
 Copyright (C) 1990, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

Last modified on Thu Jul 14 11:29:36 PDT 1994 by kalsow

RT0u is almost the bottom of the world. It contains variables that are shared by multiple modules of the runtime and/or the compiler and linker.

If you're using this interface, you're a wizard!

This interface and its implemenation MUST NOT import any interface other than RT0.

------------------------------------------------------ mutual exclusion ---

<*EXTERNAL RT0u__inCritical*>
VAR inCritical: INTEGER;
inCritical provides low-level mutual exclusion between the thread runtime, garbage collector and the Unix signal that triggers thread preemption. If inCritical is greater than zero, thread preemption is disabled. We *ASSUME* that INC(inCritical) and DEC(inCritical) generate code that is atomic with respect to Unix signal delivery.