
                            -*- Mode: Modula-3 -*- 
 * For information about this program, contact Blair MacIntyre            
 * ( or Steven Feiner (         
 * at the Computer Science Dept., Columbia University,                    
 * 1214 Amsterdam Ave. Mailstop 0401, New York, NY, 10027.                
 * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the 
 * City of New York.  Blair MacIntyre, Computer Science Department.       
 * See file COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA for details.
 * Author          : Tobias Hoellerer (htobias)
 * Created On      : Fri Nov 10 17:37:04 EST 1995
 * Last Modified By: Blair MacIntyre
 * Last Modified On: Mon Apr  6 17:23:55 1998
 * Update Count    : 40
 * $Source: /usr/cvs/cm3/doc/help/gen_html/sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfProxyCode.m3.html,v $
 * $Date: 2009-06-26 16:35:35 $
 * $Author: wagner $
 * $Revision: 1.4 $
 * $Log: SOxIntfProxyCode.m3.html,v $
 * Revision 1.4  2009-06-26 16:35:35  wagner
 * update from newly generated docs based on birch's packages
 * Revision 1.3  2008-03-17 16:36:44  hosking
 * Update for LONGINT.  Match code base with stubgen.
 * Revision 1.2  2001/12/03 17:23:37  wagner
 * add copyright notes and overrides
 * added: sharedobjgen/COPYRIGHT
 * added: sharedobjgen/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * added: sharedobjgen/src/COPYRIGHT-COLUMBIA
 * added: sharedobjgen/src/m3overrides
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxCodeFiles.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxCodeFiles.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxCodeGenError.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxCodeGenError.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxCodeUtils.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxCodeUtils.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxCoder.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxDummyCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxDummyCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfCBCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfCBCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfCBProxyCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfCBProxyCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfPklCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfPklCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfProxyCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxIntfProxyCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxModuleCBCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxModuleCBCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxModuleProxyCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxModuleProxyCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxModuleSOCode.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/SOxModuleSOCode.m3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/StubGenTool.i3
 * modified: sharedobjgen/src/StubGenTool.m3
 * Revision  2001/12/02 13:15:54  wagner
 * Blair MacIntyre's sharedobjgen package
 * Revision 1.5  1998/05/11 02:34:27  bm
 * bug fixes, added SharedObj.Wait
 * Revision 1.4  1997/10/22 14:45:11  bm
 * Bug fix.  Naming conflicts.
 * Revision 1.3  1997/08/11 20:36:36  bm
 * Various fixes

MODULE SOxIntfProxyCode;

IMPORT SOxCoder(*, Atom*), Formatter, SOxCodeUtils, SOxCodeFiles, Type,
       Wr, ImportList, CodeForType, AtomList;

  InitImports := initImports;
  Import := import;
  Head := head;
  Decls := decls;
  Main := main;
  Bottom := bottom;

<* FATAL Wr.Failure*>
\subsection{Utility procedures and abreviations} All procedures that output code in this module use the Formatter module. The following abreviation is used by all procedures in order to get better readable program text:

         WITH Put    = Formatter.PutText,
                 Nl     = Formatter.NewLine,
                 Tab    = Formatter.Begin,
                 EndTab = Formatter.End      DO
Often used Formatter-procedure sequences are combined in the procdures PutLine.

PROCEDURE PutLine (fmtWr: Formatter.T; text: TEXT) =
    Formatter.PutText(fmtWr, text);
    Formatter.NewLine(fmtWr, freshLine := FALSE);
  END PutLine;


extraImports := ARRAY [1..1] OF Atom.T{Atom.FromText(EmbProxiedObj)};

PROCEDURE initImports(<*UNUSED*>self: T;
                      <*UNUSED*>basename: TEXT;
                      <*UNUSED*>imports: ImportList.T) =

VAR imp := ARRAY [1..1] OF Atom.T{ Atom.FromText(SOxCodeUtils.FileName(basename, SOxCodeFiles.T.CB_I3))};


CodeForType.AugmentImportList(imports, extraImports); CodeForType.AugmentImportList(imports, imp);

  END initImports;

PROCEDURE import(<*UNUSED*>self: T;
                type: Type.Object;
                methods: ImportList.MethodList;
                umethods: AtomList.T;
                imports: ImportList.T) =
    CodeForType.ImportLst(type, imports, methods, umethods);
    (*CodeForType.ImportCBLst(type, imports, methods, umethods);*)
  END import;

