image of a large network

Network & Matrix Computations

David Gleich

Purdue University

Fall 2011

Course number CS 59000-NMC

Tuesdays and Thursday, 10:30am-11:45am

CIVL 2123

Initial Survey

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences in a typed manuscript. Please submit the papers to me by class on August 25th.

Date: 2011-08-22. (The final version of this survey will be posted by 10:30am on 2011-08-23, please check back after then.)

  1. Please tell me about yourself: name, MS/PhD objective, adviser (if you have one), year in program.

  2. Why are you taking the class?

  3. Tell me about your previous linear algebra, matrix analysis, or numerical analysis classes. What topics did you cover?

  4. Tell me about any classes where you’ve seen graph algorithms or network analysis methods? What topics and algorithms did you cover?

  5. Have you used Matlab before?

  6. Have you used SciPy before?

  7. Have you used R before?

  8. Have you used any other packages for network analysis?

  9. Which of the topics from the syllabus are you most excited about?

Very important

  1. We will need to reschedule two classes as mentioned in the syllabus. Please let me know if you have conflicts with the period after class identified in the syllabus (11:45am-1pm).

In these cases, I will provide a pizza lunch. For that reason, can you let me know if you have any dietary restrictions?