
                            -*- Mode: Modula-3 -*- 
 * For information about this program, contact Blair MacIntyre            
 * ( or Steven Feiner (         
 * at the Computer Science Dept., Columbia University,                    
 * 1214 Amsterdam Ave. Mailstop 0401, New York, NY, 10027.                
 * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the 
 * City of New York.  Blair MacIntyre, Computer Science Department.       
 * See file COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA for details.
 * Author          : Blair MacIntyre
 * Created On      : Wed Jul 19 10:55:27 1995
 * Last Modified By: Blair MacIntyre
 * Last Modified On: Fri Sep  5 19:17:42 1997
 * Update Count    : 8
 * $Source: /usr/cvs/cm3/doc/help/gen_html/listfuncs/src/ListFuncs.ig.html,v $
 * $Date: 2009-06-26 16:33:54 $
 * $Author: wagner $
 * $Revision: 1.4 $
 * $Log: ListFuncs.ig.html,v $
 * Revision 1.4  2009-06-26 16:33:54  wagner
 * update from newly generated docs based on birch's packages
 * Revision 1.2  2001/12/01 14:46:08  wagner
 * add copyright notes and fix overrides for cm3
 * added: listfuncs/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * added: listfuncs/src/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * modified: listfuncs/src/ListFuncs.ig
 * modified: listfuncs/src/
 * modified: listfuncs/src/m3overrides
 * Revision  2001/12/01 14:42:18  wagner
 * Blair MacIntyre's listfuncs library
 * Revision 1.3  1997/10/22 14:20:58  bm
 * added Count function
 * Revision 1.2  1997/06/29 18:27:57  bm
 * Fixed header

The generic interface List provides operations on linked lists of arbitrary element types. This interface extends the operations you can perform on the generic lists.

GENERIC INTERFACE ListFuncs(Elem, List);
Where Elem.T is the parameter passed to the generic list List. Thus, Elem.T contains

      CONST Brand = <text-constant>;
      PROCEDURE Equal(k1, k2: Elem.T): BOOLEAN;
as described in List.ig. List is the instead of List.ig instantiated with Elem.

CONST Brand = "(ListFuncs " & Elem.Brand & ")";

TYPE T = List.T;
As with List.ig, none of the operations of this interface modify the head field of an existing list element. Operations that may modify the tail field of existing list elements are called {\it destructive}. By convention, their names end in D. \index{naming conventions!destructive list operations}

PROCEDURE DeleteD(VAR list: T; READONLY elem: Elem.T): T;
Delete the first occurrance of elem in list. Return the single element list containing this cell. list will be modified if required. This happens if the first cell in list is elem, for example.

PROCEDURE DeleteAllD(VAR list: T; READONLY elem: Elem.T): T;
Delete the all occurrances of elem in list. Return the list containing these cells. list will be modified if required. This happens if the first cell in list is an elem, for example.

Return the number of occurances of e in l. The comparison is performed by Elem.Equal.

Allocate a new list element. Might reuse a cached element which was released by Free below.

PROCEDURE Free(list: T): T;
Free the single list element pointed at by list and return the remainder of the list pointed at by list.tail. NOTE: since freed elements may be retained, you should clear list.head if it contains a reference you don't want to be retained.

END ListFuncs.