I am an Associate Professor in Dept. of Computer Science at Purdue University. Previously, I was an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University after I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to UCLA, I worked as an Associate/Assistant Researcher at Wireless Networking Group at Microsoft Research Asia. I received a M.Eng and B.Eng in Automation from Tsinghua University, both with highest honors. In the past, I held internships at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Microsoft Research Redmond and Microsoft Research Asia. I am an ACM Distinguished Member.
My current research interests are in the broad areas of mobile networking, system and security, with a recent focus on renovating 5G access technologies, AI for networks, 5G/IoT security, mobile edge computing (mainly for autonomous drones, vehicles and robots).
Curriculum Vitae
What is NEW?
To students at Purdue: There are openings to Research and/or Development in my lab, through REU programs (undergrad), independent studies (undergrad, MS and PhD) and thesis options (MS and PhD). There are several ongoing projects in AI and security which are calling for your participation. I would like you to have a quick look at my active research and recent publications first. If you want to know more, please email me.
PhD Hiring (Fall 2025): I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D students who are devoted to research excellence or quality system building in mobile computing and networking. In the coming year, I am hiring students particularly interested in (1) open radio access networks for 5G/6G (ORAN), (2) physical AI on drones and robots, (3) 5G security (attacks). If you are interested in working with me, please read the note and follow the instructions to contact me.
02/2025 Prof. Peng named as ACM Distinguished Member (2024).
01/2025 Prof. Peng gave a keynote at CCWC’25, Las Vegas.
12/2024 AirLab is launched!
10/2024 AirPatrol won the best poster award at MobiCom’24! Congrats to Jiaxin!
10/2024 Junpeng passed his PhD defense! Congratulations, Dr. Guo!
05/2024 Welcome to our group, Go2Edu!
04/2024 Datasets collected for all our 5G measurement studies have been released through ONE HUB at Github. All raw data traces have been collected through experiments over MI-LAB.
04/2024 Shaan passed his MS defense! Congrats!
04/2024 5G-in-the-sky measurement paper accepted at IWQoS’24! Congrats to Yanbing and Jingqi!
02/2024 Drone delivery to door (please try our demo here) won best demo award at HotMobile’24! Congrats to Shengqing, Junpeng and Chen!
01/2024 IMS security accepted at MobiCom’24!
More news
Current Teaching
More courses in the past
Active projects:
More on past and ongoing projects: here.
Tutorial on AIM, MobileInsight and beyond
This is a brief summary of high-level position talk to the public. It has basic idea, approaches and main results, by skipping all technical details of each research problem under this umbrella project: (pps), (PDF).
This is a tutorial of L2/L1 latency analysis enabled by MobileInsight. It was originally used for Hackathon, co-located at ACM SIGCOMM on Aug 25, 2018, and then was reorganized and substantially enhanced for public distribution (step-by-step learning and practice). The used codes and sample logs can be found
here. You can find the codes developed by the hackathon team (Quentin, Maryam, Syed and Ensar) at github.
This is an 3-hr tutorial on GlobeCom’17 on Dec 8, 2017.
It introduces how to step-by-step verify mobile network operations on your phones via MobileInsight. Here is the tutorial slide (pdf) (ppsx). For more up-to-date information, please check our MobileInsight website.
Selected Recent Papers (a full list at here or Google Scholar)
MobiCom’23: CA++: Enhancing Carrier Aggregation Beyond 5G
INFOCOM’23: A Close Look at 5G in the Wild: Unrealized Potentials and Implications
MobiCom’22: Uncovering Insecure Designs of Cellular Emergency Services (911), Best Community Paper Runner-up
MobiCom’21: Insecurity of Operational Cellular IoT Service: New Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures
MobiCom’21: Experience: A Five-Year Retrospective of MobileInsight
MobiCom’20 iCellSpeed: Increasing Cellular Data Speed
with Device-Assisted Cell Selection (5-min pitch)(20-min presentation)
MobiCom’20 Experience: Towards Automated Customer Issue Resolution in Cellular Networks
IMC’18 Mobility Support in Cellular Networks: A Measurement Study on Its Configurations and Implications
MobiCom’18 CEIVE: Combating Caller ID Spoofing on 4G Mobile Phones Via Callee-Only Inference and Verification
MobiCom’18 Resolving Policy Conflicts in Multi-Carrier Cellular Access
MobiCom’18 ChromaCode: A Fully Imperceptible Screen-Camera Communication System
SIGCOMM’18 A Measurement Study on Multi-path TCP with Multiple Cellular Carriers on High-speed
Mobicom’17 A Control-Plane Perspective on Reducing Data Access Latency in LTE Networks
Mobicom’17 The Tick Programmable Low-Latency SDR System, Best Community Paper Award
MobiCom’16 MobileInsight: Extracting and Analyzing Cellular Network Information on Smartphone, Best Community Paper Award
SIGMETRICS’16 Instability in Distributed Mobility Management: Revisiting Configuration Management in 3G/4G Mobile Networks
NSDI’16 iCellular: Define Your Own Cellular Network Access on Commodity Smartphones
CCS’16 New Security Threats Caused by IMS-based SMS Service in 4G LTE Networks
CCS’15 Insecurity of Voice Solution VoLTE in LTE Mobile Networks
MobiSys’15 InFrame: Achieve Simultaneous Screen-Human Viewing and Hidden Screen-Camera Communication
CCS’14 Real Threats to Your Data Bills: Security Loopholes and Defense in Mobile Data Charging
NSDI’14 Epsilon: A Visible Light Based Positioning System
MobiCom’14 Enhancing Reliability to Boost the Throughput over Screen-Camera Links
SIGCOMM’14 Control-Plane Protocol Interactions in Cellular Networks