Using Perl to Access Database Systems

This document was written by CS 290W TA David Corcoran and was last modified

The ability to make queries to a database is essential in today's world of electronic commerce. Search engines, credit card verification, Web dictionaries, etc. all use databases and have a means of accessing them. What are these databases? Typical ones include Oracle, Sybase, Access, Solid, and Msql/Mysql.

Those are just a few. They all have something in common though. Each can be accessed remotely. They all support either a full or subset implementation of SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL (pronounced "sequel") is a standard that allows you to communicate using the same commands to any database that supports them. Another standard ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is commonly used by Microsoft Access. But, we will be focusing on SQL. The following are examples of SQL commands:

With the six commands above you can do virtually any type of database management function with most databases. Once communications are established to the database server, sending SQL commands will work on most databases. Unfortunately, actually talking to the database server differs greatly between all databases. Fortunately, there are modules written for Perl called DBI and DBD modules.

DBI and DBD modules can be downloaded off the Perl website under the CPAN site. PUCC has installed DBI and DBD::Oracle for use with your accounts. We will not be going into great detail on Web databasing besides making simple queries. For more information you might try the following: Note: the above is all free. You can save yourself some time by getting a copy of RedHat Linux (~$49) and downloading MySQL (~1meg) and the DBI/DBD (500k).

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