
 copied from LongrealType.i3 

An ExtendedType.T is a EXTENDED. This interface is intended to be used to instantiate generic interfaces and modules such as Table and List.

INTERFACE ExtendedType;



CONST Brand = "Extended";

PROCEDURE Equal (a, b: T; ): BOOLEAN;
Return a = b. The result is undefined if either a or b is an NaN (not a number) value.

<* UNUSED *>
PROCEDURE Hash (a: T; ): Word.T;
Return a hash value derived from a. The result is undefined if either a or b is an NaN (not a number) value.

PROCEDURE Compare (a, b: T; ): [-1 .. 1];
Return -1 if a < b, 0 if a = b, or +1 if a > b. The result is undefined if either a or b is an NaN (not a number) value.

END ExtendedType.