Lecture #1
- Course Description and Introduction to Data Mining
Tuesday, January 13, 1998
Lecture Slides
Here are some reading materials about successful data mining systems:
More examples provided in class using
- The BACON scientific discovery program (P. Langley, H.A. Simon and G.L. Bradshaw, Heuristics
for Empirical Discovery, Readings in Machine Learning, J.M. Shavlik and T.G. Dietterich (Eds.),
pages 356-372, Morgan Kaufmann.)
- Applications of data mining to relational database tables (see S. Dzeroski, Inductive
Logic Programming and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
U.M. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, P. Smyth and R. Uthurusamy (Eds.), pages 117-119, AAAI/MIT Press.)