Research Interests
Currently, I'm leading a team of students working on Database Systems for the Cloud and Large Language Models, including Disaggregated Databases and Vector Databases.
Disaggregated Database Systems (for the Cloud)
- Memory-Disaggregated Databases
- Storage-Disaggregated Databases
- Distributed Shared-Memory & Shared-Storage Databases
- Serverless Databases with Disaggregation
- Disaggregated Databases for Data Lakes
- [Papers: VLDB'25 (Revision), Patent'24, SIGMOD'24a, SIGMOD'24b, VLDBJ'24a, VLDB'23, SIGMOD'23, ICDE'23]
- [Major Open-source: We built OpenAurora, an open-source version of Amazon Aurora, based on PostgreSQL v13.0. OpenAurora is a cloud-native database prototype optimized for the storage-disaggregated infrastructure. We are currently working on memory disaggregation and multi-masters within OpenAurora. We hope it will be used by the broader database system research community.]
- [External Grants: NSF CAREER Award]
Vector Database Systems (for Large Language Models)