a logo for the course

Numerical Analysis

David Gleich

Purdue University

Spring 2021

Course number CS-51400, MATH-51400

Online due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Social distance, wear a mask.

Zoom, Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30-11:45

Initial survey and video

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences in a typed manuscript and submit the solution on Brightspace by on Jan 28th at 11:59pm.


  1. Record a quick video about yourself -- see the end of the Zoom video to get an example -- with your name, MS/PhD objective, adviser (if you have one), year in program, research area.

And briefly mention why are you taking the class!

(If you are one of the students that already introduced yourself on Zoom, please just submit a simple file mentioning this fact!)

The course

  1. Watch the video on the syllabus

  2. Please reply to the polls on Piazza about the exams and collaboration.

  3. Make sure you get Julia installed and working with Jupyter / nteract / or VScode.

The way to submit this assignment is via a video submission on Brightspace. There is no other check on the polls, but please do them!