RSA Algorithm to establish a random secret key. Go to cocalc to run the code. You can also install sage on your local machine.
# Return x^a mod n
def pow_mod(x,a,n) :
L = []
m = a
while (m != 0) :
m = m >> 1
M = []
for i in [0,..,len(L)-1] :
if (i==0) : M.append(x)
else : M.append( (M[-1]*M[-1]) % n )
result = 1
for i in [0,..,len(L)-1] :
if ( L[i] == 1) :
result *= M[i]
result = result % n
return result
# Return the GCD of integers a and b
def GCD(a,b) :
while (b!=0) :
r = (a%b)
return a
# Return (gcd, alpha, beta) such that gcd = alpha.a + beta.b
def EGCD(a,b) :
stack = []
while (b!=0) :
r = (a%b)
m = (a-r)/b
for i in range(len(stack)-2,-1,-1) :
stack[i][1] = stack[i+1][2]
stack[i][2] = stack[i+1][1] - stack[i][0]*stack[i+1][2]
return (gcd, stack[0][1], stack[0][2])
# Basic Miller-Rabin with confidence 1-2^{-t}
def miller_rabin(N,t) :
for i in [1,..,t] :
x = 1 + ZZ.random_element(N-1)
val = pow(x,N-1,N)
#print val
if ( val != 1 ) : return False
return True
# Generate an n-bit prime
def gen_prime(n,t) :
for i in [1,..,n*t] :
p = 2^(n-1) + ZZ.random_element(2^(n-1))
if miller_rabin(p,t) : return p
return -1
# Find a random exponenet e
def find_exponent(phi_N, num) :
for i in [1,..,num] :
e = 2 + ZZ.random_element(phi_N-2)
g = GCD(e,phi_N)
if (g==1) : return e
return -1
### The RSA key-agreement protocol
# The number of bits in the primes
# Generate the first prime
p = gen_prime(n,100)
print "p =", p
# Generate the second prime (different from the first one)
q = gen_prime(n,100)
while (q == p) : q = gen_prime(n,100)
print "q =", q
# Compute the modulus (the product of the two primes)
N = p*q
print "N =" , N
# Compute the size of the group (Z_N^*,X), i.e. \phi(N)
phi_N = (p-1) * (q-1)
print "phi(N) =", phi_N
# Compute a random exponent that is relatively prime to \phi(N)
e = find_exponent(phi_N,100)
print "e =", e
#Generate a random mask r
r = ZZ.random_element(N)
while (GCD(r,N) != 1) : r = ZZ.random_element(N)
print "r =", r
# Encode the mask r into y
print "y =", y
# Calcualte the trapdoor d such that ed = 1 mod \phi(N)
d = EGCD(e,phi_N)[1]%phi_N
print "d =", d
# Decrypt y to recover r using the trapdoor d
r_tilde = pow_mod(y,d,N)
print "r_tilde =", r_tilde
# Check if the random mask was successfully recovered
print "Was Decoding Successful?" , r==r_tilde
# Compute the inverse of the decrypted result in preparation for RSA Decryption algorithm
inv_r_tilde = EGCD(r_tilde,N)[1]%N
print "Inverse of r_tilde =", inv_r_tilde