Course Overview
This course covers fundamental concepts of database systems. These concepts include database modeling and design, relational databases, querying and SQL, query optimization, data storage, transactions, database system architectures, data mining and warehousing techniques, recovery, privacy, integrity, and security. More specifically, the course covers the following topics:
There will be five project assignments. The projects are an important part of the course and you will be given details in PSOs. You will learn to use and build components of a database system. There will be five homework assignments, a midterm, and a final. The final exam will be cumulative.
The final grade will be based upon the following:
Programming/Project Assignments | 30% |
Homework Assignments | 15% |
Midterm | 25% |
Final | 25% |
Class Contribution | 5% |
Course Description
Late Submission Policy
Penalty for late homework/project is 10% for each class day after due date. Problems on grading of assignments/exams/projects must be resolved within one week after the graded work is returned/project score is posted in Blackboard. The grades will not be modified after the one week time period.Absence from Class
You must attend all classes. Absence in five or more classes will lower your final grade.
Purdue's Honor Pledge
Any cheating in home work, projects and Exams will lead to an F grade in course. Do not copy from anywhere. Always give a reference to work quoted or figures or data used.
This class will follow Purdue's Honor Pledge.
CAPS Information
Purdue University is committed to advancing the mental health and well-being of its students. If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and/or in need of support, services are available. For help, such individuals should contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (765)494-6995 and CAPS during and after hours, on weekends and holidays, or through its counselors physically located in the Purdue University Student Health Center (PUSH) during business hours.
Disability Resource Center
The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is a resource for students and instructors. Students may present a "Letter of Accommodation" to me at any point in the semester. In many cases the DRC can partner with the instructor to develop inclusive teaching strategies that benefit all students in the class. I am committed to accommodate you.