
  SGML parser library                                                    
  Copyright (C) 1997 Michel Dagenais                                     
  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or          
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public            
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either           
  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.       
  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         
  Library General Public License for more details.                       
  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public      
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free             
  Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.     
  For more information on this program, contact Michel Dagenais at or Electrical Eng. Dept., Ecole Polytechnique 
  P.O. Box 6079, Station A, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 3A7.           

A Parser object processes the specified sgml files, and calls methods on a user defined Application object for each significant parsing event. The user defined Application object overrides the methods to react appropriately to these events (e.g. print back a modified sgml file, construct an abstract syntax tree...).



  ParserOptions = RECORD
      showOpenEntities, showOpenElements, outputCommentDecls,
      outputMarkedSections, outputGeneralEntities,
      mapCatalogDocument: BOOLEAN := FALSE;
      defaultDoctype: TEXT;
      addCatalog, includeParam, enableWarning, addSearchDir,
      activateLink, architecture: REF ARRAY OF TEXT := NIL;
These options define the behavior of the parser.

ShowOpenEntities and showOpenElements produce information about the corresponding entity and element when parsing error messages are issued. OutputCommentDecls, outputMarkedSections and outputGeneralEntities determine if the parser produces events when these SGML constructs are encountered.

DefaultDoctype specifies the document type definition to use when no DOCTYPE tag is found.

AddCatalog adds the specified file names as SGML DTD catalogs. IncludeParam defines the specified names as parameter entities set to INCLUDE (ENTITY % param INCLUDE); this way, sections of sgml files which were IGNORE by default may be changed to INCLUDE just by setting this option. EnableWarning enables the named warnings: mixed mixed content model which does not allow #PCDATA, sgmldecl dubious constructs in SGML declarations, should non followed ISO 8879 recommendations, default defaulted references, duplicate duplicate entity declarations, undefined undefined elements used in the DTD, unclosed unclosed start and end tags, empty empty start and end tags, net net-enabling start and end tags, min-tag minimized start and end tags (equivalent to unclosed, empty and net), unused-map defined but unused short reference maps, unused-param defined but unused parameter entities, notation-sysid notation for which no system identifier could be generated, all equivalent to all the above, no-idref do not warn about unresolved references, no-significant do not warn about non significant characters in literals.

Parser <: ParserPublic;

  ParserPublic = OBJECT METHODS
      init(options: ParserOptions; programName: TEXT;
          files: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; rds: REF ARRAY OF Rd.T := NIL): Parser;
      run(a: Application): CARDINAL;
      inhibitMessages(inhibit: BOOLEAN);
      subdocumentParser(systemId: TEXT): Parser;
      newParser(files: REF ARRAY OF TEXT; rds: REF ARRAY OF Rd.T := NIL):
The call p.init(o,p,f,r) initializes a parser with options o, program name p (used in error messages), and f the array of names of files to be parsed. When r is not specified, files from f are opened. Otherwise, f is used for file names but the actual input is taken from the readers in r.

The call starts parsing the files and calls back the Application object a for each parsing event. It returns the number of errors encountered once the parsing is through.

The call p.halt() stops the parsing, causing the run method to return. It is usually called from one the the Application object methods.

The call p.inhibitMessages(b) disables error and warning messages when b is TRUE.

The call p.subdocumentParser(s) creates a new parser ready to process s which identifies a subdocument in the context of the file currently parsed by p.

The call p.newParser(f,r) returns a parser using the same options as p but ready to process a new set of files defined by f and r. Since the options are the same (catalog name, search paths...), caching of parsed document type definitions may occur for a significant speedup.

Application <: ApplicationPublic;

  ApplicationPublic = OBJECT METHODS
      init(): Application;
      appInfo(READONLY e: AppinfoEvent);
      startDtd(READONLY e: StartDtdEvent);
      endDtd(READONLY e: EndDtdEvent);
      endProlog(READONLY e: EndPrologEvent);
      startElement(READONLY e: StartElementEvent);
      endElement(READONLY e: EndElementEvent);
      data(READONLY e: DataEvent);
      sdata(READONLY e: SdataEvent);
      pi(READONLY e: PiEvent);
      externalDataEntityRef(READONLY e: ExternalDataEntityRefEvent);
      subdocEntityRef(READONLY e: SubdocEntityRefEvent);
      nonSgmlChar(READONLY e: NonSgmlCharEvent);
      commentDecl(READONLY e: CommentDeclEvent);
      markedSectionStart(READONLY e: MarkedSectionStartEvent);
      markedSectionEnd(READONLY e: MarkedSectionEndEvent);
      ignoredChars(READONLY e: IgnoredCharsEvent);
      generalEntity(READONLY e: GeneralEntityEvent);
      error(READONLY e: ErrorEvent);
      getDetailedLocation(pos: Position): DetailedLocation;
An instance of the Application type, or one of its descendant type, is passed to a Parser and receives the parsing information as methods being called back. Each of these methods receives a corresponding parsing event structure.

The call a.init() initializes a, before it is used for parsing.

The call a.getDetailedLocation(pos) returns detailed information about the location of pos within the currently parsed entity. It may only be called from within one of the other methods.

The other methods are called by the Parser and are overidden in Application type descendants to perform the desired work. AppInfo is called when the APPINFO section of the SGML declaration is encountered, startDtd upon encountering the Document Type Definition (DTD), endDtd at the end of the DTD, endProlog at the end of the prolog (local markup declarations), startElement when a start element tag is found, endElement for a real or implied end element tag, data for character data (CDATA) within elements or marked sections, sdata for special character data (SDATA like bitmap images), pi for a processing instruction, externalDataEntityRef for a reference to an external data entity, subdocEntityRef for a reference to a subdoc entity, nonSgmlChar for non SGML conforming characters, commentDecl for a sequence of comments, markedSectionStart at the beginning of a marked section, markedSectionEnd at the end of a marked section, ignoredChars for character data within an IGNORE marked section, generalEntity for a general entity definition (this occurs within the prolog except for undefined entities which when referenced are set to the default entity content), error upon encountering a parsing error, and openEntityChange each time the currently opened entity changes.

