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Matrix Computations

David Gleich

Purdue University

Fall 2024

Course number CS-51500

Tuesday-Thursday 10:30-11:45pm.

Readings and topics

Main reference

Matrix Methods and Programs. David F. Gleich
Numerical Linear Algebra with Julia. Eric Darve and Mary Wootters.
Matrix computations 4th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press. Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan

Other references

James Demmel, Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, 1997
Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau [Numerical Linear Algebra], 1997
Saad, Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 2nd edition, SIAM 2003

Lecture 30

We finished up on bipartite matrices, then did a brief tour of randomized algorithms (see the Julia code), then did a review for the final (see slides!)

Lecture 30
Final review
Randomized Matrix Methods (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 30a - Bipartite Matrices
Lecture 30b - Randomized Algorithms
Lecture 30c - List of topics

Lecture 29

Algorithms for the SVD and Bipartite Matrices (really, matrices with Property A that are consistently ordered).

Lecture 29
Singular Value Algorithms (not complete) (MM&P - 30)
Bipartite Matrices (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 29a - Two Matrices for Computing SVDs
Lecture 29b - SVD Algorithms

Lecture 28

The equivalence between QR and subspace iteration, tridiagonal reduction, and a brief introduction to sparse eigenvalue algorithms.

Lecture 28
Trefethen and Bau - Lecture 28
MM&P - 29
Tridiagonal Reduction (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Sparse Eigenvalues (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 28a - Subspace and QR
Lecture 28b - Improving QR for Eigenvalues
Lecture 28c - Tridiagonal Reduction for Eigenvalues
Lecture 28d - ARPACK (Quick lecture)

Lecture 27

We discussed the multi-grid preconditioner and then started back into eigenvalue algorithms. We did most of the work on looking at simple eigenvalue relationships and how to transform the spectrum of a matrix to get the power method to converge to other eigenvalues. But then we pointed out that you can also deflate eigenvalues.

Eigenvalue Algorithms (not complete) (MM&P - 28, 29)
Lecture 27
Trefethen and Bau - Lecture 28
Eigenvalue Algorithms (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 27a - Multigrid
Lecture 27b - Eigenvalue Algorithms

Lecture 26

We discussed the types and examples of preconditioners.

Lecture 26
Preconditioning A discussion
on types and examples of preconditioners. (MM&P - 27)
Saad Section 10.3
GvL, 11.5
Tref Lecture 40
Lecture 26a - Preconditioning Intro
Lecture 26b - Preconditioning Goal
Lecture 26c - Preconditioning Examples

Lecture 25

We had a lecture on using the structure in GMRES and also doing CG via orthogonal polynomials; see the videos on blackboard for more information on these ideas too.

Lecture 25
Efficient GMRES Notes (MM&P - 25)
Orthogonal Polynomials A discussion
on orthogonal polynomials and how to derive CG via them! (MM&P - 24)
Templates for the solution of linear systems
Saad Section 6.4
Saad Section 6.5
Tref Lecture 35
Efficient GMRES (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Orthogonal Polynomials (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 25a - GMRES Make sure to have the PDF notes handy while watching this!
Lecture 25b - Orthogonal Polynomials
Lecture 25 - 2017 - Orthogonal Polynomials

Lecture 24

We finished our derivation of the efficient CG method based on updating the Cholesky factorization.

Lecture 24
Conjugate Gradient (MM&P - 23)
Lecture 24a - Conjugate Gradient Overview
Lecture 24b - CG Results Make sure to have the PDF notes handy while watching this!

Lecture 23

We saw that the Lanczos process follows from the Arnoldi process on a symmetric matrix. We also saw that the Arnoldi vectors span the Krylov subspace. Then we briefly introduced CG.

Lecture 23
Arnoldi and Lanczos (html) (jl) (ipynb)
A simple CG (html) (jl) (ipynb)
MM&P - 22
Lecture 23a - Arnoldi and Lanczos in Julia
Lecture 23b - Lanczos Proofs
Lecture 23c - Krylov Methods

Lecture 22

We showed that the Krylov subspace must contain the solution if it stops growing. Then we also stated the Arnoldi process.

Lecture 22
Simple Krylov Subspaces are Ill-conditioned (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Krylov methods (MM&P - 21, 22)
Krylov methods 2022
Conjugate Gradient
Saad Section 6.3, 6.5
Trefethen and Bau, Lecture 33, 35
GvL Algorithm 10.1.1
Lecture 22a - Krylov Subspace
Lecture 22b - From Krylov to Arnoldi

Lecture 21

We started working on Krylov methods after seeing some examples of matrix functions for graphs.

