## Here's partial pivoting
function solve1_pivot!(A::Matrix, b::Vector)
m,n = size(A)
@assert(m==n, "the system is not square")
@assert(n==length(b), "vector b has the wrong length")
if n==1
return [b[1]/A[1]]
# let's make sure we have an equation
# that we can eliminate!
α = abs(A[1,1])
newrow = 1
for j=2:n
if abs(A[j,1]) > α
α = abs(A[j,1])
newrow = j
if α <= 10*eps(1.0) # need a better tolerance here... but this will do
error("the system is singular, with a size = $(size(A)) system")
# swap rows 1, and newrow
if newrow != 1
tmp = A[1,:]
A[1,:] .= A[newrow,:]
A[newrow,:] .= tmp
b[1], b[newrow] = b[newrow], b[1]
D = A[2:end,2:end]
c = A[1,2:end]
d = A[2:end,1]
α = A[1,1]
y = solve1_pivot!(D-d*c'/α, b[2:end]-b[1]/α*d)
γ = (b[1] - c'*y)/α
return pushfirst!(y,γ)
A = [0 1.0; 1.0 1.0]
b = [5; 6.0]
xtrue = A\b
xmy = solve1_pivot!(A,b) # this changes A.
@show norm(xtrue-xmy)
UndefVarError: `norm` not defined Stacktrace: [1] macro expansion @ show.jl:1181 [inlined] [2] top-level scope @ In[1]:43
## Let's test this on a singular system
using StableRNGs
n = 5
r = 2
A = rand(n,n)
A[:,1] .= 0 # make it singular
b = ones(5)
xmy = solve1_pivot!(copy(A),b) # this changes A.
the system is singular, with a size = (5, 5) system Stacktrace: [1] error(s::String) @ Base ./error.jl:35 [2] solve1_pivot!(A::Matrix{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64}) @ Main ./In[1]:21 [3] top-level scope @ In[2]:9
# This fails on the first step step because that
# column is zero. But the rank isn't 0! It's n-1.
## Let's modify this for complete pivoting
function solve1_pivot_complete!(A::Matrix, b::Vector)
m,n = size(A)
@assert(m==n, "the system is not square")
@assert(n==length(b), "vector b has the wrong length")
if n==1
if A[1] <= 10*eps(1.0)
error("the system is singular, with a size = $(size(A)) system")
return [b[1]/A[1]]
# let's find the equation and variable to eliminate
eqvarpair = argmax(abs.(A)) # I don't like this as it makes a copy
newrow = eqvarpair[1]
newvar = eqvarpair[2]
if abs(A[newrow,newvar]) <= 10*eps(1.0) # need a better tolerance here... but this will do
error("the system is singular, with a size = $(size(A)) system")
# swap rows 1, and newrow
if newrow != 1
tmp = A[1,:]
A[1,:] .= A[newrow,:]
A[newrow,:] .= tmp
b[1], b[newrow] = b[newrow], b[1]
if newvar != 1
tmp = A[:,1]
A[:,1] .= A[:,newvar]
A[:,newvar] .= tmp
D = A[2:end,2:end]
c = A[1,2:end]
d = A[2:end,1]
α = A[1,1]
y = solve1_pivot_complete!(D-d*c'/α, b[2:end]-b[1]/α*d)
γ = (b[1] - c'*y)/α
x = pushfirst!(y,γ)
# swap variables back
x[1], x[newvar] = x[newvar], x[1]
return x
A = [0 1.0; 1.0 1.0]
b = [5; 6.0]
xtrue = A\b
xmy = solve1_pivot_complete!(A,b) # this changes A.
@show norm(xtrue-xmy)
UndefVarError: `norm` not defined Stacktrace: [1] macro expansion @ show.jl:1181 [inlined] [2] top-level scope @ In[4]:48
## Difference between partial and complete pivoting
A = rand(100,100)
x = ones(100)
b = A*x
x1 = solve1_pivot!(copy(A),copy(b))
x2 = solve1_pivot_complete!(copy(A),copy(b))
z = A\b
norm(x1-ones(100)), norm(x2-ones(100)), norm(z-ones(100))
UndefVarError: `norm` not defined Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope @ In[5]:10
A = rand(5,5)
A[:,1] .= 0
b = ones(5)
x2 = solve1_pivot_complete!(copy(A),copy(b))
# This now fails on the last step when we have a 1,1
# system, which suggests the rank is n-1.
the system is singular, with a size = (1, 1) system Stacktrace: [1] error(s::String) @ Base ./error.jl:35 [2] solve1_pivot_complete!(A::Matrix{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64}) @ Main ./In[4]:8 [3] solve1_pivot_complete!(A::Matrix{Float64}, b::Vector{Float64}) (repeats 4 times) @ Main ./In[4]:35 [4] top-level scope @ In[6]:5
## This now fails on the