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CS 638: Multimedia Networking and Operating SystemsSpring 2022 |
TTh 4:30--5:45 PM LWSN B134 Sonia
Fahmy, office: LWSN 2142H, e-mail:
last name @purdue.edu CS 503 or CS 536 or
consent of the instructor 03
Please review the policies page maintained by Professor Gene Spafford for information about course policies.
We will cover some material from the following books, but they are not required, i.e., your class notes will suffice:
Discussion Lead and Reviews:
Each student will lead the discussion of one of the assigned papers. The presentation should discuss the main ideas of the paper, in addition to pointing out their significance/novelty, applications, limitations, and relationship to other work. The student leading the discussion is expected to prepare original slides on the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, with suggestions for improvement/extension. Please credit the source of any slide or figure you use that is not original.
Since one of the aims of this course is to learn to critique research papers, students will complete reviews of assigned papers before their discussion. This means that students should read these assigned papers critically and carefully. Please be prepared to discuss your review in class.
Please e-mail me if you wish to set up an appointment to meet online or in-person.
We will also discuss a few important or recent papers on multimedia in top networking and operating systems conferences, journals, and magazines.
Homeworks and (best 6) paper reviews | 35% |
Paper presentation | 15% |
Project plan and updates | 10% |
Project report | 25% |
Project presentation | 10% |
Class participation | 5% |
Date | Topic/Reading(s) | Due |
Jan. 11 | Course overview; Examples (Netflix; Google Networking) | |
Jan. 13 | Multimedia units and streams, real-time systems, Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) | |
Jan. 18 | Review of key operating systems and networking concepts | |
Jan. 20 | Review of key operating systems and networking concepts (cont'd) TCP throughput; Fairness index; Fairness/efficiency |
Jan. 25 | Audio, video, and real-time protocols
A. Durresi and R. Jain, RTP, RTCP, and RTSP. Henning Schulzrinne and Jonathan Rosenberg, Internet Telephony: Architecture and Protocols-- An IETF Perspective, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol 31, no 3, pp. 237-255, February 1999. Prof. Schulzrinne's page |
Jan. 27 | Audio, video, and real-time protocols (cont'd) | |
Feb. 1 | Audio, video, and real-time protocols (cont'd); Network traffic management | |
Feb. 3 | Network traffic management (cont'd) | Homework 1 due by 8 PM |
Feb. 8 | Network traffic management (cont'd) | |
Feb. 10 | Content distribution networks and peer-to-peer systems | Project plan due by 8 PM |
Feb. 15 | Content distribution networks and peer-to-peer systems (cont'd) | |
Feb. 17 |
QUIC The QUIC Transport Protocol: Design and Internet-Scale Deployment. SIGCOMM '17. Slides |
Feb. 22 | QUIC (cont'd) | |
Feb. 24 | Multimedia and real-time operating systems Scheduling algorithms for multiprogramming in a hard-real-time environment |
Homework 2 due by 8 PM |
Mar. 1 | Multimedia and real-time operating systems (cont'd) | |
Mar. 3 | Multimedia and real-time operating systems (cont'd) | |
Mar. 8 | Neal Cardwell, Yuchung Cheng, C. Stephen Gunn, Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, and Van Jacobson. 2016. BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control: Measuring bottleneck bandwidth and round-trip propagation time. Queue 14, 5 (September-October 2016), 20-53. | Discussion lead: Akhil; Paper review due by 4:30 PM |
Mar. 10 | Fangfan Li, Arian Akhavan Niaki, David Choffnes, Phillipa Gill, Alan Mislove. Large-Scale Analysis of Deployed Traffic Differentiation Practices. In SIGCOMM '19: 2019 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, August 19-23, 2019. | Discussion lead: Chandrika; Paper review due by 4:30 PM |
Mar. 22 | X. Yin, A. Jindal, V. Sekar, B. Sinopli, A Control-Theoretic Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming over HTTP SIGCOMM '15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication August 2015 Pages 325-338. | Discussion lead: Bilal; Paper review due by 4:30 PM |
Mar. 24 | Vijay K. Adhikari, Yang Guo, Fang Hao, Volker Hilt, Zhi-Li Zhang, Matteo Varvello, and Moritz Steiner. Measurement Study of Netflix, Hulu, and a Tale of Three CDNs. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, VOL. 23, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2015. | Discussion lead: Xianqi; Paper review due by 4:30 PM |
Mar. 29 | Gaetano Carlucci, Luca De Cicco, Stefan Holmer, and Saverio Mascolo. Analysis and design of the Google congestion control for Web real time communication (WebRTC). In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems (MMSys '16). Article 13, 1-12. | Discussion lead: Samuel; Paper review due by 4:30 PM |
Mar. 31 | Panoramic videos and volumetric videos | Project update due |
Apr. 5 | Virtual reality. Guest speaker: Professor Voicu Popescu | |
Apr. 7 | Kyungjin Lee, Juheon Yi, Youngki Lee, Sunghyun Choi, and Young Min Kim. 2020. GROOT: a real-time streaming system of high-fidelity volumetric videos. Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 57, 1-14. | Discussion lead: Yufeng; Paper review due by 4:30 PM |
Apr. 12 | Zhaowei Tan, Yuanjie Li, Qianru Li, Zhehui Zhang, Zhehan Li, and Songwu Lu. Supporting Mobile VR in LTE Networks: How Close Are We? Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. 2, 1, Article 8 (March 2018). | Discussion lead: Umakant; Paper review due by 4:30 PM |
Apr. 14 | Wireless Networking for Personalized and Collaborative Virtual Reality. Guest speaker: Professor Bin Li, Penn State University | |
Apr. 19 | A Variegated Study of 5G Services: Challenges, Opportunities, and Application Innovations for VR/MR. Guest speaker: Professor Feng Qian, University of Minnesota | |
Apr. 21 | Review | |
Apr. 26 | Project presentations: Umakant, Yufeng, Xianqi | |
Apr. 28 | Project presentations: Bilal/Samuel, Akhil/Chandrika | Final project report due May 4th, 2022 by 8 PM |