Rocketfuel-to-ns Tool Suite from Purdue University

1. Introduction

rocketfuel-to-ns is a utility to convert RocketFuel-format data files into a set of configuration files runnable on the DETER testbed, or testbeds such as Emulab and WAIL. Experiment configurations generated with this tool have the advantage of not being totally synthetic representations of the Internet; they provide a router-level topology based on real measurement data.

2. System Requirements

3. Quick Start Guide

To get up and running after unzipping and untarring rf2ns.tgz, here is an example what to type (assuming DETER project name is DDosImpact):

tar zxvf rocketfuel-to-ns.tar.gz
tar zxvf policy-dist.tar.gz
cd rocketfuel-to-ns
export PROJ_DIR=/proj/DDosImpact/exp/rf2ns
perl --path-to-setup=$PROJ_DIR --rf-dir=../maps-n-paths --max-nodes=30 --multiplex-thresh=4

Create the experiment rf2ns on the testbed using the input file out.ns (generated above). Make sure the "Do not swap in" option is checked.

Copy the setup files to $PROJ_DIR:

cp setup-* $PROJ_DIR

Return to the web interface for the testbed & start the experiment!


4. Man Page


Created by: David W. Bettis
Last updated by: Wei-Min Yao