
INTERFACE RandomCombinedFast;
Gnu CopyLefted.

Abstract: Pseudo-random number generator by Warren D. Smith. Runtimes (in 100 MHz pentium clock ticks per call, roughly): RandWord 470 Uni01 1000 FasterUni01 80 FasterRandWord 80

Usage: You can call these directly, or use the T OBJECTS: VAR myrand:=NEW(RandomCombinedFast.T).init(); BEGIN value:=myrand.uniform(); END;

3/23/96 Warren Smith Initial version

IMPORT RandomBasic;
* The below are faster than the slow variant but less-random versions based on combining only 2 generators, not 5. They should still be very random. If you are doing a serious Monte-Carlo experiment, then just to be sure you should probably try both the slow & fast versions to see if the slow ones yield different statistics. Any such case is evidence that the fast generator has a weakness. In the event you find any such statistical evidence of flaws in any of these generators, please tell me at wds@research.NJ.NEC.COM. ***********************************************************

** Initializes all random number generators here. Quite slow. If fixed=FALSE (the default) will incorporate the time into the seed. If TRUE will use a particular fixed seed. ************************************************************

  T <: TPublic;

  TPublic =
    RandomBasic.T OBJECT METHODS init (fixed: BOOLEAN := FALSE; ): T; END;

END RandomCombinedFast.