using Convex
using SCS # I think I fixed it
using ECOS
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
A1 = [-2.0 1;
-1 2;
1 0]
b = [2.0; 7; 3]
A = [A1 Matrix{Float64}(I,3,3)] # form the problem with slacks.
# Convert the problem into standard form.
cs = [-1 -2 0 0 0]'
AS = A
3×5 Matrix{Float64}: -2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
""" Solve the central-path problem for interior point methods. """
function ip_central(c,A,b,tau)
x = Variable(length(c))
p = minimize(c'*x - tau*sum(log(x)))
p.constraints += A*x == b
#p.constraints += x .>= 0
#solve!(p, SCSSolver(verbose=false, eps=1e-6, rho_x=1e-5))
solve!(p, ECOS.Optimizer; silent_solver = true)
return x.value, p
5×1 Matrix{Float64}: 2.194306745844007 2.19689605264216 4.191717426412428 4.8005145961358595 0.8056932352928711
5×1 Matrix{Float64}: 2.9999999527872614 4.999999927790513 2.9999999774138804 9.632385127797924e-8 4.70706169504064e-8
taus = vec([10 7.5 5 3.5 2 1 0.75 0.5 0.35 0.20 10.0.^(range(-1,stop=-7,length=10))'])
p = PlotRegion.plotregion(AS,b)
for tau in taus
x = ip_central(cs, AS, b, tau)[1]
scatter!([x[1]],[x[2]],label="", marker_z=log10(tau))
taus = vec([10 7.5 5 3.5 2 1 0.75 0.5 0.35 0.20 10.0.^(range(-1,stop=-7,length=10))'])
p = PlotRegion.plotregion(AS,b)
for tau in taus
x = ip_central([-1 0 0 0 0.0]', AS, b, tau)[1]
scatter!([x[1]],[x[2]],label="", marker_z=log10(tau))
x = ip_central([-1,-2.0,0,0,0], AS, b, 0.0002)
@show x[1]
A1 = [-2.0 1;
-1 2;
1 0]
b = [2.0; 7; 3]
AS = [A1 Matrix{Float64}(I,3,3)] # form the problem with slacks.
cs = [1 0 0 0 0]'
#cs = [-1 -2 0 0 0]'
taus = vec([10 7.5 5 3.5 2 1 0.75 0.5 0.35 0.20 10.0.^(range(-1,stop=-7,length=10))'])
p = PlotRegion.plotregion(AS,b)
for tau in taus
x = ip_central(cs, AS, b, tau)[1]
scatter!([x[1]],[x[2]],label="", color="red")
# Convert the problem into standard form.
cs = [-1 -2 0 0 0]'
AS = A
tau = 1.0
x0,prob = ip_central(cs,AS,b,tau)
x = copy(x0)
x[1] += 0.5
x[2] += 0.5
lam = vec(prob.constraints[1].dual)
@show lam
# show the region and the starting point
plt = PlotRegion.plotregion(AS,b)
scatter!([x[1]],[x[2]],label="", color="red")
# compute the steps
n = length(cs)
m = size(AS,1)
s = tau./x
J = [zeros(n,n) AS' Matrix{Float64}(I,n,n);
AS zeros(m,m) zeros(m,n);
Diagonal(vec(s)) zeros(n,m) Diagonal(vec(x))]
mu = dot(x,s)/n
sigma = 0.5
F = [s + AS'*lam - cs; AS*x - b; x.*s]
Fc = [s + AS'*lam .- cs; AS*x .- b; x.*s .- sigma*mu ]
p = J\-F
pc = J\-Fc
plot!([x[1];x[1] + p[1]], [x[2];x[2] + p[2]], label="Affine")
plot!([x[1];x[1] + pc[1]], [x[2];x[2] + pc[2]], label = "Centered")
xf = [x; lam; s];
[xf+p xf+pc]
taus = vec([10 7.5 5 3.5 2 1 0.75 0.5 0.35 0.20 10.0.^(range(-1,stop=-7,length=10))'])
p = PlotRegion.plotregion(AS,b)
for tau in taus
x = ip_central(cs, AS, b, tau)[1]
@show tau
@show x
scatter!([x[1]],[x[2]],label="", color="red")
x = ip_central([-1,-2.0,0,0,0], AS, b, 0.0002)
@show x[1]