
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

File: Expr.i3 Last Modified On Tue Jun 20 15:17:31 PDT 1995 By kalsow


IMPORT M3, M3Buf, CG, Target;

  T    = M3.Expr;
  List = REF ARRAY OF T;
  CheckState = M3.CheckState;
** phase 1 **

PROCEDURE Parse (): T;
parses an expression
** phase 2 **

PROCEDURE TypeOf (t: T): M3.Type;
returns the type of the expression

PROCEDURE TypeCheck (t: T;  VAR cs: CheckState);
typechecks the expression.
** phase 3 **

PROCEDURE ConstValue (t: T): T;
Returns NIL if t is not a constant, otherwise returns a simplified expression that denotes t. Value may be called before the expression is typechecked.

PROCEDURE GetBounds (t: T;  VAR min, max: Target.Int);
returns upper and lower bounds for the value of the expression.

PROCEDURE IsDesignator (t: T): BOOLEAN;
TRUE iff t is a designator

TRUE iff t is a writable designator

TRUE if t's binary representation is all zeroes

PROCEDURE GetSign (t: T): CG.Sign;
returns the best guess of t's sign

PROCEDURE NeedsAddress (t: T);
marks t as needing a memory address

PROCEDURE SupportsDirectAssignment (t: T): BOOLEAN;
returns TRUE if t supports direct assignments.

PROCEDURE MarkForDirectAssignment (t: T);
mark t so that when compiled it will assume the code generator stack contains the address of a LHS that is to be assigned and it will perform the assignment.

PROCEDURE IsMarkedForDirectAssignment (t: T): BOOLEAN;
returns TRUE if t is marked for direct assignment
** phase 4 ***

Expressions are compiled in two steps: Prep: emit any code that includes branchs or stores Compile: emit the rest of the code

PROCEDURE Prep (t: T);
PROCEDURE Compile (t: T);
emits code to evaluate the expression onto the top of stack

PROCEDURE PrepLValue (t: T; lhs: BOOLEAN);
PROCEDURE CompileLValue (t: T; lhs: BOOLEAN);
emits code to evaluate 't's L-value into s0.A.

PROCEDURE CompileAddress (t: T; lhs: BOOLEAN);
emits code to evaluate 't's byte address onto the top of stack. Use PrepLValue to prep these expressions.

PROCEDURE PrepBranch (t: T;  true, false: CG.Label;  freq: CG.Frequency);
PROCEDURE CompileBranch (t: T;  true, false: CG.Label;  freq: CG.Frequency);
emits code to evaluate the expression and conditionally branch to 'true' or 'false' depending on its boolean value. 'freq' is the estimated frequency that the specified branch will be taken.

PROCEDURE NoteWrite (t: T);
generates any tracing implied by a write to 't'

PROCEDURE IsEqual (a, b: T;  x: M3.EqAssumption): BOOLEAN;
TRUE iff (value(a) = value(b)), assuming a constant global store and the type equalities represented by 'x'.

PROCEDURE PrepLiteral (t: T;  type: M3.Type;  is_const: BOOLEAN);
prepares constant values for GenLiteral

PROCEDURE GenLiteral (t: T;  offset: INTEGER;  type: M3.Type;  is_const: BOOLEAN);
initializes the global storage at ADR(x)+offset in the global data segment or constant pool to the constant value t. For any expression t, PrepLiteral(t) must be called before GenLiteral (t).

PROCEDURE GenFPLiteral (t: T;  mbuf: M3Buf.T);
add the string denoting the literal value of 't' to 'mbuf'

PROCEDURE BadOperands (op: TEXT;  a, b: M3.Type := NIL): M3.Type;
generate an illegal operands error message if neither 'a' nor 'b' is the contagious error type and return the error type

END Expr.