CS542 -- Project Description
1. Implement Centralized Two Phase Locking (2PL)
You will implement the centralized 2PL (Global 2PL) approach to Concurrency Control and be able to detect/resolve deadlocks.
You may use Centralized Control for global decisions.
You will generate at least three sites; you will maintain a lock table and a wait-for (dependency graph) at one site!
This means that all transactions arriving at different sites are sent to the centralized site. Queues for requesting /releasing locks will be maintained at this site. Processing must take place at the site where transaction is submitted. Locks will be released after waiting on the database at Centralized site. Updates for other sites will be sent (we assume fully replicated database) and they may arrive in different order. Your program must ensure that all updates at all sites are posted in the same order.
You may implement the algorithm of section 11.3.1 on page 318 of our
text book (Ozsu) or a variation of it.
2. Local vs Global Transactions in Optimistic CC
More details are available in the note I handed out in class and a paper Resilient Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems present in the Chapter 10 of Prof. Bhargava's book (on reserve in Math library).
You will implement the optimistic approach to concurrency control
maintain the data structures.
You will do local and global validation for each transaction.
You will send to a site, a mix of local transactions (that require
update at only this site) and global transaction
(that require an update on all copes).
You will generate at least three sites and maintain a list of logical objects and directory of copies as in Site Recovery in Replicated Distributed Database Systems description (Chapter 11 of Prof. Bhargava's book. Its on reserve in Math library).
You may assume that no failures occur in the system.
One of the problems you will have to figure out is how to keep the
of committed transactions against which a global transaction must
at each site without delaying the local transaction.
3. Replicated Copy Control: Correct Read-From Precedence
Transactions are validated and committed in the concurrency control
server, while the database on different sites is posted by the I/O
(or access manager). There is an interval between the time of commit of
a transaction
Ti, and the time of update by it on the database. During this interval,
a new transaction can read an old value.
For concurrency control, the new transaction is serialized after the commitment of Ti, while for accessing the database it is before Ti.
The research and implementation question is:
a ) How to eliminate this interval?,
b ) How to establish the correct read-from relation for each pair of transactions for all servers on a site?
You should design a policy (different than total blocking of the new transaction), and implement it.
You will need to have at least two servers for each site. You need to generate at least two sites.
You will need data structures that contain:
a) transaction id and time stamp of commit,
b) transaction id and time stamp of reading an object,
c) transaction id and time stamp of writing an object,
d) read-from relation for each transaction w.r.t. all other
(conflict graph).
You will implement a protocol that will produce the same read-from relation for all transactions on each sites.
You may be able to measure the delays caused by your policy.
4. Adaptability
More information is available in the paper ``A Model for Adaptable Transaction Processing'', in IEEE Transaction on Knowledge & Data Engineering, December 1989 (Given as handout in the class).
You will set up a data structure to capture the read/write set and
stamps for transactions that arrive on the site. This information will
be used by three types of concurrency control;
You will output the serializable history as accepted by each of
the above protocols. In addition you should be able to switch from one
protocol to another. Certain conditions must be satisfied that are
in the technical report and need further study.
For distributed concurrency control you may want to use the decentralized protocol of Rosenkrantz, Stearn and Lewis (ACM Transactions on Database Systems, June 1988).
You will implement the
a) would-wait protocol,
b) wait-die protocol,
and should be able to switch among them.
If you like, you may choose to adapt from distributed control to
control protocol or vice-versa. (This can be done for concurrency
as well as commit protocols.)
(Group project is possible.)
5. Semantics
The objective of this project is to identify semantics useful for concurrency control and/or recovery. The semantics will be provided by the user as a part of each transaction (e.g., breakpoints suggested by Lynch in ACM Transactions in Database Systems, December 1983, types of locks, commutativity of operation, user defined dependencies among transactions, types of objects and operations, etc.).
The concurrency control protocol will use this semantics to serialize transactions and eliminate partial executions.
You will need to implement a concurrency control method and change
transaction generator to add the semantics.
6. Three Phase Commit Protocol
More details are available in the Ph.D. thesis of Dale Skeen Chapter 5, Section 3, on page 102 of his paper (available from Prof. Bhargava).
A minimum of three sites should be generated. Each site will contain data structures:
Your program will initiate rounds of messages to terminate or commit
a transaction and update the data structures. After two or three
a decision will be made for the transaction. You will initiate
at each site. You will also simulate failures of different types.
