Multimodal Network Alignment
- codes/multinsd
- Funded by DARPA SIMPLEX, NSF CCF-1149756, IIS-1422918, IIS-1546488, CCF-093937 and the Sloan Foundation
Robustifying graph-based diffusion algorithms
Heat-kernel based community detection
- codes/hkgrow
- Computer communities in large networks using the heat-kernel diffusion
rapidly with a local diffusion method.
- Funded by NSF CAREER CCF-1149756
Algorithmic anti-differentiation: A case study with spectral, min-cuts, and flow
- codes/l1pagerank
- Demonstrate the equivalence between the push method and a particular l1 regularized l2 objective in the context of PageRank
- Funded by NSF CAREER CCF-1149756
NEXPOKIT, Network Matrix Exponentials for link-prediction, centrality, and more
- codes/nexpokit
- Compute the action of the matrix exponential quickly for the transition
matrix of a random graph assuming that the right hand side is sparse
- Funded by NSF CAREER CCF-1149756
A dynamical system for PageRank with evolving teleportation
- codes/dynsyspr-im (Revised codes for the journal paper)
- codes/dynsyspr-waw (Original conference paper codes)
- The goal of these codes is to work with a dynamical system version of PageRank for the case of a static-graph but with fluctuating interest over time.
Multi-core network alignment
- codes/netalignmc
- Solve a network alignment problem using a multi-core belief propagation algorithm. This scales up to 40-cores on a modern Intel system.
- Funded by NSF CAREER CCF-1149756
Neighborhood clusters
Overlapping clusters
- codes/overlapping
- Find a set of overlapping clusters or partitions of
a graph to minimize the communication of a distributed
Stochastic Kronecker fitting
- codes/kgmoments
- Given a symmetric, loop-less graph, find the parameters
of a stochastic Kronecker model by matching the moments
of the distributions.
Skew-symmetric matrix completion
Fast-katz and commuters
Circulant algebra matrices
Galerkin methods for parameterized systems
Network alignment
Random alpha pagerank
Inner-outer pagerank