by Greg Frederickson
The Table of Contents:
1. Time to Fold
2. What's the Flap?
3. Swingers and Twisters
4. Willing Converts
5. Quad Squad
6. Thinking Inside the Box
7. Hole in One
8. Square Tactics
9. Triangle, Triangle Again
10. Hexagons, Triangles, Squares---Oh My!
11. Out of the Loop
12. From FIFI to ZULU, and Back!
13. Intensive Square
14. Staying Rational
15. Double-Crossed!!
16. Stargazing
17. Manifold Blessings
18. A Mixed Bag
19. Pot Luck
20. Puzzles Unfolded
Index of Dissections
General Index
The "Lost" Manuscript of Ernest Irving Freese
Manuscript 2: Freese's Unique Point of View
Manuscript 3: Giving Freese His Due
Manuscript 4: The Many Sides of Ernest Freese
Manuscript 5: Getting Better All the Time
Folderol 1: A New Wrinkle on an Old Problem
Folderol 2: One Percent Perforation
Folderol 3: Maps and Flaps