FTP Guide

Anonymous ftp allows user to transfer files without having account at remote computer

To access anonymous ftp site, must know IP name of site

Must be an ftp server running on remote computer and ftp client on your local computer

ftp daac.gsfc.nasa.gov

Name (ftp.daac.gsfc.nasa.gov:your_name) : anonymous

anonymous and guest are typical accounts

In place of password, usually asked to enter e-mail address

Regular (non-anonymous) ftp requires IP address, account, and password


Can use ls -al and cd to look at files and directories available

lcd changes directory of local computer

ascii sets normal text transfer mode

binary sets binary transfer mode

binary works ok for text (can be a little slower) except occasionally when binary causes strange end-of-line characters to appear

get xxx yyy
gets file xxx from remote computer and stores it as yyy at your computer

put yyy xxx
copies file yyy from your computer to be file xxx at remote computer

mget -- get multiple files

mget file1 file2 ... filen
mget *.gif
mget *

mput -- put multiple files

mput file1 file2 ... filen
mput *.gif
mput *

prompt -- turn prompt mode on or off (like light switch)

Prompt on (default) - ftp "prompts" you (asks if you want each file that matches)

Prompt off - ftp gets/puts each file silently

Good idea to turn prompt on after having it off

bye or quit ends ftp session