Lecture 21
Linear Discriminant Analysis (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Krylov methods (MM&P - 21)
Krylov methods 2022
Saad Section 6.5
Trefethen and Bau, Lecture 35
Lecture 21a - Matrix Functions and Graphs
Lecture 21b - Generalized Eigenvectors
Lecture 21c - Krylov Methods Intro

Lecture 20

We discussed more advanced versions of some of the problems we saw in class. This includes sequences of linear systems, rank-1 updates, functions of a matrix, and generalized eigenvalues.

Lecture 20
Advanced problems (MM&P - 26, 27)
Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury Formula
GvL 9.1 - Functions of a matrix
GvL 8.7 - Generalized eigenvalue decomposition
GvL 2.1.5 - Update formula
Lecture 20a - Multiple Righthand Sides
Lecture 20b - Rank 1 updates
Lecture 20c - Matrix Functions

Lecture 19

We finished up talking about backwards stability and the issues with variance. Then we talked about cases where I've encountered floating point issues. In solving quadratic equations, in the Hurwitz Zeta function, and in the PageRank linear system. Then we dove into the outline for the proof that Gaussian elimiantion with partial pivoting is backwards stable. We did not get through this, but you should read it on your own!

Error analysis of LU (MM&P - 20)
PageRank (in Analysis notes)
Lecture 19
Accurate PageRank versions (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 19a - Backwards Stability
Lecture 19b - Quadratic Accuracy
Lecture 19c - PageRank
Lecture - LU is Backwards Stable

Lecture 18

We investigated how computers store floating point numbers in the IEEE format.

This then led to an understanding of the guarantees they make about basis arithmetic operations. We used this to understand why some implementations of codes are better than others, which gives rise to the idea of a backwards stable algorithm.

Lecture 18
Floating Point systems (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Variance computations (html) (jl) (ipynb) (Covered in Lecture 19)
Tref Lecture 13, 14, 17
Golub and van Loan, sections 2.7, 3.1, 3.3.2
Numerical stability
Backwards Stability (in Analysis notes) (MM&P - 19)
Lecture 18a - Steepest Descent Analysis
Lecture 18b - IEEE Floats
Lecture 18c - Backwards Error

Lecture 17

We saw a lot today! The goal of the class was to establish kappa(A) as a fundamental quantity. This involved: 2. the SVD of a matrix exists. 4. ||A||_2 is orthogonally invariant. 5. ||A||_2 = sigma_max. This follows from orthogonal invariance. 6. ||A^{-1}||_2 = 1/sigma_min. This again follows from orthogonal invariance. 3. the SVD is the eigenvalue decomposition for sym. pos. def matrices. 7. ||A||_2, ||A||^{-1}_2 = lambda_max and 1/\lambda_min for sym. pos. def.

Then we showed that Richardson converges at a rate that depend on kappa(A) the 2-norm condition number.

Lecture 17
The condition number as a fundamental quantity (MM&P 17, 18)
GvL 2.4 (and other parts of Chapter 2)
GvL 11.3.2.
Lecture 17a - Conditioning-
Lecture 17b - The SVD
Lecture 17c - 2-norm Condition Number

Lecture 16

We started by going over the next half of class. Then we started analyzing algorithms for linear systems by counting flops for LU, although this count was not optimal. We saw two problems that Julia can't solve (see below) that deal with conditioning and stability. Then we moved into a discussion about conditioning. A problem's conditioning just tells us how sensitive the problem is to changes in the input. We wouldn't expect to accurately solve a problem that is highly sensitive to changes in the input on a computer. Each problem has a condition number, and there is a number that arises so frequently that we call it the condition number of a matrix. We first established what the condition number of a matrix is.

Lecture 16
A linear system that Julia can't solve (html) (jl) (ipynb) Note that if you perturb this system by eps(1.0)*randn(60,60), then it can!
The Hilbert Linear System (that Julia can't solve) (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Analyzing matrix computations (MM&P - 16, 17)
After midterm outline
Tref Lecture 13, 14, 17
Golub and van Loan, sections 2.7, 3.1, 3.3.2
Numerical stability
Lecture 16a - FLOP Counts
Lecture 16b - Bad solutions to linear systems
Lecture 16c - Conditioning Intro

Lecture 15

We went over Givens and Householder for QR, and then went through the midterm.

