CCS’15: Insecurity of Voice Solution VoLTE in LTE Mobile Networks, Chiyu Li, Guanhua Tu, Chunyi Peng, Zengwen Yuan, Yuanjie Li, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang. (topic: VolTE (4G voice solution) and its security loopholes)
Mobicom’18 CEIVE: Combating Caller ID Spoofing on 4G Mobile Phones Via Callee-Only Inference and Verification, Haotian Deng, Weicheng Wang, and Chunyi Peng (topic: caller ID spoofing and signaling inference for detection)
CCS’16 New Security Threats Caused by IMS-based SMS Service in 4G LTE Networks, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Yuanjie Li and Songwu Lu (topic: SMS over 4G LTE and its caller ID spoofing)
SIGMETRICS'16: Instability in Distributed Mobility Management: Revisiting Configuration Management in 3G/4G Mobile Networks, by Yuanjie Li, Haotian Deng, Jiayao Li, Chunyi Peng and Songwu Lu. (topic: 4G mobility and configuration verification)
IMC’18: Mobility Support in Cellular Networks: A Measurement Study on Its Configurations and Implications, Haotian Deng, Chunyi Peng, Ans Fida, Jiayi Meng, and Y Charlie Hu. (topic: 4G mobility configuration measurement)
MobiCom’17 A Control-Plane Perspective on Reducing Data Access Latency in LTE Networks, Yuanjie Li, Zengwen Yuan, Chunyi Peng (topic: access latency in control-plane operations)
NSDI’16 iCellular: Define Your Own Cellular Network Access on Commodity Smartphone, Yuanjie Li, Haotian Deng, Chunyi Peng, Guan-Hua Tu, Jiayao Li, Zengwen Yuan, Songwu Lu (topic: Multi-Carrier Access)
sigmetrics18-ltevr Supporting Mobile VR in LTE Networks: How Close Are We? by Z. Tan ,Y. Li ,Q. Li ,Z. Zhang ,Z. Li ,S. Lu (topic: VR, low-latency)
mobisys17-web: Accelerating Mobile Web Loading Using Cellular Link Information, Xiufeng Xie, Xinyu Zhang, Shilin Zhu, MobiSys’17. (topic: TCP design, cross-layer optiomization, web)
Mobicom'19-mph2: MP-H2: a Client-only Multipath Solution for HTTP/2, Ashkan Nikravesh, Yihua Guo, Xiao Zhu, Feng Qian, Z. Morley Mao (topic: mutli-path TCP design)
mobicom’18-raven: RAVEN: Improving Interactive Latency for the Connected Car, HyunJong Lee, Jason Flinn, Basavaraj Tonshal (topic: TCP design, latency)
mobicom'19-jigsaw: Jigsaw: Robust Live 4K Video Streaming, Ghufran Baig, Jian He, Mubashir Adnan Qureshi, Lili Qiu, Peng Chen, Yinliang Hu (topic: 4K video streaming, 5G app)
Mobicom’19-bursttracker: Detecting if LTE is the Bottleneck with BurstTracker, Arjun Balasingam, Manu Bansal, Rakesh Misra, Kanthi Nagaraj, Rahul Tandra, Sachin Katti, Aaron Schulman (topic: LTE scheduling, app optimization)
NSDI’18-copa: Copa: Practical Delay-Based Congestion Control, Venkat Arun and Hari Balakrishnan (topic: TCP design, Delay-based, not for cellular)
SIGCOMM'18-HSR: A Measurement Study on Multi-path TCP with Multiple Cellular Carriers on High-speed Rails, Li Li, Ke Xu, Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Chunyi Peng, Dan Wang, Xiangxiang Wang, Meng Shen, and Rashid Mijumbi (topic: Multipath TCP, high-speed mobility, measurement)
mobicom'19-hsr: An Active-Passive Measurement Study of TCP Performance over LTE on High-speed Rails, Jing Wang, Yufan Zheng, Chenren Xu, Yunzhe Ni, Wangyang Li, Yihua Cheng, Zhuo Cheng, Feng Qian, Yuanjie Li, Xiufeng Xie, Yi Sun, Zhongfeng Wang (topic: TCP, high-speed mobility, measurement)
mobicom18-analytics Mitigating the Latency-Accuracy Trade-off in Mobile Data Analytics Systems, Anand Padmanabha Iyer, Li Erran Li, Mosharaf Chowdhury,Ion Stoica (topic: network analytics, machine learning 2.0)
sigmetrics18-backhaul: Predictive Impact Analysis for Designing a Resilient Cellular Backhaul Network, S. Yang, H. Yan , Z. Ge , D. Wang , J. Xu (topic: network analytics, backhual)
mobicom18-skycore: SkyCore: Moving Core to the Edge for Untethered and Reliable UAV-based LTE networks, Mehrdad Moradi, Karthik Sundaresan, Eugene Chai, Sampath Rangarajan, Z. Morley Mao (topic: network architecture, core, drone)
mobicom'18-echo: ECHO: A reliable distributed cellular core network for hyper-scale public clouds, Binh Nguyen, Tian Zhang, Bozidar Radunovic , Ryan Stutsman , Thomas Karagiannis , Jakub Kocur,Jacobus Van der Merwe, (topic: network architecture, reliablity)
nsdi18-safebricks: SafeBricks: Shielding Network Functions in the Cloud, Rishabh Poddar, Chang Lan, Raluca Ada Popa, and Sylvia Ratnasamy (topic: NFV)
SIGCOMM’17-CORE: A High Performance Packet Core for Next Generation Cellular Networks, by Zafar Ayyub Qazi, Melvin Walls,Aurojit Panda,Vyas Sekar,Sylvia Ratnasamy,Scott Shenker, SIGCOMM’17, 2017. (topic: network architecture)
NSDI19-CommunityCellularManager Scaling Community Cellular Networks with CommunityCellularManager, Shaddi Hasan, Claire Barela, Matthew Johnson, ; Eric Brewer, Kurtis Heimerl (topic: community cellular network operation at scale)
ndss19-privacy Privacy Attacks to the 4G and 5G Cellular Paging Protocols Using Side Channel Information, Syed Rafiul Hussain, Mitziu Echeverria, Omar Chowdhury, Ninghui Li and Elisa Bertino (topic: privacy, paging)
ndss19-aka Component-Based Formal Analysis of 5G-AKA: Channel Assumptions and Session Confusion, Cas Cremers, Martin Dehnel-Wild (topic: security, formal analysis, AKA)
sp19-lte: Breaking LTE on Layer Two, David Rupprecht, Katharina Kohls, Thorsten Holz, Christina Pöpper (topic: security, LTE, link layer)
ndss18-lteinspector: LTEInspector: A Systematic Approach for Adversarial Testing of 4G LTE. Syed Rafiul Hussain, Omar Chowdhury, Shagufta Mehnaz, and Elisa Bertino (topic: security, LTE protocol inspection)
sp19-ltecontrol: Touching the Untouchables: Dynamic Security Analysis of the LTE Control Plane, Hongil Kim, Jiho Lee, Eunkyu Lee, Yongdae Kim (topic: security analysis, LTE control plane)
Mobicom’19-LTEtest: Systematic way to LTE Testing, Muhammad Taqi Raza, Songwu Lu (topic: LTE testing)
Mobicom’18-conflict: Resolving Policy Conflicts in Multi-Carrier Cellular Access Zengwen Yuan, Qianru Li, Yuanjie Li, Songwu Lu, Chunyi Peng, and George Varghese (topic: Multi-Carrier Access, policy verification