Typical email software

Windows-based visual email tools (like Eudora or Pegasus)

Eudora named in honor of Eudora Welty's short story "Why I Live at the Post Office"

Pegasus named for the winged horse of classical mythology

Create message

Send message to one or more people

Send "courtesy copies" (cc) to one or more people

Read message

Save message (usually in "folders")

Forward message to someone else

Reply to message

Use editor to create/reply

Incorporate existing files in message

Aliases for often-used email addresses --
johnson: fkjohnson@zeus.personnel.lilly.com

Aliases for groups of email addresses --
officers: dlwilson, brsmith@acctg, fkjohnson@zeus.personnel.lilly.com, dunsmore@cs.purdue.edu

Delete message