Lecture 15
QR for Least Squares (html) (jl) (ipynb)
QR and Least Squares (MM&P - 15)
Trefethen and Bau, Lecture 8
Trefethen and Bau, Lecture 11
Golub and van Loan, section 5.5
Lecture 14a - Givens and QR
Lecture 14b - Householder

Lecture 13

We saw how to derive the QR factorization of a matrix as what arises with Gram Schmidt.

Lecture 13
QR for Least Squares (html) (jl) (ipynb) (Not covered)
QR and Least Squares (MM&P - 15)
Midterm Review
Trefethen and Bau, Lecture 8
Trefethen and Bau, Lecture 11
Golub and van Loan, section 5.5
Variable Elimination and Least Squares (MM&P - 14)
Lecture 13a - QR Factorization
Lecture 13b - Review (Optional for 2020!)

Lecture 12

We saw pivoting in variable elimination to ensure that it always works and also how to do variable elimination for least squares.

Lecture 12
Pivoting in LU (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Elimination in Least Squares (html) (jl) (ipynb)
GvL 3.2, 3.4
GvL 4.2
Tref Lecture 20, 21
Golub and van Loan, section 5.1.8, 5.2.5, 5.3
Trefethen and Bau, Lecture 11
Lecture 12a - LU Recap
Lecture 12b - Pivoted LU
Lecture 12c - Finite Least Squares

Lecture 11

We saw variable elimination and how it gives rise to the LU factorization of a matrix.

Lecture 11
Variable Elimination (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Elimination (MM&P - 11)
GvL 3.2, 3.4
GvL 4.2
Tref Lecture 20, 21
Lecture 11a - Power Method Analysis
Lecture 11b - Finite Algorithms and LU

Lecture 10

We saw that Gauss-Seidel is equivalent to Steepest Descent on symmetric matrices with unit diagonal and some intro material on eigenvalue algorithms.

Lecture 10
Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi (MM&P - 9)
Eigenvalues and the Power Method (MM&P - 10)
Golub and van Loan, section 7.3
Saad Chapter 4
Eigenvectors for Phase Retrieval (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Eigenvalue Algorithms (html) (jl) (ipynb) Shown in Lecture 11
Lecture 10a - Gauss Seidel and Coordinate Descent
Lecture 10b - Eigenvalues and the Power Method

Lecture 9

We saw the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterations today.

Lecture 9
Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi (MM&P - 9)
Golub and van Loan, section 11.2
Saad Chapter 5
Jacobi and Gauss Seidel (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 9a - Jacobi Code
Lecture 9b - Jacobi Analysis
Lecture 9c - Jacobi Typo and Gauss Seidel

Lecture 8

We finished our work on the steepest descent algorithm and moved into the coordinate descent algorithm.

Lecture 8
Steepest descent (MM&P - 8)
Steepest descent and Ax=b (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 8a - Quadratic functions
Lecture 8b - Optimization and Gradient Descent
Lecture 8c - Coordinate Descent

Lecture 7

We did a bit on norms, then went back to show how to use the Richardson method to give us a way of solving any system of linear equations or least squares problem. Then we began to study a quadratic function that will give us another way to solve linear systems.

Lecture 7
Aside on norms (MM&P - 6)
Simple Matrix Algorithms (MM&P - 7)
GvL Section 2.3, 2.4
Tref Lecture 3, 4
Quadratic equations and Ax=b (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Norms (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 7a - Norms
Lecture 7b - Richardson
Lecture 7c - Gradient Descent

Lecture 6

We saw a number of derivations of the same type of algorithm called Richardson's method, based on the Neumann series. (We'll see more in the next class too!) We also saw how to check the solution of a linear system of equations, and saw norms.

Lecture 6
Simple Matrix Algorithms (MM&P - 7)
Other reading https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_Richardson_iteration
Aside on norms (MM&P - 6)
GvL Section 2.3, 2.4
Tref Lecture 3, 4
Notes on how to prove that norms are equivalent by Steven Johnson
Neumann series solver (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Norms (not covered in class) (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 6a - Neumann Series
Lecture 6b - Residual and Error
Lecture 6c - Neumann Algorithm
Lecture 6d - Norms

Lecture 5

We saw CSC and CSR formats as well as the Neumann series method to build the "inverse" of a matrix (but you shouldn't do that).

