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Homework1 Due 1/31/2014 before class.
Homework2 Due 02/17/2014 before class.
***Handwritten assignments will be accepted too, but please
write legibly!
***If you cannot make it to class, please leave your assignment in the TA's mailbox or email before the deadline.
Project1 data.sql Due 02/14/2014 at 11:50 pm NOTE the updated version
Project1b (for students who took CS348 with Prof. Bhargava.) 02/21/2014 at 11:50 p
Project 2 Due 04/07/2014 11:50p
Test cases: You can use the command sets in the following files (in the same order as the files are listed here) to test your application.
Cloud Computing
Concurrency Control in Database Systems, Bharat Bhargava, IEEE Trans on Knowledge and Data Engineering,11(1), Jan.-Feb. 1999
The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations , Jim Gray, VLDB, 1981.
Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud, T. Ristenpart, E. Tromer, H. Shacham, S. Savage.in Proceedings of CCS 2009, pages 199Ð212. ACM Press, Nov. 2009.
Amazon's response to "Hey, you, get off my cloud"
Notes from CS641 Multimedia Database Systems