she had not done in the first place).