Lecture 5
Sparse Matrix Operations (MM&P - 4)
Simple Matrix Algorithms (MM&P - 7)
Operations with sparse matrices in Julia (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 5a
Lecture 5b
Lecture 5c

Lecture 4

(Video recorded from 2018 )

We looked at structure in matrices: Symmetric positive (semi) definite, Orthogonal, M-matrix, Triangular, Hessenberg.

Then we saw how you could model the game of Candyland as a matrix problem. We used this as an example to study how to actually use sparse matrix operations in Julia.

Lecture 4 (From 2018 as well...)
Structure in matrices (MM&P - 3)
Sparse Matrix Operations (MM&P - 5)
Matrix structure (pdf)
Operations with sparse matrices in Julia (html) (jl) (ipynb)
This uses data files candyland-matrix.csv candyland-coords.csv candyland-cells.csv
Lecture 4a
Lecture 4b

Lecture 3

We looked at structure in matrices: Hankel, Toeplitz, Circulant, Sparse.

Lecture 3
Structure in matrices (MM&P - 3)
Matrix structure (pdf)
Examples of Matrices and Least Squares (html) (jl) (ipynb)
General reading on sparse matrices
Direct methods for sparse linear systems (Chapter 2) this is
probably the best introduction to sparse matrix operations
[Direct link to Chapter 2]((http://epubs.siam.org.ezproxy.lib.purdue.edu/doi/pdf/10.1137/1.9780898718881.ch2)
Saad Chapter 3
Lecture 3a
Lecture 3b

Lecture 2

We started introducing our notation and discussed what a Matrix is, along with the three fundamental problems of linear algebra.

Lecture 2
What is a matrix (MM&P - 1)
Course notation (pdf) (MM&P - 2)
Matrix structure (pdf) (MM&P - 3)
Matrices and linear algebra (pdf)
Viral spreading (MM&P - 4)
Examples of Matrices and Least Squares (2019) (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Examples of Matrices and Least Squares (2018) (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Viral Spreading (2020) (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture - Viral Spreading
Lecture 2a
Lecture 2b
Lecture 2c

Lecture 1

We introduced the class and reviewed the syllabus.

2024 Intro Slides on Flipped Classroom
Lecture 1
Lecture 1a

In-class discussion periods

Lecture 1
2024-Lecture 1
Intro to Julia (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 2
Notes for Lecture 2
2024-Lecture 2
Objects in Julia (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Least squares example (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Julia packages (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 3
Notes for Lecture 3
2024-Lecture 3
Sparse vs. Dense in Julia (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 4
Notes for Lecture 4
2024-Lecture 4
Special cases for matrices (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 5
Notes for Lecture 5
2024-Lecture 5
Lecture 7
Notes for Lecture 7
2024-Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Notes for Lecture 8
2024-Lecture 8
Jordan Blocks and Matrix Powers (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 9
Notes for Lecture 9
2024-Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Notes for Lecture 10
2024-Lecture 10
Power method (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 11
Notes for Lecture 11
2024-Lecture 11
Lecture 12
Notes for Lecture 12
2024-Lecture 12
Pivoting and rank (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 13
Notes for Lecture 13
2024-Lecture 13
Lecture 15
Notes for Lecture 15
2024-Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Notes for Lecture 16
2024-Lecture 16
Lecture 18
Notes for Lecture 18
2024-Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Notes for Lecture 19
2024-Lecture 19
Lecture 20
Notes for Lecture 20
2024-Lecture 20

FloatingPointErrors.jl. You can add this to Julia by doing

] add https://github.com/dgleich/FloatingPointErrors.git


using FloatingPointErrors
Lecture 21
Notes for Lecture 21
2024-Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Notes for Lecture 22
2024-Lecture 22
Lecture 23
Notes for Lecture 23
2024-Lecture 23
Lecture 24
Notes for Lecture 24
2024-Lecture 24
MINRES vs. CG (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 25
Notes for Lecture 25
2024-Lecture 25
MINRES gives A orthogonal residuals (html) (jl) (ipynb)
MINRES with orthogonal polynomials (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 26
Notes for Lecture 26
2024-Lecture 26
Lecture 27
Notes for Lecture 27
2024-Lecture 27
Three demos (html) (jl) (ipynb)
Lecture 28
Notes for Lecture 28
2024-Lecture 28
Lecture 29
Notes for Lecture 29
2024-Lecture 29
Lecture 30
Notes for Lecture 30
2024-Lecture 30