PROCEDURE head(self: T;
               wr: Formatter.T;
               filename: TEXT;
               basename: TEXT;
               imports: ImportList.T) =
    SOxCodeUtils.HeaderComment(wr, filename);
    self.basename := basename;
    self.fbasename := SOxCodeUtils.FileName(basename, SOxCodeFiles.T.PRX_I3);

    PutLine(wr, "INTERFACE " & self.fbasename & ";\n");
    CodeForType.ProduceImports(wr, imports);
  END head;

PROCEDURE decls(<*UNUSED*>self: T;
                wr: Formatter.T;
                typeID: Type.Qid;
                <*UNUSED*>stypeID: Type.Qid;
                <*UNUSED*>implName: TEXT;
                <*UNUSED*>methods: ImportList.MethodList;
                <*UNUSED*>umethods: AtomList.T) =
  VAR typTxt : TEXT;
      identfTxt : TEXT;
    WITH Nl     = Formatter.NewLine,
         Tab    = Formatter.Begin,
         EndTab = Formatter.End     DO
      typTxt := CodeForType.QidToText(typeID);
      identfTxt := CodeForType.QidToIdentf(typeID);

      Nl(wr, freshLine := FALSE);
      Tab(wr, 2);
      PutLine(wr, "VAR");
      PutLine(wr, "MkProxy" & identfTxt & " : PROCEDURE(x: " &
        typTxt & ") := NIL;");

PutLine(wr, MkProxy & identfTxt & CB : PROCEDURE(x: & SOxCodeUtils.FileName(self.basename, SOxCodeFiles.T.CB_I3) & . & identfTxt & ) := NIL;);

 END decls;

PROCEDURE main(<*UNUSED*>self: T;
               <*UNUSED*>wr: Formatter.T;
               <*UNUSED*>typeID: Type.Qid;
               <*UNUSED*>type: Type.Object;
               <*UNUSED*>stypeID: Type.Qid;
               <*UNUSED*>implName: TEXT;
               <*UNUSED*>methods: ImportList.MethodList;
               <*UNUSED*>umethods: AtomList.T) =

VAR typTxt : TEXT; identfTxt : TEXT; meth : Atom.T;


WITH Put = Formatter.PutText, Nl = Formatter.NewLine, Tab = Formatter.Begin, EndTab = Formatter.End DO typTxt := CodeForType.QidToText(typeID); identfTxt := CodeForType.QidToIdentf(typeID);

Nl(wr, freshLine := FALSE); Tab(wr, 2); PutLine(wr, TYPE); Tab(wr, 2); PutLine(wr, CBProxy & identfTxt & = EmbProxiedObj.Proxy OBJECT METHODS);

Put(wr,pre_anyChange (); Tab(wr, 0); Put(wr,READONLY obj: & typTxt & );); EndTab(wr); Nl(wr, freshLine := FALSE);

Put(wr,post_anyChange (); Tab(wr, 0); Put(wr,READONLY obj: & typTxt & );); EndTab(wr);

FOR i := 0 TO LAST(methods^) DO meth := methods[i].name; IF AtomList.Member(umethods, meth) THEN Nl(wr, freshLine := FALSE);

Put(wr, pre_ & Atom.ToText(meth) & (); Tab(wr, 0); Put(wr, READONLY obj: & typTxt); CodeForType.PrintSig(wr, methods[i].sig); Put(wr, ): BOOLEAN;); EndTab(wr); Nl(wr, freshLine := FALSE);

Put(wr, post_ & Atom.ToText(meth) & (); Tab(wr, 0); Put(wr, READONLY obj: & typTxt); CodeForType.PrintSig(wr, methods[i].sig); Put(wr, ): BOOLEAN;); EndTab(wr); END; END; EndTab(wr); Nl(wr, freshLine := FALSE); PutLine(wr, END;); EndTab(wr); END;

  END main;

PROCEDURE bottom(self: T;
                 wr: Formatter.T;
                 <*UNUSED*>fname: TEXT) =
    WITH  Nl     = Formatter.NewLine DO
      Nl(wr, freshLine := FALSE);
      PutLine(wr, "END " & self.fbasename & ".");
  END bottom;

END SOxIntfProxyCode.

interface Type is in:

interface ImportList is in:

interface CodeForType is in: