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Numerical Analysis

David Gleich

Purdue University

Spring 2021

Course number CS-51400, MATH-51400

Online due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Social distance, wear a mask.

Zoom, Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30-11:45

Homework 5

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences in a typed manuscript and submit the solution on Gradescope by - April 30th at 5am if you want it graded before the final - May 3rd at noon if you want it graded after the final. (No penalty, just no feedback before the exam.)

Problem 0: Homework checklist

Problem 1: (Ascher and Greif, Problem 16.5)

Consider the ODE with .

  1. Apply the stretching transformation to obtain the equivalent ODE And show the relationship between and .

  2. Show that applying the forward Euler method to the ODE for in with step size is equivalent to applying the same method to the ODE for in with step size that satisfies .

Problem 2: (Ascher and Greif, Example 16.20)

Consider the following system that describes the behavior of two masses in the presence of a third mass of (small) size. The masses are and (earth and sun): The initial conditions are Let .

  1. Implement a 4th order RK method for this problem.

  2. Show what happens for , and , , steps. Discuss any interesting observations.

  3. Use a standard integration software package such as ode45 or one of the Julia ODE packages or an equivalent tool to study this problem.

Problem 3: (Gautschi Machine Exercise 5.5)

Newton's equations for the motion of a particle on a planar orbit (with eccentricity , ) are

  1. Verify that the solution can be written in the form of

  2. Write a program to solve the nonlinear equation at each step using Newton's method and plot the exact solution for .

  3. Write a forward and backwards Euler solver for this problem.

  4. Evaluate the error with and time-steps using the same values of .

Problem 4: Raptors redux

Recall the Raptor problem from the midterm.

function simulate_raptors(angle)
    vraptor0=10.0 # the slow raptor velocity in m/s
    vraptor=15.0 #

    raptor_distance = 20.0

    raptor_min_distance = 0.2 # a raptor within 20 cm can attack
    tmax=10.0 # the maximum time in seconds

    # initial positions
    h = [0.0,0.0]
    r0 = [1.0,0.0]*raptor_distance
    r1 = [-0.5,sqrt(3.)/2.]*raptor_distance
    r2 = [-0.5,-sqrt(3.)/2.]*raptor_distance

    # how much time el
    dt = tmax/nsteps
    t = 0.0

    hhist = zeros(2,nsteps+1)
    r0hist = zeros(2,nsteps+1)
    r1hist = zeros(2,nsteps+2)
    r2hist = zeros(2,nsteps+2)

    hhist[:,1] = h
    r0hist[:,1] = r0
    r1hist[:,1] = r1
    r2hist[:,1] = r2

    tend = tmax

    This function will compute the derivatives of the
    positions of the human and the raptors
    function compute_derivatives(angle,h,r0,r1,r2)
        dh = [cos(angle),sin(angle)]*vhuman
        dr0 = (h-r0)/norm(h-r0)*vraptor0
        dr1 = (h-r1)/norm(h-r1)*vraptor
        dr2 = (h-r2)/norm(h-r2)*vraptor
        return dh, dr0, dr1, dr2

    for i=1:nsteps
        dh, dr0, dr1, dr2 = compute_derivatives(angle,h,r0,r1,r2)
        h += dh*dt
        r0 += dr0*dt
        r1 += dr1*dt
        r2 += dr2*dt
        t += dt

        hhist[:,i+1] = h
        r0hist[:,i+1] = r0
        r1hist[:,i+1] = r1
        r2hist[:,i+1] = r2

        if norm(r0-h) <= raptor_min_distance ||
            norm(r1-h) <= raptor_min_distance ||
            norm(r2-h) <= raptor_min_distance

            # truncate the history
            hhist = hhist[:,1:i+1]
            r0hist = r0hist[:,1:i+1]
            r1hist = r1hist[:,1:i+1]
            r2hist = r2hist[:,1:i+1]
            tend = t
    return tend
  1. Modify this code to use Heun's method instead of forward Euler and comment on how the results change with angle.

  2. Not assigned in the end (Tentative, not currently assigned.) Something using Backward Euler. This involves solving the nonlinear system which is more like the previous problem.