PhD Students

Dr. Jianguo Wang, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University, is actively looking for highly motivated PhD students starting from Spring/Fall 2025. We're currently working on Database Systems for the Cloud and Large Language Models.

We do database research at Purdue, with a particular focus on database systems research (among different flavors of database research). To succeed in our group, students are expected to be comfortable with, or at least have a strong interest in, exploring and working within a fairly large-scale codebase, such as PostgreSQL and RocksDB.

In terms of background, we surely welcome students with a background in database systems. But we also highly welcome students with a background in AI/ML (broadly defined) who are interested in working at the intersection of database systems and AI/ML.

Please send your CV, TOEFL score (with each sub-score), and transcript to with the email subject of "PhD Application for Purdue Database Systems Group". More information can be found at

Please also follow the instructions to officially apply for the PhD program of Purdue CS and mention my name as the first potential advisor:

Master / Undergraduate Students

If you are currently enrolled at Purdue and are interested in database systems research, please send me your CV and transcripts (both undergraduate and graduate if possible).

Summer Interns

We have a couple of summer intern openings in database systems for both Purdue and non-Purdue students (can be remote). Students are expected to read relevant papers and implement core database components. Please send me your CV and transcripts if you're interested.