
                            -*- Mode: Modula-3 -*- 
 * For information about this program, contact Blair MacIntyre            
 * ( or Steven Feiner (         
 * at the Computer Science Dept., Columbia University,                    
 * 1214 Amsterdam Ave. Mailstop 0401, New York, NY, 10027.                
 * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the 
 * City of New York.  Blair MacIntyre, Computer Science Department.       
 * See file COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA for details.
 * Author          : Blair MacIntyre
 * Created On      : Tue May 23 17:51:38 1995
 * Last Modified By: Blair MacIntyre
 * Last Modified On: Thu Jun 18 18:59:44 1998
 * Update Count    : 18
 * $Source: /usr/cvs/cm3/doc/help/gen_html/events/src/EventRd.i3.html,v $
 * $Date: 2009-06-26 16:32:40 $
 * $Author: wagner $
 * $Revision: 1.4 $
 * $Log: EventRd.i3.html,v $
 * Revision 1.4  2009-06-26 16:32:40  wagner
 * update from newly generated docs based on birch's packages
 * Revision 1.2  2001/12/02 00:20:37  wagner
 * add copyright notes, fix overrides for cm3, and make everything compile
 * added: events/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * added: events/src/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * modified: events/src/Event.i3
 * modified: events/src/Event.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventConn.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventConn.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventCounter.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventCounter.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventHandle.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventIO.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventNumber.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventNumber.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventNumberF.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventPort.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventPort.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventProtocol.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventRd.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventRd.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventSpaceID.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventSpaceID.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventStubLib.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventStubLib.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventWireRep.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventWireRep.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventWr.i3
 * modified: events/src/EventWr.m3
 * modified: events/src/EventWrF.i3
 * modified: events/src/HostInfo.i3
 * modified: events/src/HostInfo.m3
 * modified: events/src/RdWrMutex.i3
 * modified: events/src/RdWrMutex.m3
 * modified: events/src/Work.i3
 * modified: events/src/WorkerPool.i3
 * modified: events/src/WorkerPool.m3
 * modified: events/src/Zombie.i3
 * modified: events/src/m3makefile
 * modified: events/src/m3overrides
 * Revision  2001/12/02 00:06:45  wagner
 * Blair MacIntyre's events library
 * Revision 1.3  1998/07/02 21:41:11  bm
 * small bug fixes
 * Revision 1.2  1996/11/21 22:40:24  bm
 * fixed header
 *   Based on TextRd from the m3 distribution.
 * - allow an EventRd to be written, perhaps by handing out an EventWr
 *   on it.
 Copyright (C) 1989, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Last modified on Mon Sep 27 14:35:11 PDT 1993 by mcjones    
      modified on Thu May 20 15:21:48 PDT 1993 by swart      
      modified on Tue Jan 28 12:09:43 PST 1992 by kalsow     
      modified on Thu Nov  2 18:13:15 1989 by muller         

An EventRd.T, or event reader, is a reader that delivers the characters of an event supplied when the reader was created. Event readers are seekable, non-intermittent, and never raise Alerted.


IMPORT Rd, Thread, EventWr;

CONST Brand = "Event Reader";

  T <: Public;
  Public = Rd.T OBJECT
    extMu: Thread.Mutex;
    init(e: EventWr.T): T
The call rd.init(e) initializes rd as a seekable, non-intermittent reader with:
      len(rd) = Wr.Length(e)
      src(rd) = characters of e
      cur(rd) = 0
It is a checked runtime error if e has not been properly initialized.

extMu is a secondary external mutex that can be used for 2 level locking, for the situation when you need to lock a sequence of calls to other functions that lock the reader within them (preventing you from locking it yourself).

PROCEDURE New(e: EventWr.T := NIL): T;
Equivalent to NEW(T).init(e).

PROCEDURE FromRd(rd: Rd.T; erd: T := NIL): T RAISES
  {Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Creates an EventRd.T from a normal reader rd using the remaining data in rd. If erd is non-NIL, reuse it instead of allocating a new one.
 Convert the rd back into an EventWr.T. 
PROCEDURE ToWr(rd: T) : EventWr.T;

END EventRd.