
  Some useful text processing routines for the PL1 compiler.               
  Copyright (c) 2000 California Institute of Technology                    
  All rights reserved.                                                     
  Department of Computer Science                                           
  Pasadena, CA 91125.                                                      
  Author: Mika Nystrom <>                               
  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software            
  and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby          
  granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all          
  copies. The California Institute of Technology makes no representations  
  about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is            
  provided as is without express or implied warranty. Export of this     
  software outside of the United States of America may require an          
  export license.                                                          
 $Id: TextUtils.i3.html,v 1.2 2009-06-26 16:32:19 wagner Exp $ 
IMPORT TextList, TextSet;
replace every occurrence of old by new in in
PROCEDURE Replace(in, old, new : TEXT) : TEXT;
PROCEDURE ReplaceChar(in : TEXT; old, new : CHAR) : TEXT;
PROCEDURE CountCharOccurences(in: TEXT; c: CHAR): CARDINAL;
find first occurrence of sub in in
PROCEDURE FindSub(in, sub : TEXT; VAR pos : CARDINAL; start := 0) : BOOLEAN;
have substr?
PROCEDURE HaveSub(in, sub : TEXT) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE HavePrefix(in, prefix: TEXT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE HaveSuffix(in, suffix: TEXT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE RemoveSuffix(in, suffix: TEXT): TEXT;

PROCEDURE InfixFormat(sep : TEXT; list : TextList.T; ignoreNulls := FALSE) : TEXT;

PROCEDURE Pluralize(noun : TEXT; count : INTEGER;
                    ending := "s"; printNum := TRUE) : TEXT ;

PROCEDURE ListToSet(list : TextList.T) : TextSet.T;
PROCEDURE SetToList(set : TextSet.T) : TextList.T;

END TextUtils.

TextUtils's implementation is in: