
                            -*- Mode: Modula-3 -*- 
 * For information about this program, contact Blair MacIntyre            
 * ( or Steven Feiner (         
 * at the Computer Science Dept., Columbia University,                    
 * 1214 Amsterdam Ave. Mailstop 0401, New York, NY, 10027.                
 * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the 
 * City of New York.  Blair MacIntyre, Computer Science Department.       
 * See file COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA for details.
 * Author          : Blair MacIntyre
 * Created On      : Wed May 24 10:28:43 1995
 * Last Modified By: Blair MacIntyre
 * Last Modified On: Fri Nov 22 14:03:15 1996
 * Update Count    : 81
 * $Source: /usr/cvs/cm3/doc/help/gen_html/sharedobj/src/SharedObjStubLib.i3.html,v $
 * $Date: 2009-06-26 16:35:31 $
 * $Author: wagner $
 * $Revision: 1.4 $
 * $Log: SharedObjStubLib.i3.html,v $
 * Revision 1.4  2009-06-26 16:35:31  wagner
 * update from newly generated docs based on birch's packages
 * Revision 1.2  2001/12/02 13:41:17  wagner
 * add copyright notes, fix overrides for cm3, and make everything compile(except tests)
 * added: sharedobj/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * added: sharedobj/src/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * modified: sharedobj/src/LocalObjectSpace.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/LocalObjectSpace.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/Message.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/Message.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjCopy.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjCopy.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectInfo.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectInfo.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v1.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v1.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v2.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_FindObjCallBack_v2.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v1.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v1.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v2.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/ObjectSpace_T_v2.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObj.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjError.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjF.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjF.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRT.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRT.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRTF.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRep.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjRep.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjStubLib.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SharedObjStubLib.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SpaceConn.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/SpaceConn.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/WeakerRef.i3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/WeakerRef.m3
 * modified: sharedobj/src/m3makefile
 * modified: sharedobj/src/m3overrides
 * modified: sharedobj/tests/netobjtest/src/m3makefile
 * modified: sharedobj/tests/obsequence/src/m3makefile
 * modified: sharedobj/tests/tracker/src/m3makefile
 * Revision  2001/12/02 13:14:14  wagner
 * Blair MacIntyre's sharedobj package
 * Revision 1.5  1996/11/22 19:03:19  bm
 * fixed header

For each SharedObj.T subtype T intended to support the shared object protocol, there must be a pair of shared object stubs, one of which distributes local method invocations, the other of which applies incoming remote method invocations. \index{Shared Object stubs}

The shared object stub defines a subtype of T in which every method is overridden by a procedure which sends the method invocation information to a central sequencer, waits until it receives this information back in sequence with method invocations from other copies of the shared object, and then applies the method locally. Such an object is constructed by the shared object runtime whenever a subtype T of SharedObj.T is created and initialized, or received via the network object runtime. .\index{Shared Object stubs!distribution}

The shared object stub also defines a single procedure of type Dispatcher that is called to unmarshal and dispatch remote invocations. \index{Shared Object stubs!incoming method invocation}

INTERFACE SharedObjStubLib;

IMPORT EventProtocol, EventStubLib, Rd, Wr, SharedObj,
       ObjectSpace, Thread, Pickle2 AS Pickle;
FROM EventProtocol IMPORT Byte8, Int32;

  StubProtocol = EventProtocol.StubProtocol;

Typecode = CARDINAL; Typecode is the type of those values returned by the Modula-3 TYPECODE operator. \index{typecodes}

Handle <: PublicHandle;
  PublicHandle = OBJECT
    eh: EventStubLib.Handle;
    local: BOOLEAN;
Handle represents a single message being worked on by a client, either being created or responded to. Clients need to see the EventStubLib.Handle to call the EventStubLib routines.

\paragraph{Shared object client stubs.} \index{stubs!client}

Here is a simplified sketch of the procedure calls performed by a client to make a shared update call to a method of obj:

         m := StartCall(obj); 
         IF MarshalArgs(m) THEN
           <marshal to "c" the number of this method>
           <marshal to "c" the method arguments>
           SequenceCall(m, stubProt);
           <apply the method>
           IF m # NIL THEN EndCall(m) END;
The sender always marshals arguments in its native format; the receiver performs any conversions that may be needed. Here are the specifications of the client protocol procedures:

PROCEDURE StartCall(obj: SharedObj.T) : Handle
    RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Return a Handle structure to the owner of obj, write to the connection a protocol request to perform a remote method call to obj, using the data representation NativeRep.\ttindex{SharedObjRT.StartCall}
 Upon return from StartCall,  the client stub should marshal 
   a specification of the method being invoked followed by any


PROCEDURE MarshalArgs(m: Handle): BOOLEAN;
MarshalArgs returns true if the arguments need to be marshalled. Arguments are only marshalled if the call is going to be sent to other machines.

PROCEDURE SequenceCall(m: Handle; stubProt: StubProtocol)
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Thread.Alerted};
SequenceCall indicates the end of the arguments for the current method invocation event, and blocks waiting for the update event to be sequenced. The value stubProt is the stub protocol version under which the arguments and results were encoded.\ttindex{SharedObjRT.SequenceCall}
 Upon return from SequenceCall the client stub should actually
   apply the method to the local object. 

PROCEDURE EndCall(m: Handle) RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
EndCall indicates the end of the shared object call. This call must be made after sequence call, and the local method should be called between SequenceCall and EndCall. \ttindex{SharedObjStubLib.EndCall}
 \paragraph{Marshaling of generic data.} \index{marshaling!of generic
   data} The following procedures are made available to permit the generic
   marshaling of various primitive data types.  In general, the
   EventStubLib routines are used, except where equivalent routines
   exist here. 

