Course ManagementLectures:
DescriptionIn the first part of this lecture series, faculty and staff introduce to the first year graduate students the general ideas and issues concerning research in the CS department. After that, faculty representatives from several research areas will present an overview of the state of the art in those areas and some of the topics pursued in the department. GradingGrading is pass/fail and is based primarily on attendance. Students are expected to attend all lectures. Students coming to the lecture more than 10 minutes late will be counted as absent. If a lecture is missed, the student may make up by viewing the archived video of the lecture. The student will then write a one-page summary of the lecture contents and prepare for a possible short presentation and discussion in a review session towards the end of the semester. This summary and the presentation/discussion (if taking place) will then be a factor for the grade. The written summary should include a statement about the overall theme of the video, and an explanation of at least 3 major points made by the speaker. The student can submit a hard copy of the summary at a later lecture (to the convener of that lecture) or email an electronic copy to Professor Zhiyuan Li the coordinator. No student is allowed to miss more than two lectures (even with making up described above) without an explicit prior consent from the coordinator.
Lecture Schedules (subject to change)