


Goals: Textbook:

Numerical Analysis Using Matlab

Mailbox List:

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Grade Distribution:
  1. 25% Midterm
  2. 25% Final
  3. 50% Projects and Homework
  1. floating and fixed point representation and also computational error
  2. solutions of non-linear equations of the form f(x) = 0
  3. solution of linear systems of form Ax = B
  4. interpolation
  5. curve fitting
  6. numerical differentiation
  7. numerical integration
  8. numerical optimization
  9. solution of differential equations
Class Time:

MTWTF 11:25A - 12:25P

Binary Numbers: Converting Decimal To Binary:


send questions to cs314-ta@cs.purdue.edu

Representation of numbers in the machine Modern architectures give 2 options to represent real numbers


Absolute error

|P - P*| where P* is the approximation of P

Relative error

|P - P*|/|P| for P not equal to 0

Chop-off vs. Round-off

  abs. error rel. error
chop-off .59 x 10-3 1.9 x 10-4 = .02%
round-off .41 x 10-3 1.3 x 10-4 = .01%

Therefore, round-off better than chop-off

Propagation errors

Assume p and q are approximated by p* and q* such that No algorithm is:
  1. stable - if small initial errors stay small
  2. unstable - if small initial errors get large after several iterations
Solution of non-linear equations of form f(x) = 0 Definitions:
  1. fixed point - a fixed point of g(x) is a real umber p such that p = g(p)
  2. geometrically - the fixed point of a function y = g(x) are the points of intersection between y = g(x) and the line y = x

  3. fixed point iteration - an equation of the form Pn+1 = g*Pn for n = 0,1,2....
  4. fixed point theorem


Fixed Point Theorem Solution of nonlinear equations ( f(x) = 0 )
  1. Bisection Method
Going back to fixed point theorem


Solving f(x) = 0 Troublesome functions