You do not have to update the database.
7a. Site Failure in Partially Replicated Database
More details are available in the paper "Site Recovery in Replicated Distributed Database Systems", 6th IEEE Distributed Computing Systems Conference, May 1986 (also Chapter 11 of Prof. Bhargava's book on reserve in Math library).
You will implement the protocol ``Read one copy, write all available copies.''
A minimum of three sites should be generated. Each site will contain data structures for:
Transactions will arrive at each site. A copy will be read from
this site or another site that is up and contains a copy. All copies at
up sites will be update. The up/down status is determined by session
You will simulate the up/down status of sites. You may assume initially that at least one site is always up. You will use a control transaction to announce the failure. You will recover a site by updating the data structures correctly,and will announce the recovery via another control transaction.
Initially you do not have to worry about recovering the database.
(Note that reading or writing of database will be simulated.
The data structures will be updated in reality.)
7b. Network Partitions (Two Partitions)
Several protocols are given in Chapter 1 of Prof. Bhargava's book (on reserver in Math library) to deal with this problem.
You would need to implement an optimistic or a pessimistic approach.
For the pessimistic approach, you may read the technical report "Maintaining Mutual Consistency of Replicated Files in Partitioned Distributed Database System", which is available from Prof. Bhargava.
You will need to make several data structures:
(Note: You will not do any actual reading or writing of files for any transaction.)
You will implement the following procedures:
These procedures will allow you to do all the necessary work to
deal with transaction processing during network partitions.
8. Fail Locks and Database Recovery (Multiple Failures)
(See notes for site failure in partially replicated database.)
Instead of recovering the site, you will concentrate on ensuring
the database is fully recovered at the failed site. The operational
will maintain fail-locks (for each failed site) on copies that are
The recovering site will collect fail-lock table from each site and
the corresponding data-items as unavailable. It will allow processing
transactions on other data items. If any site is down, you will
the fail-lock table on the
recovered site if any other site is down.
The unavailable data-items will become available by one of the two approaches:
We may be able to measure by simulating the time it takes to make
all unavailable copies up-to-date.
9. Detection of Network Partition
More information is available in Section 5.3 of LOCUS book by Popek, et al.
The key question is to detect a failure of a link and then determine the set of sites that are in each partition. The goal is to reduce the number of messages and delays. The protocol should aggregate information and use the parallelism. You have to decide on a protocol or design one. Your protocol is triggered as soon as a communication request from one site to another fails or times out.
You need to maintain the data structure that :
(a) message sent to other sites;
(b) message received from other sites;
(c) requests for reply from other sites that have been time-out;
(d) set of sites that can communicate with a site.
You may also want to read the paper on network partitioning written by us.
10. Performance Study on Real-Time Service over Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
The investigated network scenario will be mobile ad hoc network (MANET). The applications are VoIP and streaming video (e.g., MPEG-4). The criteria for performance evaluation will be packet delivery ratio, delay, and delay jitter. In particular, the impact of self-contention, i.e., the nodes in the same route will contend with each other for sending out packets, will be studied. Based on the evaluation results, algorithms for improving quality of service will be developed. This will start from designing schemes of scheduling and packet dropping.
11. Study of unfairness caused by power control in contention-based channel access mechanism
In networks that use contention-based mechanism such as CSMA, a network entity will transmit data only when it does not hear any other transmissions. Power control is needed for saving power for mobile devices. However, when combining power control and CSMA, it may happen that a device transmitting with a higher power overwhelms the device transmitting with a lower power, i.e., the one with higher power doesnot detect the low-power transmission and sends out data. This new transmission will be the interference, and the rule of CSMA is violated. This project can start from studying such an unfairness and investigate what a performance degradation it may cause. Then mechanisms that avoid such an unfairness will be designed.
12. Identifying the source of the dirty data in distributed database
In distributed database, when one site is compromised, the malicious node can generate some fake transactions and the data values will be distributed to other sites. If no identification method is adopted, the database systems will not be able to locate the sources of the "bad data".
In this project, you need to implement a method which will maintain a record of the source of the data. When a bad data is detected, the reverse trace back procedure can be initiated. A propagation tree of the bad data can be established so that the source can be identified.
The questions to be answered include:
(a) What items should the record contain?
(b) How to verify the source of the data?
(c) Will a data transfer loop form? If so, how can you use checkpoint data to find the real bad site?