
 Copyright (c) 2000 California Institute of Technology 
 All rights reserved. See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 $Id: BracedCode.i3.html,v 1.2 2009-06-26 16:33:19 wagner Exp $ 

IMPORT Rd, CharRange;

PROCEDURE FindChar(rd: Rd.T; which: CharRange.T) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile};
advance rd past a character specified in which, skipping nested comments and braces, and quoted chars and strings.

PROCEDURE Match(rd: Rd.T): TEXT;
on entry: rd positionned following '{' in src. on exit: rd positionned following matching '}' in src, or EOF if none. return value: the text in between the braces

PROCEDURE GetAhead(rd: Rd.T): TEXT;
on entry: rd positionned before either {...} or other stuff. if other stuff, rewind rd to position on entry, and return . if braces, return code within braces.

END BracedCode.