
 Copyright (C) 1990, Digital Equipment Corporation.                 
 All rights reserved.                                               
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                     
 Last modified on Fri Feb 24 15:06:47 PST 1995 by kalsow            
      modified on Tue Feb 14 20:38:05 GMT 1995 by rrw1000@cam.ac.uk 
      modified on Wed Mar 25 16:45:57 PST 1992 by muller            

INTERFACE Uresource;

FROM Ctypes IMPORT int, long;
** <sys/resource.h> **

  PRIO_MIN = -20;
  PRIO_MAX = 20;

  PRIO_PGRP    = 1;
  PRIO_USER    = 2;
Resource utilization information.

  RUSAGE_SELF     = 0;
  RUSAGE_BOTH     = -2;

  struct_rusage = RECORD
    ru_utime: Utime.struct_timeval;  (* user time used *)
    ru_stime: Utime.struct_timeval;  (* system time used *)
    ru_maxrss: long;
    ru_ixrss: long;            (* integral shared text size *)
    (* Unsupported in Linux 1.0:
    ru_ismrss: long;           (* integral shared memory size*)
    ru_idrss: long;            (* integral unshared data " *)
    ru_isrss: long;            (* integral unshared stack " *)
    ru_minflt: long;           (* page reclaims *)
    ru_majflt: long;           (* page faults *)
    ru_nswap: long;            (* swaps *)
    ru_inblock: long;          (* block input operations *)
    ru_oublock: long;          (* block output operations *)
    ru_msgsnd: long;           (* messages sent *)
    ru_msgrcv: long;           (* messages received *)
    ru_nsignals: long;         (* signals received *)
    ru_nvcsw: long;            (* voluntary context switches *)
    ru_nivcsw: long;           (* involuntary " *)
  struct_rusage_star = UNTRACED REF struct_rusage;
Resource limits

  RLIMIT_CPU   = 0;		(* cpu time in milliseconds *)
  RLIMIT_FSIZE = 1;		(* maximum file size *)
  RLIMIT_DATA  = 2;		(* data size *)
  RLIMIT_STACK = 3;		(* stack size *)
  RLIMIT_CORE  = 4;		(* core file size *)
  RLIMIT_RSS   = 5;		(* resident set size *)

  RLIMIT_NPROC = 6;             (* Max number of processes *)
  RLIMIT_NOFILE = 7;            (* Max number of open files *)
  RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 8;           (* Max locked-in-memory address space *)
  RLIMIT_AS = 9;                (* Address space limit *)

  RLIM_NLIMITS = 10;		(* number of resource limits *)

  RLIM_INFINITY	= 16_7fffffff;

  struct_rlimit = RECORD
	            rlim_cur: int;     (* current (soft) limit *)
 	            rlim_max: int;     (* maximum value for rlim_cur *)
** getpriority(2), setpriority(2) - get/set program scheduling priority **

<*EXTERNAL*> PROCEDURE getpriority (which, who: int): int;
<*EXTERNAL*> PROCEDURE setpriority (which, who, prio: int): int;
** getrlimit(2), setrlimit(2) - control maximum system resource consumption **

<*EXTERNAL*> PROCEDURE getrlimit (resource: int; VAR rlp: struct_rlimit): int;
<*EXTERNAL*> PROCEDURE setrlimit (resource: int; VAR rlp: struct_rlimit): int;
** getrusage(2) - get information about resource utilization **

<*EXTERNAL*> PROCEDURE getrusage (who: int; rus: struct_rusage_star): int;
** nice(3) - set program priority **

<*EXTERNAL*> PROCEDURE nice (incr: int): int;

END Uresource.