All CS 180 course work must be done
individually.We encourage discussion of any CS 180 topic including
ideas about how to do the projects. But, under no circumstances will
exchange of code via written or electronic means be permitted between
CS 180 students. It is considered dishonest either to read someone
else's solution or to provide a classmate with a copy of your work.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that superficial changes
in a program (such as altering comments, changing variable names, or
interchanging statements) will avoid detection. If you cannot do the
work yourself, it is extremely unlikely that you will succeed in
disguising someone else's work. We are adamant that cheating in any
form will not be tolerated. Even the most trivial assignment is
better not done than if you cheat to complete it.
All students in CS 180 must read and "sign" the Purdue
University Department of Computer Science Academic Integrity Policy.
This is available on the CS Department Website at the Computer
Science Resource Portal. Click on the link "Academic Integrity
Policy". You will need your Purdue Career Account login and password
to access this page. There, after reading the policy, you will
indicate that you have read and understand both the policy and its
consequences. There is also information about some implementation
IMPORTANT: CS 180 students will not be allowed to take Exam 1 if they
have not "signed" this policy.
In CS 180 a first instance of academic dishonesty will result in a
zero for that assignment plus a letter grade deduction at the end of
the semester. In accordance with the Purdue University Department of
Computer Science Academic Integrity Policy, any instance of academic
dishonesty on an exam, project, or lab assignment will be reported to
the Dean of Students Office.
A second instance of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of F.
You should direct questions concerning a lab
or project to a staff member, rather than a classmate. But, when you
come to us, be sure that you have specific questions and can show
evidence that you have spent some time on your own attempting to
solve your problem.
This is a four credit hour class. Purdue
University regulations state that we may ask as much as 3 hours of
your time per credit hour in an average week. Accordingly, you should
plan on spending an average of TWELVE hours per week on this course.
We are aware that this represents a large part of your available
time, but we feel that it is worth it!
ATTENDANCE IN CS 180 IS MANDATORY! You should plan on attending EVERY
lecture, EVERY recitation, and EVERY lab meeting. Past experience has
shown us that students who attend lecture, recitation, and lab
regularly do better on labs, assignments, and exams -- even those who
think they already know the material or who think they can learn it
on their own. While attendance is not counted directly in your grade,
there will be quizzes in lecture and recitation (worth 5% of your
grade.) Missed labs, and quizzes in lecture and recitations, CANNOT
be made up, unless the absence is excused. Lab and recitation
absences MAY be excused for reasons of serious illness, family
emergency, or official university commitments, but only if appropriate
documentation is provided to your Lab Instructor (for lab),
Recitation Instructor (for recitation), or the course coordinator
(for lecture). For planned absences (band trips, other course field
trips, etc.), you must inform your instructor ahead of time, or the
absence will not be excused.
You should read the material in the textbook
according to the class syllabus. In most cases, you will read about a
concept in the book, then we will cover it in class, then you will
use it in lab, then it will be discussed in recitation, then it will
be used on a project, and finally it will be tested on an exam.
Computers may become heavily loaded as a
project deadline nears. Waiting until the last minute to work on your
project is dangerous! Our CS 180 policy is NOT to extend deadlines
unless most available workstations are unavailable for an extended
period (like 10-12 hours) near the end of a project.
Late Submission:
NO LATE projects or lab submissions will be accepted. There will be
NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule except under extreme circumstances
approved in advance by your Recitation Instructor or Lab Instructor.
Failure to turn in a project results in a loss of all the points
allocated for the project. The same holds true for a lab assignment.
For each project, students are told to direct
all project-related questions to one of the CS 180 Recitation
Instructors using e-mail. That Recitation Instructor will answer all
questions about the project and will post general interest questions
and answers to the purdue.class.cs180 news group. We can answer
questions asking for clarifications on the project. We can address
problems that arise if the project handout is unclear or does not
adequately address an area the project covers. However, that person
should not be asked questions specific to your own individual
program. Those kinds of questions should be taken to a CS 180
consultant or your own Recitation Instructor.
In most cases no credit will be given for
programs that do not compile (that is, execution is suppressed due to
compilation errors). Programs which execute but are not correct or
complete will be considered for partial credit. To receive full
credit, your program must produce correct results, be well-designed,
be efficient, and adhere to good programming style. Visit this link
to learn about our Java Programming Standards.
Dishonesty: In
addition to reading ths paragraph, please read the policy in the left
column. Each case of dishonesty during examinations, projects, or
laboratory exercises, will be reported to the Dean of Students. The
final course grade of a student involved in a dishonesty case will be
lowered by one letter grade unless it is an F in which case the grade
will not be lowered. We abide by Purdue's policy regarding academic integrity.
devices: You are welcome to use laptops, smart phones and other
devices during a lecture session to access course related material
being covered during the class. Please ensure that the use of
electronic devices does not in any way disturb others in the
Campus Emergencies: In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines, and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar. If such unusual circumstances arise, we will notify you via this Website. Typically, campus emergencies include pandemic disease outbreaks (e.g., H1N1 flu), weather extremes (e.g., tornado, blizzard), hazardous material spills or leaks (e.g., gas pipe break, chemical spill), infrastructure problems (e.g., electrical power failures, water quality problems), and general safety issues (e.g., person on campus suspected of violent behavior).A special note about H1N1 flu -- We do not want ill students in class, recitation, or lab spreading the virus. If you are diagnosed with this flu or any other highly-contagious disease, contact CS 180 Instructional Coordinator Dr. Lorenzo Martino via email ( to make arrangements.