
 Copyright 1993 by Digital Equipment Corp. 

This interface provides an algorithm for computing shortest paths in weighted directed graphs.

INTERFACE ShortestPath;

IMPORT RefList, Atom, Thread;

  T <: Public;
  Public =
      init      (k: CARDINAL := 1): T;
      addVertex (rl: RefList.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
      addEdge   (rl: RefList.T) RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
      shortestPath (source, destination: Atom.T; rank: CARDINAL := 0):
                    RefList.T RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
      weight (edge: Atom.T): REAL
The call NEW(T).init(k) returns a new empty graph with {\it rank limit} k. The ShortestPath.T object is unmonitored.

The call sp.addVertex(rl) adds to sp a vertex whose name (as an atom) is the first element of rl. The second and third elements of rl, if present, are the suggested x and y coordinates for the vertex (these are useful if the implementation is being animated).

The call sp.addEdge(rl) add to sp an edge whose name (as an atom) is the first element of rl. The source and destination of the the edge are the atoms for the source and destination vertices of the edge. The fourth element of rl, if present, is the cost of traversing the edge (as a REAL). If it is absent, the cost is 1.0. It is a checked runtime error if the weight is negative.

The call sp.shortestPath(s, d, j) returns the jth shortest path (j=0 means shortest) from s to d as an alternating list of vertex names and edge names, starting with s and ending with d. The method returns NIL if there is no path from s to d.

Repeated calls to the shortestPath method are inexpensive provided that they have the same source vertex and that j is less than the rank limit and that the graph hasn't changed.

The call sp.weight(e) returns the weight of the edge named e, or -1 if there is no edge named e.

END ShortestPath.