PROCEDURE CharRefToCode(t: TEXT; VAR c: CharCode): BOOLEAN;
While the input files only contain 8 bits ISO-8859 character codes, larger 16 bits UNICODE codes may be specified by (decimal or hexadecimal) character references. For this reason, all such 16 bits codes are kept escaped as character references. Moreover, the special ampersand character (&amp;) is also kept as an entity reference throughout the processing. This allows all the processing to use ordinary TEXT elements which are limited to 8 bits characters. The call CharRefToCode(t,c) return TRUE when a valid character reference is received in t and returns the corresponding code in c. A valid character reference is either &amp;amp;, or &amp;#decimalNumber;, or &amp;#xHexaNumber;, with the number within the interval 0..65535). This procedure is typically used by applications to process 16 bits characters escaped as character references in Sdata events.

  CharCode = [0..65535];

  Position = CARDINAL;

  ExternalId = RECORD
      systemId: TEXT;
      publicId: TEXT;
      generatedSystemId: TEXT;
  (* Depending on the type of external identifier, each of these
     fields may or may not be available (non NIL). At least one should
     be non NIL. *)

  Notation = RECORD
      name: TEXT;
      externalId: ExternalId;
  (* A named notation with the corresponding external identifier. *)

  EntityDataType = { Sgml, CData, SData, NData, Subdoc, Pi };

  EntityDeclType = { General, Parameter, Doctype, Linktype };

  Entity = RECORD
      name: TEXT;
      dataType: EntityDataType;
      declType: EntityDeclType;
      internalText: TEXT;
      (* Following valid if internalText is NIL *)
      externalId: ExternalId;
      attributes: REF ARRAY OF Attribute;
      notation: Notation;
  (* For an internal entity, the replacement text is found in "internalText".
     For external entities, an external identifier, attributes and a notation
     are provided. *)

  AttributeType = { Invalid, Implied, CData, Tokenized };

  AttributeDefaulted = { Specified, Definition, Current };

  CdataChunk = RECORD
      nonSgmlChar: CHAR;
      data: TEXT;
      entityName: TEXT;
  (* For an SDATA entity reference, entityName is the entity name and data
     the replacement text. For normal data, entityName is NIL and data
     contains the character data. For non SGML conforming characters,
     data and entityName are NIL and nonSgmlChar contains the character. *)

  Attribute = RECORD
      name: TEXT;
      type: AttributeType;
      defaulted: AttributeDefaulted;
      cdataChunks: REF ARRAY OF CdataChunk;
      tokens: TEXT;
      isId: BOOLEAN;
      isGroup: BOOLEAN;
      entities: REF ARRAY OF Entity;
      notation: Notation;
  (* If the attribute type is Cdata, the value is found in "cdataChunks",
     otherwise if the type is Tokenized, the value is found in "tokens".
     For an attribute type NOTATION notation is defined, ENTITY
     or ENTITIES entities is defined. The field isId is TRUE for an attribute
     of type ID. *)

  (* The event structures all contain a position which may be used to
     obtain detailed position information. *)

  PiEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      data: TEXT;
      entityName: TEXT;
  (* The content of the processing instruction is in data. If it was
     an entity reference, the entityName is provided (non NIL). *)

  ElementContentType = { Empty, CData, RCData, Mixed, Element };

  StartElementEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      gi: TEXT;
      contentType: ElementContentType;
      included: BOOLEAN;
      attributes: REF ARRAY OF Attribute;
  (* The element type (tag name) is in gi. *)

  EndElementEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      gi: TEXT;
  (* The element type is in gi. *)

  DataEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      data: TEXT;

  SdataEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      text: TEXT;
      entityName: TEXT;
  (* Reference to an internal sdata entity. The replacement text is in text
     and the referenced entity in entityName. *)

  ExternalDataEntityRefEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      entity: Entity;

  SubdocEntityRefEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      entity: Entity;

  NonSgmlCharEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      c: CHAR;

  ErrorType = { Info, Warning, Quantity, IDRef, Capacity, OtherError };

  ErrorEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      type: ErrorType;
      message: TEXT;

  AppinfoEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      string: TEXT;

  StartDtdEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      name: TEXT;
      (* If it does not have an external ID all names within will be NIL *)
      externalId: ExternalId;

  EndDtdEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      name: TEXT;

  EndPrologEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;

  GeneralEntityEvent = RECORD
      entity: Entity;

  CommentDeclEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      comments: REF ARRAY OF TEXT;
      seps: REF ARRAY OF TEXT;

  MarkedSectionStatus = { Include, RCData, CData, Ignore };

  MarkedSectionParamType = { Temp, Include, RCData, CData, Ignore, EntityRef };

  MarkedSectionParam = RECORD
      type: MarkedSectionParamType;
      entityName: TEXT;

  MarkedSectionStartEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      status: MarkedSectionStatus;
      params: REF ARRAY OF MarkedSectionParam;

  MarkedSectionEndEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      status: MarkedSectionStatus;

  IgnoredCharsEvent = RECORD
      pos: Position;
      data: TEXT;

  DetailedLocation = RECORD
      lineNumber: CARDINAL;
      columnNumber: CARDINAL;
      byteOffset: CARDINAL;
      entityOffset: CARDINAL;
      entityName: TEXT;
      filename: TEXT;

PROCEDURE DumpDefinitions(this: Parser);