
  Copyright (c) 2000 California Institute of Technology                    
  All rights reserved.                                                     
  Department of Computer Science                                           
  Pasadena, CA 91125.                                                      
  Author: Mika Nystrom <>                               
  pushback portion: Karl Papadantonakis <>                   
  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software            
  and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby          
  granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all          
  copies. The California Institute of Technology makes no representations  
  about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is            
  provided as is without express or implied warranty. Export of this     
  software outside of the United States of America may require an          
  export license.                                                          
 $Id: TextReader.i3.html,v 1.2 2009-06-26 16:32:16 wagner Exp $ 
IMPORT TextList, Rd;
IMPORT Thread;
Think ``strtok''. A TextReader.T is initialized with
       txtRd := NEW(TextReader.T).init(string);
Tokens may be parsed out by passing in a delimiter, as follows:

         txt : TEXT;
         WHILE" ,.", txt) DO
           ( parse txt )
To get the rest of the line, pass ``'' as the delims. It is a checked run-time error to pass NIL as the delims or as line.


  T <: Public;
All the methods of a TextReader.T leave the reader in a state to parse further untouched tokens.


    next(delims : TEXT; VAR chunk : TEXT; skipNulls := FALSE) : BOOLEAN;
get next word before delims from reader. If skipNulls is TRUE, zero-length strings are never returned. Return value is TRUE if call succeeded. If nothing was left, call fails, and returns FALSE.

    nextS(READONLY delims : SET OF CHAR;
          VAR chunk : TEXT; skipNulls := FALSE) : BOOLEAN;
next actually calls nextS.

    nextE(delims : TEXT; skipNulls := FALSE) : TEXT RAISES { NoMore };
same as next, except failure is signalled thru an exception

    init(line : TEXT) : T;
initialize a new TextReader.T

    initFromRd(rd : Rd.T) : T RAISES { Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted };
initialize from an Rd.T. rd must eventually end (to allow in-memory implementations)

    isEmpty() : BOOLEAN;
probe a TextReader.T

    shatter(listDelims : TEXT;
            endDelims : TEXT; skipNulls := FALSE) : TextList.T;
tokenize a line into TEXT tokens until EOT or an endDelim. It is a checked runtime error for there to be an overlap between listDelims and endDelims

    pushBack(t: TEXT);
insert t before remaining unread TEXT. t must end in delimiter(s) if the next call to next is not to run past the end of t. Current implementation may or may not insert an extra invisible delimiter after t in some cases. This will not be seen if skipNulls is always TRUE and t always ends in a delimiter anyway.

END TextReader.