Academic Integrity Policy

As a student at Purdue you are subject to the Purdue University Student Code of Conduct, which enjoins you to respect the highest standards of honesty and integrity. As a student in the Computer Sciences Department you must also read and sign the Department Academic Integrity Policy (you will need your Purdue Career Account login and password to access this page).

All work that you submit in this course must be your own; unauthorized group efforts are considered academic dishonesty. See the online brochure Academic Integrity: A Guide for Students for definitions and sanctions. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense which may result in suspension or expulsion from the University. In addition to any other action taken, such as suspension or expulsion, a grade of F will normally be recorded on the transcripts of students found responsible for acts of academic dishonesty. Students are encouraged to report academic dishonesty to me directly, or to the Office of the Dean of Students. You may discuss assignments in a general way with other students, but you may not consult any one else's written work. Among other ways to get an F, you are guilty of academic dishonesty if: In addition, it is unwise and I strongly discourage you from sitting next to or nearby your friend or classmate while you both work on an assignment.

Automatic tools will be used to compare your programming solutions to those of every other current or past student. Don't con yourself into thinking you can hide any collaboration. The risk of getting caught is too high, and the possible penalty is way too high (grade of F).

If I find reason to believe that a student has cheated on any assignment, I may inform the student promptly, or I may decide to silently accumulate evidence against the student on later assignments.

Final Grades

Final grades will be assigned according to the following approximate weighting:
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam  30%
Programming Assignments 40%
Homework Assignments 10%

I reserve the right to adjust this weighting at any time.

Grading Policy

Problems regarding grading of assignments and the midterm exam must be resolved within one week after the graded work has been returned to you. It is your responsibility to pick up the graded work on time. The grades will not be modified after the one week period.

Normally, the TAs make the final decisions on assigning the grade for each assignment and each exam question. Therefore, any issues with grading should normally be resolved with the TAs. However, if a student believes the TA's solution is wrong for a certain problem, then he or she can ask me for clarification.

Late Work Policy

For each assignment, we will announce when it is due and how to turn in the work. The late policy for all work is a 10% penalty for up to one day late. Each student is allotted two late days without penalty for the semester, to be used as needed on any two separate assignments. Excluding the allotted late days, any assignment that is more than one day late will not be accepted. Exceptions will be given only in the most extreme circumstances. Any travel, including interview trips, load from work or other classes, or simply not being able to get your program to run will not be grounds for extensions or exceptions. The two late days are allotted for your convenience in such situations.

Make-Up Exam Policy

A make-up exam is given only in the most extreme circumstances and requires certification for such circumstances: e.g. medical doctor's statement certifying that the student is unable to attend the scheduled exam. Any travel (including interview trips), load from work or from other classes, failed alarm clocks, or simply not being able to make it to the exam will not be grounds for a make-up. If you have any recurring medical problems that may unexpectedly prevent you from making it to class or exams, please obtain a doctor's statement certifying your circumstances.