/* initialize.c - nulluser, sysinit */
/* Handle system initialization and become the null process */
extern void start(void); /* Start of Xinu code */
extern void *_end; /* End of Xinu code */
/* Function prototypes */
extern void main(void); /* Main is the first process created */
static void sysinit(); /* Internal system initialization */
extern void meminit(void); /* Initializes the free memory list */
local process startup(void); /* Process to finish startup tasks */
/* Declarations of major kernel variables */
struct procent proctab[NPROC]; /* Process table */
struct sentry semtab[NSEM]; /* Semaphore table */
struct memblk memlist; /* List of free memory blocks */
/* Active system status */
int prcount; /* Total number of live processes */
pid32 currpid; /* ID of currently executing process */
/* Control sequence to reset the console colors and cusor positiion */
#define CONSOLE_RESET " \033[0m\033[2J\033[;H"
* nulluser - initialize the system and become the null process
* Note: execution begins here after the C run-time environment has been
* established. Interrupts are initially DISABLED, and must eventually
* be enabled explicitly. The code turns itself into the null process
* after initialization. Because it must always remain ready to execute,
* the null process cannot execute code that might cause it to be
* suspended, wait for a semaphore, put to sleep, or exit. In
* particular, the code must not perform I/O except for polled versions
* such as kprintf.
void nulluser()
struct memblk *memptr; /* Ptr to memory block */
uint32 free_mem; /* Total amount of free memory */
/* Initialize the system */
/* Output Xinu memory layout */
free_mem = 0;
for (memptr = memlist.mnext; memptr != NULL;
memptr = memptr->mnext) {
free_mem += memptr->mlength;
kprintf("%10d bytes of free memory. Free list:\n", free_mem);
for (memptr=memlist.mnext; memptr!=NULL;memptr = memptr->mnext) {
kprintf(" [0x%08X to 0x%08X]\n",
(uint32)memptr, ((uint32)memptr) + memptr->mlength - 1);
kprintf("%10d bytes of Xinu code.\n",
(uint32)&etext - (uint32)&text);
kprintf(" [0x%08X to 0x%08X]\n",
(uint32)&text, (uint32)&etext - 1);
kprintf("%10d bytes of data.\n",
(uint32)&ebss - (uint32)&data);
kprintf(" [0x%08X to 0x%08X]\n\n",
(uint32)&data, (uint32)&ebss - 1);
/* Enable interrupts */
/* Initialize the network stack and start processes */
/* Create a process to finish startup and start main */
resume(create((void *)startup, INITSTK, INITPRIO,
"Startup process", 0, NULL));
/* Become the Null process (i.e., guarantee that the CPU has */
/* something to run when no other process is ready to execute) */
while (TRUE) {
/* Halt until there is an external interrupt */
asm volatile ("hlt");
* startup - Finish startup takss that cannot be run from the Null
* process and then create and resume the main process
local process startup(void)
uint32 ipaddr; /* Computer's IP address */
char str[128]; /* String used to format output */
/* Use DHCP to obtain an IP address and format it */
ipaddr = getlocalip();
if ((int32)ipaddr == SYSERR) {
kprintf("Cannot obtain an IP address\n");
} else {
/* Print the IP in dotted decimal and hex */
ipaddr = NetData.ipucast;
sprintf(str, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
(ipaddr>>24)&0xff, (ipaddr>>16)&0xff,
(ipaddr>>8)&0xff, ipaddr&0xff);
kprintf("Obtained IP address %s (0x%08x)\n", str,
/* Create a process to execute function main() */
resume(create((void *)main, INITSTK, INITPRIO,
"Main process", 0, NULL));
/* Startup process exits at this point */
return OK;
* sysinit - Initialize all Xinu data structures and devices
static void sysinit()
int32 i;
struct procent *prptr; /* Ptr to process table entry */
struct sentry *semptr; /* Ptr to semaphore table entry */
/* Platform Specific Initialization */
/* Reset the console */
kprintf("\n%s\n\n", VERSION);
/* Initialize the interrupt vectors */
/* Initialize free memory list */
/* Initialize system variables */
/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */
prcount = 1;
/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */
Defer.ndefers = 0;
/* Initialize process table entries free */
for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
prptr = &proctab[i];
prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
prptr->prprio = 0;
/* Initialize the Null process entry */
prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
prptr->prprio = 0;
strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
prptr->prstkbase = getstk(NULLSTK);
prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
prptr->prstkptr = 0;
currpid = NULLPROC;
/* Initialize semaphores */
for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
semptr = &semtab[i];
semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
semptr->scount = 0;
semptr->squeue = newqueue();
/* Initialize buffer pools */
/* Create a ready list for processes */
readylist = newqueue();
/* Initialize the real time clock */
for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
int32 stop(char *s)
kprintf("%s\n", s);
kprintf("looping... press reset\n");
/* Empty */;
int32 delay(int n)
return OK;