PROCEDURE OutRef (h: Handle; r: REFANY)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal the data structure reachable from r. Certain datatypes are handled specially: subtypes of Rd.T and Wr.T are not allowed to be marshalled. The types TEXT and REF ARRAY OF TEXT are marshaled by copying via custom code for speed. Subtypes of NetObj.T and SharedObj.T are copied by sending their network identifiers and only copying the data at a later point if the corresponding object does not exist on the remote machines. All others are marshaled by copying as pickles. \ttindex{EventStubLib.OutRef}

  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a char array in native format.

PROCEDURE OutBytes (h: Handle; READONLY bytes: ARRAY OF Byte8)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a byte array.

PROCEDURE OutInteger (h: Handle; i: INTEGER)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal an integer in native format.

PROCEDURE OutInt32 (h: Handle; i: Int32) RAISES
  {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a 32-bit integer in native format.

PROCEDURE OutByte (h: Handle; i: Byte8) RAISES
  {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a byte.

PROCEDURE OutBoolean (h: Handle; bool: BOOLEAN)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a boolean value.

PROCEDURE OutReal (h: Handle; r: REAL) RAISES
  {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a real in native format.

PROCEDURE OutLongreal (h: Handle; card: LONGREAL)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a longreal in native format.

PROCEDURE OutExtended (h: Handle; card: EXTENDED)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal an extended in native format.

PROCEDURE OutCardinal (h: Handle; card: CARDINAL)
  RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Marshal a cardinal in native format.
 The following procedures are provided in support of generic unmarshaling
   of data.  In all cases, rep indicates the encoding of the incoming
   data.  These procedures could be replaced by inline unmarshaling code
   whenever the relevant elements of rep match the corresponding elements
   of NativeRep. 

PROCEDURE InRef (h: EventStubLib.Handle; tc := -1): REFANY
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a marshaled subtype of REFANY as pickled by OutRef. If tc is non-negative, it is the typecode for the intended type of the reference. A Error exception is raised if the unpickled result is not a subtype of this type. If tc is negative, no type checking is performed. \ttindex{EventStubLib.InRef}

PROCEDURE InChars (h: EventStubLib.Handle; VAR chars: ARRAY OF CHAR)
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a char array of length NUMBER(chars).

PROCEDURE InBytes (h: EventStubLib.Handle; VAR bytes: ARRAY OF Byte8)
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a byte array of length NUMBER(bytes).

PROCEDURE InInteger (h: EventStubLib.Handle;
                     min            := FIRST(INTEGER);
                     max            := LAST(INTEGER)   ): INTEGER
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal an integer, checking that its value is in [min..max].

PROCEDURE InInt32 (h: EventStubLib.Handle; min := FIRST(Int32); max :=
  LAST(Int32)): Int32 RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a 32-bit integer, checking that its value is in [min..max].

PROCEDURE InByte (h: EventStubLib.Handle; max := LAST(Byte8)): Byte8
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a byte, checking that its value is in [0..max].

PROCEDURE InBoolean (h: EventStubLib.Handle): BOOLEAN
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a boolean value.

PROCEDURE InReal (h: EventStubLib.Handle): REAL
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a real value.

PROCEDURE InLongreal (h: EventStubLib.Handle): LONGREAL
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a longreal value.

PROCEDURE InExtended (h: EventStubLib.Handle): EXTENDED
  RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal an extended value.

PROCEDURE InCardinal (h: EventStubLib.Handle;
                      lim: CARDINAL := LAST(CARDINAL)): CARDINAL
                      RAISES {SharedObj.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Unmarshal a cardinal, checking that its value is in [0..lim].
 \paragraph{Local Object Locking.}  
   \index{Shared object stubs!locking the object}
   The stubs need to get lock the object before they act on it.
   Non-update method stubs execute the object method inside a read lock, which
   can be acquired simultaneously be multiple readers, as follows:

         RETURN <execute non-update method>
Update methods execute the object method inside an exclusive lock, in a similar fashion:

         RETURN <execute update method>

PROCEDURE ReleaseReadLock(self: SharedObj.T);
PROCEDURE AcquireReadLock(self: SharedObj.T);
PROCEDURE ReleaseWriteLock(self: SharedObj.T);
PROCEDURE AcquireWriteLock(self: SharedObj.T);
\paragraph{Pickling stub routines.} Before an object can be sent to another machine, the local space must finish initializing. In particular, we must either identify ourself as a sequencer or set our sequencer.

PROCEDURE StartWritePickle(obj: SharedObj.T; wr: Pickle.Writer)
  RAISES {Pickle.Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};

PROCEDURE EndWritePickle(obj: SharedObj.T; wr: Pickle.Writer)
  RAISES {Pickle.Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted};

PROCEDURE StartReadPickle(obj: SharedObj.T; rd: Pickle.Reader;
                          from: ObjectSpace.T)
  RAISES {Pickle.Error, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};

PROCEDURE SetupNewCopy(obj: SharedObj.T; rd: Pickle.Reader; id: Pickle.RefID;
                       from: ObjectSpace.T): SharedObj.T
  RAISES {Pickle.Error, Thread.Alerted};

PROCEDURE InhibitTransmission(tc: INTEGER; reason: TEXT);
  (* Inhibits the network transmission of any object whose type has
     typecode "tc"; a Pickle.Error will result. By default, Callback
     objects cannot be transmitted.  If an implementor wishes to
     transmit a Callback, they must implement the pickle function.
     The reason should be a string like "callback object cannot
     be transmitted/duplicated". *)

END SharedObjStubLib.